технология за контрол на температурата

Китайски термопревключвател за защита от прегряване

Термичен превключвател за защита от прегряване

KSD9700 / KSD301 / KSD302 / JUC-31F / S01 / S06 / 7сутринта / 17сутринта / YS11 thermostat is a common Bimetal temperature control protection switch, which adopts the working principle of overheating power-off of bimetallic strip.

Китай “3MP / 6AP/ 8 сутринта /2 сутринта / 3MP / 17AM+PTC над ток & temp биметален протектор” е вид устройство за електрическа безопасност, което комбинира стандарт ” 3MP ” биметална термична защита от претоварване с положителен температурен коефициент (PTC) термистор, което му позволява да реагира на прекомерен ток (свръхток) и високи температури, автоматично прекъсване на захранването и нулиране след отстраняване на проблема; по същество действа като възстановяващ се предпазител с добавена температурна защита.

common Bimetal temperature control protection switch

common Bimetal temperature control protection switch

Snap Disc Limit Switch KSD9700 Temperature Control

Snap Disc Limit Switch KSD9700 Temperature Control

Термичен превключвател за защита от прегряване

Термичен превключвател за защита от прегряване

Key components and function:
•Bimetallic protector:
This is the primary overcurrent protection mechanism, consisting of a bimetallic disc that bends and breaks the circuit when too much current flows through it, causing excessive heat generation.

•PTC Thermistor (Положителна температурна коефициент):
This component further enhances protection by significantly increasing its resistance when it reaches a preset temperature, further limiting current flow in case of overheating.

How it works:
1. 1. Normal Operation:
When current is within safe limits, both the bimetallic disc and PTC thermistor operate normally, allowing current to flow freely.
2. 2. Overcurrent Condition:
If the current exceeds a preset threshold, the bimetallic disc heats up and bends, interrupting the circuit.
3. 3. High Temperature Condition:
Simultaneously, the PTC thermistor also heats up due to high current, drastically increasing its resistance and further limiting current flow.
4. 4. Resetting:
Once the fault is removed and the components cool down, the bimetallic disc returns to its original shape, re-establishing the circuit, and the PTC thermistor resets to its low resistance state, ready to protect again.

17AM+PTC над ток & temp биметален протектор

17AM+PTC над ток & temp биметален протектор

17сутринта / 3MP bimetallic thermal overload protector with PTC

17сутринта / 3MP bimetallic thermal overload protector with PTC

3MP / 6AP Limit Switch Motor over current - термичен протектор

3MP / 6AP Limit Switch Motor over current – термичен протектор

• Motor Protection:
Commonly used in electric motors for appliances like washing machines, сушилни, and vacuum cleaners to protect against overload situations.
• Power Supply Protection:
Can be integrated into power supplies to prevent damage from overcurrent or overheating events.

Important points to consider:
• Current Rating:
Each protector is designed for a specific current rating, which should be matched to the application.
• Trip Time:
The time it takes for the protector to trip depends on the overcurrent level and the design of the bimetallic disc.
• Temperature Rating:
The PTC thermistor has a specific temperature threshold at which it activates, ensuring protection against excessive heat.