58Vdc Yacht Square -akun terminaalin kiinnityssulake autoveneen matkailuautoon

BOJACK-liittimen sulake 90A:n merikäyttöön tarkoitettu akun sulake (MRBF) 58V DC Max IP66 Waterproof for The Circuit Protection of Automobiles RVs Cranes Ships.

Max Voltage Rating: 58V; Amperage Rating: 100A; Fuse Holder Stud Size: M8 (5/16″); Fuse Holder Mounting Hole: M10 (3/8″)

Liitinsulake 90A:n merikäyttöinen akun sulake (MRBF) 58DC:ssä

Liitinsulake 90A:n merikäyttöinen akun sulake (MRBF) 58DC:ssä

58Vdc Yacht Square Battery Fuse

58Vdc Yacht Square Battery Fuse

BOJACK-liittimen sulake 90A:n merikäyttöön tarkoitettu akun sulake (MRBF) 58V DC Max IP66

BOJACK-liittimen sulake 90A:n merikäyttöön tarkoitettu akun sulake (MRBF) 58V DC Max IP66

Ja: 30A To 500A Ur: 58Vdc
Sertifiointi: ROHS Materiaali: Muovi,keraaminen
Stud: Ruostumaton teräs Ruuvi: Steel, Zinc Plated
Sovellus: Autoteollisuus, Marine, RV, Jahti, Etc
High Light: Ceramic MRBF Fuse, Yacht MRBF Fuse, Battery Fuse 58Vdc

Tuotteen kuvaus

Tuotteen nimi 58Vdc Yacht Square Battery Fuse
Nimellisvirta 30A 40A 50A 60A 70A 80A 100A 120A 150A 200A 300A 400A 500A
Nimellisjännite 58DC:ssä
Base ThermopIastic
Housing Muovi
Insulated Material Keraaminen
Stud Ruostumaton teräs
Ruuvi Steel, Zinc Plated
Melting Element Copper Alloy
Sovellus Autoteollisuus, Marine, RV, Jahti, jne


Features of 58Vdc MRBF Fuse Waterproof Yacht, Keraaminen, Square, Akku, Sulake

The material of base is thermoplastic PPS, which is resistant to temperature and abrasion. The stainless steel material of the stud and screw has good electrical conductivity and strong oxidation resistance. The ceramic material of the fuse is resistant to high temperature, and the copper nickel-plated melting element is resistant to oxidation, and has good electrical and thermal conductivity.

The insulating cover can prevent accidental short circuits, dustproof, and reduce the impact of the environment on product performance. The fuse provides high current protection under the narrow space limitation, and can achieve ignition protection when the fuse and the holder are used together.

The melting condition can be observed through the visible window, and each amperage will be clearly printed on the fuse.


Application of 58Vdc MRBF Fuse Waterproof Yacht, Keraaminen, Square, Akku, Sulake

This battery fuse and fuse holder are widely used in the circuit protection of new energy vehicles, Matkailuautot, cruise ships, cranes, paristot, charging piles and other DC main power supplies, inverters, windlasses and bow thrusters.


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