продуктови категории
- Държач на кутия с предпазители 36
- Температурен сензор 67
- Термоключ 64
- Автомобилен предпазител 19
- Предпазители с болтове 7
- термичен предпазител 32
- предпазители за повърхностен монтаж 12
- термистор 22
- Държач за предпазител за монтаж на печатна платка 27
- Окабеляване 6
- Държачи за ножови предпазители 17
- термостат 46
- Електрически предпазител 14
- Термичен прекъсвач 20
Продуктови етикети
TO-220 PCB-биметален диск Малък термичен защитен термостат
JUC 31F / ST01 B U8 серия TO-220 PCB-биметален дисков термостат: Биметален термостат SPST с бързо действие, който отговаря на стандартите RoHs.
JUC 31F / ST01 B U8, 6700 Субминиатюрен термостат от серия TO-220: Субминиатюрен биметален дисков термостат с контактно съпротивление от 50 милиома макс. Има възможност за превключване до 2 усилвател за 48 VDC или 120 VAC за 30,000 цикли.
A TO-220 PCB-Thermal protection Thermostat is a method that detects high temperatures and disconnects power to electronic circuits to prevent damage or fires. A TO-220 PCB- Thermal protectors Thermostat are often used in motors to prevent overheating and fires by turning off the electricity when the motor’s heat rises too high. Thermal protectors are usually placed inside the motor.
A TO-220 PCB-bimetal disc thermostat is a thermally actuated switch that uses a bimetallic disc to sense temperature and open or close an electrical circuit. When the disc is exposed to a predetermined temperature, it snaps and either breaks or completes the circuit. Here are some examples of TO-220 PCB-bimetal disc thermostats:
JUC 31F / ST01 B U8 серия TO-220 PCB-биметален дисков термостат: Биметален термостат SPST с бързо действие, който отговаря на стандартите RoHs.
JUC 31F / ST01 B U8, 6700 Субминиатюрен термостат от серия TO-220: Субминиатюрен биметален дисков термостат с контактно съпротивление от 50 милиома макс. Има възможност за превключване до 2 усилвател за 48 VDC или 120 VAC за 30,000 цикли.
JUC 31F / ST01 B U8, 802 Series PCB Thermostat: A miniature bimetal thermostat that conforms to the international Y220/TO220 package.
PCB-Bimetal Thermostat Connection structure
The static contact and ceramic cover are riveted; The moving contact is welded to the reed, which is in the shape of a cross, and its four legs are connected to the bottom of the shell; The inner hole of the bimetallic strip passes through the moving contact and is placed on the reed. The current passes through the static contact to the moving contact, and then connects to the shell through the reed to form a loop.
ST01 B U8 PCB-Bimetal Thermostat Working principle
When the circuit is in normal state, the moving contact is in close contact with the static contact under the pre-pressure of the reed. When the temperature reaches the operating temperature, the bimetallic strip is deformed by heat and quickly flips, pressing the reed to move downward, causing the contacts to separate and cut off the circuit. After the circuit is cut off, the temperature begins to drop. When the temperature drops to the reset temperature, the bimetallic strip returns to its initial state, and the reed also rebounds to its initial state. The moving contact and the stationary contact re-contact, and the circuit returns to the normal conduction state.
Nominal switching temperature (NST) in 5°C : 60 °C – 180 °C
Tolerance (стандарт) : ±5K
Reverse switch temperature (RST) tolerance :
≥ 35 °C (≤ 80°C NST)
-30K±15K (≥ 85°C ≤ 180° C NST)
Thickness : 5.6мм
Диаметър : 9.8мм
Length of the insulation cap : 18.3мм
Resistance to impregnation : suitable
Suitable for installation in protection class : I+ll
Pressure resistance to the switch housing : 300Н
Standard connection : 0.33 mm² / AWG22
Изолационно напрежение : 1.5 kV
Operating voltage range AC/DC : up until 500 V AC / 14 В DC
Rated voltage AC : 250 V(VDE), 277 V(УЛ)
Rated current AC cos ϕ = 1.0 /цикли :2.5А / 10,000
Макс. switching current AC cos ϕ = 1.0 /цикли : 6.3 А / 3,000/ 7.5 А / 300
Rated current AC cos ϕ = 0.6 /цикли : 1.6 А / 10,000
Rated voltage DC : 12.0 V
Макс. switching current DC /cycles : 40.0 А / 5,000
Total bounce time : < 1 г-жа
Контактно съпротивление : ≤ 50 mΩ
Vibration resistance at 10 … 60 Hz :100 m/s²
Available approvals : UL/TUV/CQC/CB
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