Alumiinikuorinen PTC-lämmitin
panssaroitu termopari-anturi
terän sulakepidike
Auton terän sulake
Auton sulake
Keraaminen PTC-lämmitin
Keraaminen putken sulake
Ds18b20 lämpötila-anturi
Nopea/hidas sulake
Sulakekotelon pidike
Lasiputken sulake
Inline sulakepidike
Limit Snap Disc -termostaatti
Pienet katkaisijat
Moottorin ylikuormitussuoja
Moottorin lämpösuojaus
NTC anturi
NTC termistori anturi
PCB-asennettava sulakepidike
PPTC nollattava sulake
PT100 lämpötila-anturi
PTC lämmitin
PTC termistori
anturin liittimen johtosarja
Anturin anturit & Kaapelit
yksivaiheinen kapillaaritermostaatti
Hitaasti palava mikrosulake
Älykäs termostaatti
Pinta-asennettavat sulakkeet
Temp Cutoff -linkki
Lämpötilan säätökytkin
Lämpötila-anturin kaapeli
Termistori anturin anturi
Thermistor temperature sensor for electrical appliances
As everyone knows, the Small appliances , as a popular household kitchenware, not only has the function of heating, but also has many automatic functions. Esimerkiksi, automatic heat preservation, automatic boiling water, automatic rice cooking, automatic soup cooking and other functions. The realization of all these automatic functions requires the Small appliances to be able to accurately measure and control the temperature. The existing Small appliances mainly uses a temperature sensor for temperature measurement. Such as:
Luokka: Lämpösensori
Tunnisteet: Anturin anturit & Kaapelit, Lämpösensori, Lämpötila-anturi, Termistori anturin anturi
As everyone knows, the Small appliances , as a popular household kitchenware, not only has the function of heating, but also has many automatic functions. Esimerkiksi, automatic heat preservation, automatic boiling water, automatic rice cooking, automatic soup cooking and other functions. The realization of all these automatic functions requires the Small appliances to be able to accurately measure and control the temperature. The existing Small appliances mainly uses a temperature sensor for temperature measurement. Such as:
As shown in FIG. 1, it is a schematic structural diagram of a conventional Small appliances temperature sensor having a probe 2 for contacting the Small appliances panel 1. Luotain 2 is a thermal sensitive device such as a thermal resistor. A rubber seat 3 made of a heat-insulating material fixes the probe 2 on the top. Then, the rubber base 3 is installed in the center of the Small appliances panel 1, so that the probe 2 is fully in contact with the Small appliances panel 1, and the lead 4 is also led out of the probe 2. The temperature signal is transmitted to the microprocessor of the Small appliances by the lead wire 4 for further processing. With this Small appliances temperature sensor, since the area of the probe 2 is limited, the contact area with the Small appliances panel 1 is also limited. Lisäksi, since the shape of the contact portion of the induction cooktop plate 1 and the probe 2 may be uneven, it is not possible to guarantee complete contact between the two. Moreover, as the rubber base 3 ages during use, the possibility of incomplete contact increases, which causes the temperature measured by the probe 2 to be inconsistent with the actual temperature of the Small appliances panel 1, thereby affecting the use of the Small appliances.
The temperature sensor on the Small appliances is actually a semiconductor thermistor with a negative temperature coefficient. The resistance value will decrease as the temperature itself rises, and the temperature will rise, and the voltage across the resistance will change through the change in resistance. If it is not connected, the Small appliances will cause an alarm and it will be dangerous.
Generally, two types of resistors with the same specifications are used inside the Small appliances: One detects the furnace surface temperature, One detects the operating temperature of IBGT. When you open the top cover on the Small appliances, there is a circular element in the center of the base, which is the temperature sensor for the Small appliances.
The temperature control of the Small appliances is transmitted to the IC chip and converted to a temperature value according to the resistance value of the thermistor. In order to meet the different temperature heating methods. The other temperature sensor is fixed on the heat sink aluminum plate or squeezes the power tube. Of course, some temperature sensors are installed on the circuit board near the heat-dissipating aluminum plate, which looks the same as the middle under the panel.
Common troubleshooting methods of Small appliances:
1. The fan does not turn: Check the fan power supply and check whether the voltage at the 18V switching power supply is normal.
2. The fan has noise or rotates: Check if the CPU's crystal welding position is correct, and whether the pads are de-soldered.
3. Power is not adjustable: Check whether the CPU works normally (measure the voltage of the relevant pins), and see if the potentiometer (VR) on the motherboard that regulates the current is normal.
4. Start without heating: Check whether the temperature-sensitive thermistor is short-circuited, check whether the inductor L3 is soldered or damaged, and check whether multiple high-power resistors on the motherboard are damaged.
Ota yhteyttä
Sähköpostiasi odotellessa, vastaamme sinulle sisällä 12 tuntia arvokasta tietoa, jota tarvitset.
Ds18b20 anturin anturi ja kaapeli
DS18B20 lämpötila-anturin ominaisuudet: vedenkestävä, korroosionesto.
Pakkaustiedot: voidaan räätälöidä tarpeen mukaan. MAXIM tuotu alkuperäispakkauksessa; TO-92 paketti; suuria määriä varastossa. Ja tarjoa DS18B20 digitaalinen lämpötila-anturi ruostumattomasta teräksestä valmistettuun putkeen vedenpitävässä pakkauksessa.
koetin & lämpövastusanturin kaapeli
Luotain & platinavastusanturin kaapeli: ruostumattomasta teräksestä valmistettu mittapääpaketti, lanka, magneettinen runkopaketti, tiukka jousitoppi, ABS-kuori, lasikuitu ja muut vedenpitävät lämpötila-anturit ja korkean lämpötilan langallinen silikonipunoskaapeli, kiille lanka, lasikuitulanka, elektroninen johto, Teflon lanka.
Platinalämpötila-anturin valmistus
STT-M-sarjan lämpötila-anturit Probe on pakattu magneettisiin kappaleisiin. Paramagneettisille metallipinnoille, se voidaan imeä helposti pintaan lämpötilan mittausta varten ja se on helppo asentaa ja irrottaa. Se soveltuu suurten laitteiden avainpistelämpötilan havaitsemiseen ennen tehtaalta lähtöä, ja muissa tilanteissa, joissa lämpötilan tunnistuspiste on vaihdettava usein, lämpötilan havaitsemisen tehokkuuden parantamiseksi