Alumiinikuorinen PTC-lämmitin
panssaroitu termopari-anturi
terän sulakepidike
Auton terän sulake
Auton sulake
Keraaminen PTC-lämmitin
Keraaminen putken sulake
Ds18b20 lämpötila-anturi
Nopea/hidas sulake
Sulakekotelon pidike
Lasiputken sulake
Inline sulakepidike
Limit Snap Disc -termostaatti
Pienet katkaisijat
Moottorin ylikuormitussuoja
Moottorin lämpösuojaus
NTC anturi
NTC termistori anturi
PCB-asennettava sulakepidike
PPTC nollattava sulake
PT100 lämpötila-anturi
PTC lämmitin
PTC termistori
anturin liittimen johtosarja
Anturin anturit & Kaapelit
yksivaiheinen kapillaaritermostaatti
Hitaasti palava mikrosulake
Älykäs termostaatti
Pinta-asennettavat sulakkeet
Temp Cutoff -linkki
Lämpötilan säätökytkin
Lämpötila-anturin kaapeli
Termistori anturin anturi
Energian varastointi CCS PT100 / PT1000 Sensor & Cable Assembly Solution
Pt100 and Pt1000 are the most widely used RTD sensors Cable. Although similar, their different nominal resistances determine which applications they will suit. Available in two versions: as a thin film sensor and as a wire sensor, which differ in the permissible measurement current and the operating temperature range.
Luokka: Lämpösensori
Tunnisteet: PT100 lämpötila-anturi, Lämpösensori, Lämpötila-anturin kaapeli, Lämpötila-anturi
Advantages of Energy Storage CCS PT100/PT1000 Sensor Cable:
Harness Cable: stable signal transmission;
Rakenne: support design changes;
After-sales: easy to repair;
Temperature acquisition: excellent moisture resistance.
Product parameters:
1. Isolation board: fire retardant. Material is PC+ABS or PA66, jne.
2. Collection end shell: pure nickel shell, thin shell wall, fast heat conduction, good welding penetration effect.
3. 1060 aluminum bar: light structure, low impedance, fast heat dissipation.
4. Connection and fixation: laser welding, firm and beautiful, high degree of automation.
5. High sensitivity and rapid response (resistance value and B value accuracy can reach ±1% respectively).
6. The finished product withstands voltage up to 4200VDC.
7. Built-in high-reliability single-ended resistor, equipped with patented internal structure process, life up to 20 vuotta.
For the bracket, you can choose injection molding or blister isolation board + wire trough;
For the collection component, you can choose wire harness, FPC, PCB, FFC;
For the temperature collection line, you can choose epoxy head, OT terminal, nickel terminal (all including NTC);
For the connection method, you can choose glue, screw, ultrasonic welding or laser welding.
Application scenarios:
Industrial and commercial energy storage, communication energy storage, household energy storage, portable energy storage
Design of Pt100/Pt1000 sensor
In industrial use, Pt100/Pt1000 sensor usually exist as a measuring insert which is installed in a connection head and an appropriate protective fitting. The electrical connection is made within the connection head. As a measuring insert the easily replaceable unit of the thermometer is referred to, which consists of a conduit or cable from suitable material and whose sensitive end contains one or more Pt100/Pt1000 platinum sensor. Protected by a thermowell, a temperature measuring point can be constructed that enables the exchange of the thermometer in the event of repair or calibration without interfering with the process.
A further industrial design of Pt100/Pt1000 sensor are those known as cable probes. In these cases, the connection cable is assembled directly with the metallic part of the thermometer.
Applications for resistance thermometers with Pt100 or Pt1000 sensors
Whether a Pt100 or a Pt1000 , Pt500 sensor is used depends on the respective application. In the process industry, Pt100 sensors represent the most frequently used and the most common type of resistance sensor worldwide. kuitenkin, there are applications where the use of Pt1000 Pt500 sensors makes sense. Thus, for example, with a two-wire connection, the use of Pt1000 , Pt500 sensors has the advantage over Pt100 sensors, since here the influence of the cable length in the overall measuring error is only a fraction of that of Pt100 sensors. Also with battery-operated thermometers the higher nominal resistance of the Pt1000 , Pt500 sensor has a positive effect on the energy balance of the instrument. For this reason, batteries have a longer service life, meaning longer maintenance intervals and with that reduced service costs. When using Pt1000 , Pt500 sensors, it should be ensured that the downstream evaluation electronics can actually process the Pt1000 signal. In modern temperature controllers or display instruments this is usually the case, as the sensor input can be freely configured.
Ota yhteyttä
Sähköpostiasi odotellessa, vastaamme sinulle sisällä 12 tuntia arvokasta tietoa, jota tarvitset.
DALLAS Ds18b20 lämpötila-anturi
Erittäin pieni koko, erittäin alhaiset laitteiston kustannukset, vahva häiriöntorjuntakyky, korkean tarkkuuden, ja vahvat lisätoiminnot tekevät DS18B20:stä suositumman. DS18B20:n edut ovat paras valintamme mikrokontrolleritekniikan oppimiseen ja lämpötilaan liittyvien pientuotteiden kehittämiseen. Toimintaperiaatteiden ja sovellusten ymmärtäminen voi laajentaa ideoitasi mikrokontrollerien kehittämiseen.
RTD PT100 Temperature Sensor Probe with Cable
What is a Platinum thermal resistance sensor?
An RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) is a Platinum thermal resistance whose resistance changes with changes in temperature. Its resistance increases as the sensor temperature increases. The relationship between resistance and temperature is well known and repeatable over time. RTD is a passive device. It does not produce output by itself. External electronics can be used to measure the sensor resistance by passing a small current through the sensor to produce a voltage. Typically 1 mA or less measurement current, maximum 5 mA, without risk of self-heating.
Thin Film Element Pt100 -anturi
Sarja 111 Suoraan upotusprosessilla kierteitetyissä RTD-antureissa on ruostumattomasta teräksestä valmistetut vaipat ja juotosliitokset saatavana 1/8" NPT:nä, 1/4”NPT, 3/8”NPT, 1/2”NPT tai 3/4” NPT. Mikroupotettu RTD-anturi on pienikokoinen lämpötila-anturi, joka on suunniteltu upotettavaksi alueille, joilla on rajoitetusti tilaa.