продуктови категории
- термистор 18
- Държач за предпазител за монтаж на печатна платка 27
- Окабеляване 4
- Държачи за ножови предпазители 17
- термостат 46
- Електрически предпазител 14
- Термичен прекъсвач 20
- Държач на кутия с предпазители 36
- Температурен сензор 59
- Термоключ 64
- Автомобилен предпазител 19
- Предпазители с болтове 7
- термичен предпазител 32
- предпазители за повърхностен монтаж 12
Продуктови етикети
PTC нагревател от алуминиев корпус
брониран сензор за термодвойки
ножов държач за предпазител
Автомобилен ножов предпазител
Автомобилен предпазител
Керамичен PTC нагревател
Предпазител от керамична тръба
Дискови термостати
Ds18b20 температурен сензор
електрически предпазител
Бързо/бавно работещ предпазител
Държач на кутия с предпазители
Предпазител от стъклена тръба
Вграден държач за предпазител
Термостат Limit Snap Disc
Мини автоматични прекъсвачи
Защита от претоварване на двигателя
Термична защита на двигателя
NTC сензор
NTC термисторен сензор
Държач за предпазител за монтаж на печатна платка
PPTC възстановяем предпазител
PT100 Температурен датчик
PTC нагревател
PTC термистор
съединител на сензора
Сензорни сонди & Кабели
едностепенен капилярен термостат
Микро предпазител с бавен удар
Интелигентен термостат
Предпазители за повърхностен монтаж
Връзка за изключване на темп
Превключвател за контрол на температурата
Температурен предпазител
Температурен сензор
Кабел за температурен датчик
Сонда за температурен сензор
температурен ключ
Термично прекъсване
Превключвател за термично изключване
Термичен предпазител
термичен протектор
Термисторна сензорна сонда
Platinum series resistance temperature sensor
pt100, pt1000 platinum resistance element Main classification:
For a thin film platinum resistance pt100, pt1000 platinum resistance element such terms. The products are mainly divided into several categories, covering products in low temperature, medium temperature and high temperature.
Glass-wound platinum RTD elements are made by winding double-strand platinum wire on a glass core and then wrapping glass on the outside. Glass-encapsulated RTDs are widely used as temperature probe temperature measurement elements, especially for those temperature measurement requirements that require high precision and fast response. High-precision temperature sensor is a sensor that uses various physical properties of a material to change with temperature and converts temperature into electricity. These showed a regular change of the physical properties of the main body. The temperature sensor is the core part of the temperature measuring instrument. According to the measurement method, it can be divided into two types: contact type and non-contact type. According to the characteristics of the sensor material and electronic components, it is divided into two types: thermal resistance and thermocouple.
Pt100, Pt1000 Overview:
Generally platinum series resistance temperature sensors, като Pt100, Pt1000, are high precision temperature sensors. According to Chinese standards, it is divided into second-class platinum resistors with an accuracy of +/- 0.3 °C, and first-class platinum resistors with an accuracy of +/- 0.15 ° C according to international IEC standards. Class B is equivalent to domestic second-class platinum resistors with an accuracy of +/- 0.3 °C, and Class A is equivalent to domestic first-class platinum resistors with an accuracy of +/- 0.15 °C. A higher level is AA level, which is 1 / 3B level, and the accuracy is +/- 0.1 °C. There are also some international manufacturers that can produce non-standard high-precision platinum resistance temperature sensors, като например 1 / 5B grade, with an accuracy of +/- 0.06 °C (some are 1 / 6Б, with an accuracy of +/- 0.05 °C). Higher accuracy temperature sensors for calibration, като например 1 / 10B class, accuracy is +/- 0.03 ℃. There are also some European laboratories that can calibrate extremely precise platinum resistance temperature sensors, като например 1 / 30B grade, with an accuracy of +/- 0.01 °C. These ultra-high-precision temperature sensors have extremely high accuracy, but the sensors and their processing circuits are extremely expensive, so high-precision temperature sensors are only used where necessary. Do not blindly demand too much, exceed the actual use requirements.
Pt100, Pt1000 working principle:
The temperature sensor thermometer achieves thermal equilibrium through conduction or convection, so that the display value of the thermometer can directly indicate the temperature of the measured object. Общо взето, the measurement accuracy is high. Within a certain temperature range, the thermometer can also measure the temperature distribution inside the object. But for moving objects, small targets or objects with small heat capacity, large measurement errors will occur. Commonly used thermometers include bimetal thermometers, glass liquid thermometers, pressure thermometers, resistance thermometers, термистори, and thermocouples.
pt100, pt1000 platinum resistance element Applications:
Widely used in industry, agriculture, commerce and other sectors. These thermometers are often used in daily life. With the wide application of cryogenic technology in superconducting technology and defense engineering, space technology, metallurgy, електроника, храна, pharmaceutical and petrochemical sectors such as research, measuring the temperature of 120K or less of the low-temperature thermometer has been developed. Such as low temperature gas thermometer, vapor pressure thermometer, acoustic thermometer, paramagnetic salt thermometer, quantum thermometer, low temperature thermal resistance and low temperature thermocouple. Low temperature thermometers require small temperature sensing elements, висока точност, reproducibility and stability. Carburized glass thermal resistance made by porous high-silica glass carburizing and sintering is a kind of temperature sensing element of low temperature thermometer, which can be used to measure the temperature in the range of 1.6 ~ 300K.
pt100, pt1000 platinum resistance element Main classification:
For a thin film platinum resistance pt100, pt1000 platinum resistance element such terms. The products are mainly divided into several categories, covering products in low temperature, medium temperature and high temperature.
Low temperature part:-
200 ~ 150 ℃ (mainly used in various low temperature environment)
Medium temperature section:
-50 ~ 400 ℃ (mainly used in various medium temperature environment)
-50 ~ 550 ℃ (mainly used in various medium temperature environment)
-50 ~ 600 ℃ (mainly used in various medium temperature environment)
Remarks: Above 600 ℃ are high temperature parts, and the appearance of the component is a cylindrical ceramic body. Въпреки това, its internal structure is still a thin film structure, which is different from domestic wire-wound pt100 platinum resistors sold on the market.
High temperature part:
-50 ~ 850 ℃ (mainly used in various high temperature environment)
-50 ~ 1000 ℃ (mainly used in various high-temperature environment conditions)
Many manufacturers’ platinum resistance products have different nominal temperature ranges. Some even cover the entire temperature range from low to medium temperature and low to high temperature, which is worth noting for this way of marking. Strictly speaking, the reason why platinum resistance elements are divided into different temperature ranges is the operating temperature range corresponding to their best performance. In short, “you need to use low-temperature parts for low-temperature measurement, medium-temperature parts for medium-temperature measurement, and high-temperature parts for high-temperature parts.” For some standards such as “-200 ~ 500 °C, -200 ~ 800 °C”, we will make some brief comparisons here. This standard method obviously mixed the low temperature range of platinum resistance with the Chinese range. Въпреки това, in fact, it is absolutely impossible for a medium-temperature component to exhibit such an ideal test effect at a low temperature, and it may be damaged. This is mainly due to the differences in the production processes of low-temperature components, medium-temperature and high-temperature components. Следователно, when we manufacturers generally mark, they will mark according to the corresponding temperature range. For different customers, it is only necessary to determine whether your subject’s temperature measurement range belongs to medium temperature, low temperature, or high temperature. This is a problem that deserves attention. “-200 ~ 500 °C, -200 ~ 800 °C”, please pay attention to it. Because it actually involves your test results, it is not good to have a large test range, which is exactly our most common misunderstanding.
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Сглобка на сонда за сензор за терморезистор в Китай за контрол на температурата
Производител на сонди за резисторни сензори от висок клас — YAXUN е специализирана в термистори с температурна чувствителност и квалифицирани по AEC-Q200. TCTR - NTC дебелослоен термистор. 47-1.6MΩ. Най-строга толерантност 1%. B Стойност 2410K - 4800К.
Сензор за температура на термистора — базирани на силиций линейни термистори на същата цена и размер като традиционните NTC термистори. Постигнете надеждност на системата с висока точност с най-малките линейни термистори в индустрията.
Ds18b20 Сензорна сонда и кабел
Характеристики на температурен сензор DS18B20: водоустойчив, антикорозионни.
Подробности за опаковката: може да се персонализира според нуждите. MAXIM внос с оригинална опаковка; Пакет TO-92; големи количества на склад. И осигурете цифров температурен сензор DS18B20 във водоустойчива опаковка от неръждаема стоманена тръба.
probe & cable of thermal resistance sensor
The probe & cableof platinum resistance sensor: stainless steel probe package, thread, magnetic body package, spring top tight, ABS shell, glass fiber and other waterproof protection temperature probes and High temperature wire silicone braided cable, mica wire, glass fiber wire, electronic wire, Teflon wire.
термисторни сензорни сонди и компоненти
термистор (отрицателен температурен коефициент) сензорни сонди (ОТЛИЯНА СОНДА, затворен край SST тръба; Силиконов катетър на Фоли; епоксидно запечатано, Никелирана месингова тръба) /компоненти (Кабел & конектор) подходящ за различни приложения и индустрии. Нашите сонди и компоненти THERMISTOR са подходящи за приложения за измерване на температура, като например откриване на повърхностна температура, въздух-газ, електроуреди, захранвания, ОВК/хладилни системи, течности, медицинско лечение, и мониторинг.