Categorías de Producto
- termistor 18
- Portafusibles de montaje en PCB 27
- Arnés de cableado 4
- Portafusibles de cuchilla 17
- termostato 46
- Fusible eléctrico 14
- Disyuntor térmico 20
- Portafusibles 36
- Sensor de temperatura 59
- Interruptor térmico 64
- Fusible del coche 19
- Fusibles atornillados 7
- fusible térmico 32
- fusibles de montaje en superficie 12
Etiquetas de productos
Calentador PTC con carcasa de aluminio
sensor de termopares blindados
portafusibles de cuchilla
Fusible de cuchilla para coche
Fusible del coche
Calentador PTC de cerámica
Fusible de tubo de cerámica
Termostatos de disco
Sensor de temperatura Ds18b20
fusible electrico
Fusible de acción rápida/lenta
Fusible de tubo de vidrio
Portafusibles en línea
Termostato de disco limitador
Mini disyuntores
Protector de sobrecarga del motor
Protección térmica del motor
sensor NTC
Sensor termistor NTC
Portafusibles de montaje en PCB
Fusible reiniciable PPTC
Sensor de temperatura PT100
calentador PTC
termistor PTC
arnés del conector del sensor
Sondas de sensor & cables
termostato capilar de una etapa
Microfusible de acción lenta
Termostato inteligente
Fusibles de montaje en superficie
Enlace de corte temporal
Interruptor de control de temperatura
Fusible de temperatura
Sensor de temperatura
Cable del sensor de temperatura
Sonda del sensor de temperatura
interruptor de temperatura
corte térmico
Interruptor de corte térmico
Fusible térmico
protector térmico
Interruptor térmico
Sonda del sensor del termistor
PT100 / PT1000 utilizado para sensor de temperatura y humedad
The PT100 and PT1000 are thermal resistance temperature and humidity sensors with LCD display. Working in the industrial environment of -40 ° C ~ +85 °C (host range, not an external sensor range), the acquisition temperature range is -200 ° C ~ +200 °C, display accuracy of 0.1 °C; The overall accuracy is 0.3 °C. By connecting our thermal resistance sensor with our RS-485 repeater, we can connect 32 PT100 and PT1000 thermal resistance acquisition modules to the same network up to 255, and the maximum communication distance is 1200 meters. The PT100 and PT1000 RTD sensors can also be combined with the 8052NET to form a TCP/IP temperature acquisition network for remote acquisition of temperature.
Detailed Description:
PT100, PT1000 is a new type of thermal resistance temperature sensor acquisition module (without PT100, Sensor de temperatura PT1000, need to purchase separately). It can be used to collect the temperature of two channels on the spot. Al mismo tiempo, the RS-485 bus serial communication interface can be used to connect with the environment monitoring host or other industrial control host conveniently.
Working at -40 ° C ~ 85 °C (host range, not an external sensor range) industrial grade PT100, PT1000 thermal resistance acquisition module. There are two kinds of display modes: WD series without LCD display (PT100, PT1000) and LM series with LCD display. The acquisition temperature range is -200 °C ~ +200 °C, the display accuracy is 0.1 °C; the comprehensive precision is 0.3 °C.
The PT100 and PT1000 RTD acquisition modules can be connected to the RS-485 local area control network via an isolated 485 interfaz de comunicación. RS-485 permite hasta 32 PT100 and PT1000 RTD acquisition modules to be connected to the same bus. Sin embargo, if Link-Max RS-485 repeater is used, hasta 256 PT100 and PT1000 RTD acquisition modules can be connected to the same network, Y la distancia máxima de comunicación es de 1200 m.. Before installing the PT100 and PT1000 RTD acquisition modules into the network, configure them. Primero, the baud rate of the module should be set to match the baud rate of the network. Al mismo tiempo, the PT100 and PT1000 RTD acquisition modules should be set to different addresses to prevent the address conflict of each PT100 and PT1000 RTD acquisition module.
After the PT100 and PT1000 RTD acquisition modules are correctly connected, the host issues a read data command to enable the PT100 and PT1000 RTD acquisition modules to send data back to the host. The data in the PT100 and PT1000 RTD acquisition modules is updated every second and the display data of the LCD display is updated periodically (LM series only).
The WD series is used where there is no need to display temperature, such as an outdoor ATM cabinet, which is a DIN rail mounted enclosure. In addition to temperature acquisition, the LM series can also preset the upper and lower alarm values of the temperature. When the environmental parameters exceed the set value, the buzzer in the main engine immediately sounds an alarm.
PT100 and PT1000 RTD acquisition modules are all-digital PT100 and PT1000 RTD acquisition modules with wide application prospects. Using this module makes temperature monitoring very easy. The PT100 and PT1000 RTD acquisition modules can be connected to two-wire, three-wire, four-wire PT100 and PT1000 thermal resistors. When three-wire four-wire is used, the module can effectively compensate the line resistance. Making the length of the cable does not affect the acquisition accuracy. The module is widely used in environmental monitoring systems, power systems and industrial automation, and has excellent cost performance.
The PT100 and PT1000 RTD acquisition modules can also be combined with the 8052NET to form a TCP/IP temperature acquisition network for remote acquisition of temperature.
Parámetros técnicos:
Input response time (data update rate in module) is 1 second synchronous measurement
One-way Isolated 485, MODBUS RTU Communication Protocol
When using RS-485 two-wire output interface, it has the ESD protection function of + 15kV.
Rate (bps) can be selected from 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
Optional dual protocol communication function, customers can request communication protocol with ASCII code format or hexadecimal format
When the instruction is in ASCII format, it is suitable for the microcomputer programming interface; When the instruction is in hexadecimal format, it is suitable for the microcontroller programming interface.
Configurable temperature upper and lower limit alarm function (LM series only)
Accuracy level: 0.2
Power supply: +7.5~30V
Power consumption is less than 0.1W
Host operating temperature range is -40 ° C ~ +85 °C
Measuring range is -200 ° C ~ +200 °C
Storage conditions are -40 ° C ~ +85 °C (RH: 5% ~ 95% no condensation)
Volume: LM series is 106mm × 98mm × 22mm; WD series is 26mm × 98mm × 41mm Installation method:
LM series is wall-mounted mounting hole, built-in diagonal bracket can also be placed on the table; WD series is DIN rail card
Model Guide:
400 network temperature sensor sensor acquisition module with LCD display (with temperature and humidity sensor)
410 network temperature and humidity sensor sensor acquisition module with LCD display (with temperature and humidity sensor)
420 network temperature and humidity acquisition module with LCD display with upper and lower limit alarm output (can control sound and light alarm)
PT100 network type two-way PT100 thermal resistance acquisition module with LCD display
PT1000 network type two-way PT1000 thermal resistance acquisition module with LCD display
PT100 network type two-way PT100 thermal resistance acquisition module without LCD display
PT100 network type two-way PT1000 thermal resistance acquisition module without LCD display
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Conjunto de sonda de sensor de termistor personalizado de China para control de temperatura
Fabricante de sondas de sensor de resistencia de alta gama: YAXUN se especializa en termistores con sensibilidad a la temperatura y calificación AEC-Q200. TCTR - Termistor de película gruesa NTC. 47-1.6MΩ. Tolerancia más estricta 1%. Valor B 2410K - 4800k.
Sensor de temperatura de termistor: termistores lineales basados en silicio al mismo costo y tamaño que los termistores NTC tradicionales. Logre la confiabilidad del sistema de alta precisión con los termistores lineales más pequeños de la industria.
Mazo de cables del sensor de temperatura Ds18b20
El arnés de cableado del sensor DS18B20 es un sensor de temperatura digital de uso común.. La salida es una señal digital., que tiene las características de tamaño pequeño, baja sobrecarga de hardware, fuerte capacidad antiinterferencia, y alta precisión. El sensor de temperatura digital DS18B20 es fácil de conectar, y se puede aplicar en muchas ocasiones después de ser empaquetado., como el tipo de tubería, tipo de tornillo, tipo de imán, y tipo de paquete de acero inoxidable. Hay varios modelos, incluyendo LTM8877, LTM8874 y así sucesivamente.
Producción de sensor de temperatura de platino.
Los sensores de temperatura de la serie STT-M están empaquetados con cuerpos magnéticos.. Para superficies metálicas paramagnéticas, se puede aspirar fácilmente a la superficie para medir la temperatura y se puede instalar y quitar fácilmente. Es adecuado para la detección de la temperatura del punto clave de equipos grandes antes de salir de fábrica., y otras ocasiones en las que el punto de detección de temperatura debe reemplazarse con frecuencia, para mejorar la eficiencia de la detección de temperatura
Sensor de temperatura Pt100 para equipos militares.
Aeroespacial: En el campo aeroespacial, Los sensores PT100 se utilizan para medir la temperatura de las cámaras de combustión de oxígeno líquido e hidrógeno líquido., motores de turbina, pilas de combustible, etc.. de aviones y naves espaciales. Alta precisión, Se requiere alta confiabilidad y gran estabilidad..
Sonda de sensor de temperatura RTD PT100 con cable
What is a Platinum thermal resistance sensor?
Un IDT (Detector de temperatura de resistencia) is a Platinum thermal resistance whose resistance changes with changes in temperature. Its resistance increases as the sensor temperature increases. The relationship between resistance and temperature is well known and repeatable over time. RTD is a passive device. It does not produce output by itself. External electronics can be used to measure the sensor resistance by passing a small current through the sensor to produce a voltage. Típicamente 1 mA or less measurement current, maximum 5 mamá, without risk of self-heating.