panssaroitu termopari-anturi
terän sulakepidike
Auton terän sulake
Auton sulake
Keraaminen putken sulake
Ds18b20 lämpötila-anturi
Nopea/hidas sulake
Sulakekotelon pidike
Lasiputken sulake
Inline sulakepidike
Limit Snap Disc -termostaatti
Pienet katkaisijat
Moottorin ylikuormitussuoja
Moottorin lämpösuojaus
NTC anturi
NTC termistori anturi
PCB-asennettava sulakepidike
PPTC nollattava sulake
PT100 lämpötila-anturi
PTC termistori
anturin liittimen johtosarja
Anturin anturit & Kaapelit
yksivaiheinen kapillaaritermostaatti
Hitaasti palava mikrosulake
Pinta-asennettavat sulakkeet
Temp Cutoff -linkki
Lämpötilan säätökytkin
Lämpötila-anturin kaapeli
Termistori anturin anturi
PT1000 temperature sensor used in disinfection cabinets
As a common household appliance, disinfection cabinets are widely used for food disinfection and health care in homes and commercial places. In disinfection cabinets, PT1000 temperature sensors are a very important device for accurately measuring and controlling the temperature inside the disinfection cabinet.
As a common household appliance, disinfection cabinets are widely used for food disinfection and health care in homes and commercial places. In disinfection cabinets, PT1000 temperature sensors are a very important device for accurately measuring and controlling the temperature inside the disinfection cabinet. With the improvement of health and safety awareness, the use of disinfection cabinets in homes and commercial places has become more and more common. Disinfection cabinets effectively eliminate bacteria and viruses through high-temperature sterilization to ensure the safety of food and tableware. Accurate temperature control is one of the important factors to ensure the normal operation of disinfection cabinets.
PT1000 temperature sensor is a thermistor sensor based on platinum material. It has high accuracy and stability and is often used in the field of high-precision temperature measurement. In disinfection cabinets, PT1000 temperature sensors are widely used to measure and control the temperature inside the disinfection cabinet.
Advantage 1: Accurate measurement
PT1000 temperature sensors have high measurement accuracy and can provide more accurate temperature measurement results than conventional sensors. This enables the disinfection cabinet to more accurately control and adjust the temperature of the heating element to ensure the effectiveness and safety of the disinfection process.
Advantage 2: Wide temperature range
PT1000 temperature sensor is suitable for a wide temperature range, usually from -200°C to +600°C. In the disinfection cabinet, the PT1000 temperature sensor can work stably in a higher temperature range, meeting the requirements of high temperature disinfection of the disinfection cabinet.
Advantage 3: Fast response
PT1000 temperature sensor has a fast response characteristic, which can quickly sense temperature changes and promptly feedback to the control system. This is especially important in the disinfection cabinet, because accurate control and adjustment of temperature are crucial to the disinfection effect.
Advantage 4: High temperature resistance
PT1000 temperature sensor is made of high temperature material and has good high temperature resistance. In the disinfection cabinet, the sensor needs to withstand the work in a high temperature environment, and the PT1000 temperature sensor can operate stably and maintain measurement accuracy for a long time.
In the disinfection cabinet, the PT1000 temperature sensor plays a key role in ensuring the accuracy and safety of the disinfection process. Its advantages include accurate measurement, wide temperature range, fast response and high temperature resistance. Disinfection cabinet manufacturers should select suitable PT1000 temperature sensors to ensure the best temperature control and disinfection effect of the disinfection cabinet. When selecting and using PT1000 temperature sensors, it is recommended to follow the manufacturer’s guidance and technical specifications to ensure its normal operation and long-term stability.
Ota yhteyttä
Sähköpostiasi odotellessa, vastaamme sinulle sisällä 12 tuntia arvokasta tietoa, jota tarvitset.
Ds18b20 lämpötila-anturin johtosarja
DS18B20 anturin johtosarja on yleisesti käytetty digitaalinen lämpötila-anturi. Lähtö on digitaalinen signaali, jolla on pienen koon ominaisuudet, matalat laitteistokulut, vahva häiriöntorjuntakyky, ja korkea tarkkuus. Digitaalinen lämpötila-anturi DS18B20 on helppo kytkeä, ja sitä voidaan käyttää useaan otteeseen pakkaamisen jälkeen, kuten putkityyppi, ruuvityyppi, magneetti tyyppi, ja ruostumattomasta teräksestä valmistettu pakkaustyyppi. On olemassa erilaisia malleja, mukaan lukien LTM8877, LTM8874 ja niin edelleen.
koetin & lämpövastusanturin kaapeli
Luotain & platinavastusanturin kaapeli: ruostumattomasta teräksestä valmistettu mittapääpaketti, lanka, magneettinen runkopaketti, tiukka jousitoppi, ABS-kuori, lasikuitu ja muut vedenpitävät lämpötila-anturit ja korkean lämpötilan langallinen silikonipunoskaapeli, kiille lanka, lasikuitulanka, elektroninen johto, Teflon lanka.
thermistor sensor probes and components
termistori (negative temperature coefficient) sensor probes (OVERMOLDED PROBE, closed end SST tube; Silicone Foley Catheter; epoxy sealed, Nickel plated brass tube) /components (Kaapeli & connector) suitable for various applications and industries. Our THERMISTOR probes and components are suitable for temperature sensing applications such as surface temperature detection, air-gas, electrical appliances, power supplies, HVAC/refrigeration systems, liquids, medical treatment, and monitoring.
Thin Film Element Pt100 -anturi
Sarja 111 Suoraan upotusprosessilla kierteitetyissä RTD-antureissa on ruostumattomasta teräksestä valmistetut vaipat ja juotosliitokset saatavana 1/8" NPT:nä, 1/4”NPT, 3/8”NPT, 1/2”NPT tai 3/4” NPT. Mikroupotettu RTD-anturi on pienikokoinen lämpötila-anturi, joka on suunniteltu upotettavaksi alueille, joilla on rajoitetusti tilaa.