Термични протектори Thermik S06 с бързо действие в стил бутон, ST06

Произведена в Китай алтернатива THERMIK S06 140.05 ТЕРМОПРОТЕКТОР 140 oC 10~25 Amp 250V. Термичните протектори от YAXUN се отличават с по-висока тоководеща способност и експлоатационен живот в сравнение с конвенционалните продукти на други производители.

Произведена в Китай алтернатива THERMIK S06 140.05 ТЕРМОПРОТЕКТОР 140 oC 10~25 Amp 250V. Термичните протектори от YAXUN се отличават с по-висока тоководеща способност и експлоатационен живот в сравнение с конвенционалните продукти на други производители.

S06 / ST06 U4 Thermal protector Main parts

1) Ceramic cover plate 2) stationary silver contact 3) spring disc 4) movable contact 5) Conductive housing 6) bimetal disc

Серия S06 термозащита тип бутон за бобини двигатели трансформатори помпи

Серия S06 термозащита тип бутон за бобини двигатели трансформатори помпи

Thermik S01 S06 Thermal Protectors for Motor Protect

Thermik S01 S06 Thermal Protectors for Motor Protect

Термични протектори Thermik S06 с бързо действие в стил бутон, ST06

Термични протектори Thermik S06 с бързо действие в стил бутон, ST06


Stationary silver contact are riveted with ceramic cover plate. The movable contact are welded to the spring disc, which is in the shape of a cross, and the four feet are connected to the bottom of the housing. The inner hole of the bimetal disc is placed on the spring disc through the movable contact. The current pass through the stationary silver contact to the movable contact, and then connects the conductive housing through spring discs to form a loop.


When the circuit is normal, the movable contact is in close contact with the stationary silver contact under the pre-pressure of the spring disc. При достигане на номиналната работна температура, the bimetal disc is deformed by heat, snaps into its inverted position and pushes the spring disc downwards. The contact is abruptly opened and the temperature rise of the device to be protected is disrupted.

After the circuit is disconnected, the ambient temperature begins to fall. When it reaches the defined reset temperature, the bimetal disc and the spring disc snaps back into its start position, the movable contact and the stationary silver contact will close again, and the circuit returns to the conduction state.

T.S06.070.05 Thermal protector S06.070.05.0300/0300;
T.S06.080.05 Thermal protector S06.080.05.0300/0300;
T.S06.090.05 Thermal protector S06.090.05.0300/0300;
T.S06.100.05 Thermal protector S06.100.05.0300/0300;
T.S06.110.05 Thermal protector S06.110.05.0300/0300;
T.S06.120.05 Thermal protector S06.120.05.0300/0300;
T.S06.130.05 Thermal protector S06.130.05.0300/0300;
T.S06.135.05 Thermal protector S06.135.05.0300/0300;
T.S06.140.05 Thermal protector S06.140.05.0300/0300;
T.S06.150.05 Thermal protector S06.150.05.0300/0300;
T.S06.155.05 Thermal protector S06.155.05.0300/0300;
T.S06.160.05 Thermal protector S06.160.05.0300/0300;
T.S06.180.05 Thermal protector S06.180.05.0300/0300;
T.S06.200.05 Thermal protector S06.200.05.0300/0300;

Thermal Protectors Thermik S06, ST06 Dimensions

Thermal Protectors Thermik S06, ST06 Dimensions

Nominal switching temperature (NST) in 5°C : 60 °C – 180 °C
Tolerance (стандарт) : ±5K
Reverse switch temperature (RST) tolerance : 35 °C (≤ 95°C NST)
-50K±15K (≥ 100°C ≤ 180° C NST) : Thickness : 6.3мм
Диаметър : 9.0мм
Дължина : 17мм
Resistance to impregnation : suitable
Suitable for installation in protection class : I+II
Pressure resistance to the switch housing : 600Н
Standard connection : 0.81 mm² / AWG18
Operating voltage range AC/DC : up until 500 V AC/28 V DC
Rated voltage AC : 250 V(VDE), 277 V(УЛ)
Rated current AC cos ϕ = 1.0 /цикли : 10А / 10,000
Rated current AC cos ϕ = 0.6 /цикли : 6.3 А / 10,000
Макс. switching current AC cos ϕ = 1.0 /цикли : 25 А / 100
Rated voltage DC : 24.0 V
Макс. switching current DC /cycles : 40 А / 3,000
Изолационно напрежение : 1.5 kV
Total bounce time : < 1 г-жа
Контактно съпротивление : 50
Vibration resistance at 10 … 60 Hz : 100 m/s²
Available approvals : UL/VDE/CQC

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