NTC anturi
Surface Mount Temperature Sensor Probe for Rice Cooker
NTC Temperature Sensor Probe use in Rice Cooker top Cover, Commercial Cover Rice Cooker Top, Cover Temp Measuring Accessories 23.62 x 0.39 x 0.39 inches; 0.48 ounces. EPCOS / AVX / SEMITEC /SUBARA / MITSUBISHI / OHIZUMI NTC thermistor Sensor, Surface Mount Temperature Sensor. Rice cooker top lids temperature sensor– fast response time for immediate adjustments to heating power: with a quick response time, this probe allows for immediate adjustments to the heating power in order to maintain the desired temperature.
Lämpötila-anturit, Lämpötila-anturityypit & sovelluksia
A temperature probe is a device used to measure temperature, usually consisting of a sensitive element and a measuring circuit. The sensitive element can be a thermocouple (pt100, pt1000), a thermal resistor (ntc, ptc), a semiconductor (DS18B20 digital), jne., which can convert temperature changes into electrical signals. Then it is amplified, filtered, converted, and processed by the measuring circuit, and finally an electrical signal proportional to the temperature is output.
Vedenpitävä 3950K NTC lämpötila-anturin anturi digitaaliselle lämpötilalähettimen jatkokaapelille
Kiina Custom 1, 2, 5 Mittarin vedenpitävä lämpötila-anturi, Ruostumaton teräs 3950 NTC termistori anturi, Digitaalisen lämpötilalähettimen jatkokaapeli. Huomautus: NTC-lämpötila-anturin parametrit voidaan räätälöidä asiakkaan vaatimusten mukaan!