Posts by администратор
Car Engine Coolant Water Temperature Sensor
How does the car reflect the temperature of the car engine coolant? It is through the water temperature sensor, which is also called the water temperature sensor plug. So where is the specific location of the car water temperature sensor? The water temperature sensor enables the control unit to identify engine overheating or an unusual rise in temperature. How much does a car water temperature sensor cost?
Principle and temperature measurement range of NTC thermistor
DS18B20 temperature sensor connected to MCU
DS18B20 is a commonly used digital temperature sensor. It outputs digital signals, has the characteristics of small size, low hardware overhead, силна способност против смущения, висока точност, and is widely used.
Design of DS18B20 Digital Temperature Sensor for STM32
DS18B20 is a digital temperature sensor that uses a single bus timing to communicate with the host. Only 1 Wire is needed to complete the temperature data reading;
DS18B20 has a built-in 64-bit product serial number for easy identification. Multiple DS18B20 sensors can be connected to 1 Тел, and through 64-bit identity authentication, the temperature information collected from different sensors can be read separately.
Design of temperature measurement function of digital temperature sensor DS18B20
DS18B20 Digital Temperature Sensor Connect Arduino
Today I will show you how to use the DS18B20 digital temperature sensor with an Arduino so you can measure the temperature of air, liquids such as water, and the ground.
To connect the DS18B20 digital temperature sensor to Arduino, you need to do the following steps:
Hardware connection:
Connect the VCC pin of DS18B20 to the 3.3V power pin of Arduino.
Connect the GND pin of DS18B20 to the ground pin of Arduino.
Connect the data pin of DS18B20 to the GPIO pin of Arduino (например, GPIO4).
Connect a 4.7kΩ pull-up resistor between the data pin and the 3.3V power pin.
Избор и приложение на NTC термисторни сензори | Висока точност и прецизност
High Accuracy and Precision NTC thermistors Sensors are used in various industries, from medical to industrial applications. The medical industry relies on NTC’s in various applications including catheters, dialysis equipment, and patient monitoring. This medical sensor part is 1355 Ohms at 37°C with Beta 25/85 на 3976.
NTC термисторен сензор Отчитане на температурата с NTC верига
PT100/PT1000 решение за верига за събиране на температура
Metal thermal resistors such as nickel, copper and platinum resistors have a positive correlation with the change in resistance with temperature. Platinum has the most stable physical and chemical properties and is the most widely used. The temperature measurement range of the commonly used platinum resistor Pt100 is -200~850 ℃. Освен това, the temperature measurement ranges of Pt500, Pt1000, и т.н. are successively reduced. Pt1000, temperature measurement range -200~420 ℃. According to the IEC751 international standard, the temperature characteristics of the platinum resistor Pt1000 meet the following requirements: