Categorie di prodotti
- termistore 18
- Portafusibili per montaggio su PCB 27
- Cablaggio 4
- Portafusibili a lama 17
- termostato 46
- Fusibile elettrico 14
- Interruttore termico 20
- Portafusibili 36
- Sensore di temperatura 59
- Interruttore termico 64
- Fusibile per auto 19
- Fusibili imbullonati 7
- fusibile termico 32
- fusibili a montaggio superficiale 12
Tag dei prodotti
Aluminum shell PTC heater
Sensore a termocoppie corazzate
Portafusibile a lama
Fusibile a lama per auto
Fusibile per auto
Ceramic PTC heater
Fusibile a tubo ceramico
Interruttore automatico
Termostati a disco
Sensore di temperatura Ds18b20
Fusibile elettrico
Fusibile rapido/ritardato
Fusibile per tubo di vetro
Portafusibili in linea
Termostato a disco a scatto limite
Mini interruttori automatici
Protezione da sovraccarico del motore
Protezione termica del motore
Sensore NTC
Sensore termistore NTC
Portafusibili per montaggio su PCB
Fusibile ripristinabile PPTC
Sensore di temperatura PT100
PTC heater
Termistore PTC
cablaggio del connettore del sensore
Sonde sensore & Cavi
termostato capillare monostadio
Micro fusibile ad azione lenta
Termostato intelligente
Fusibili a montaggio superficiale
Collegamento interruzione temperatura
Interruttore di controllo della temperatura
Fusibile termico
Sensore di temperatura
Cavo del sensore di temperatura
Sonda del sensore di temperatura
interruttore termico
Interruzione termica
Interruttore termico
Fusibile termico
protettore termico
Interruttore termico
Sonda sensore termistore
KSD9700 thermostat thermal protector switch
KSD9700 series temperature control switch (Hi-Amp cut-off & battery thermal protection thermostat) is composed of high-sensitivity bimetal disc, moving contact, static contact, fixed base, shell, temperature-resistant wire, ecc. When working, the bimetallic disc is in a free state, the moving contact and the static contact are closed, and the circuit is turned on.
KSD9700 series temperature control switch (Hi-Amp cut-off & battery thermal protection thermostat) is composed of high-sensitivity bimetal disc, moving contact, static contact, fixed base, shell, temperature-resistant wire, ecc. When working, the bimetallic disc is in a free state, the moving contact and the static contact are closed, and the circuit is turned on. When the temperature of the electrical appliance rises to the operating temperature of the thermal protector due to a fault, the bimetallic strip generates internal stress due to the heat and quickly acts, pushing the moving contact away from the static contact to disconnect the circuit. Thus, the power supply of the faulty electrical appliance is cut off to protect the electrical appliance. When the temperature of the protected electrical appliance drops to the rated reset temperature value of the thermal protector, the bimetallic strip returns to the initial state, the contact is closed, and the electrical appliance resumes normal operation. This product has the advantages of low resistance, fast temperature sensing, fast action, safety and reliability, and small size.
The current overload protection principle of KSD9700:
The current passes through the moving contact terminal (bimetallic strip), and then the static contact terminal is connected to the electrical appliance (such as a battery, ecc.) to form a circuit. When the current of the electrical appliance is too large and exceeds the trip value set by the protector, the protector will cut off the power supply within the set time to protect the electrical appliance.
The temperature protection principle of KSD9700:
The current passes through the moving contact terminal (bimetallic strip), and then the static contact terminal is connected to the electrical appliance (such as a battery, ecc.) to form a circuit. Quando l'apparecchio elettrico non funziona correttamente e la temperatura circostante è troppo alta, the heat is transferred to the bimetallic strip to reach the corrected trip temperature, causing the electrical contact to quickly disconnect and cut off the circuit. When the temperature drops to the reset temperature, the bimetallic strip resets and quickly closes the electrical contact to connect the circuit, and continues the cycle.
KSD9700 structure and application
The KSD9700 series products are a kind of thermostat with bimetal as temperature sensing element. Quando l'apparecchio funziona normalmente, the bimetallic strip is in a free state and the contact is in a closed/open state. Quando la temperatura sale al valore della temperatura di azione, the bimetallic element generates internal stress due to heat and quickly moves, opens/closes the contact, cuts off/connects the circuit, and thus plays a role in thermal protection. When the temperature drops to the reset temperature, the contact automatically closes/opens and resumes normal working state. It is widely used in household electrical motors and electrical equipment, such as washing machine motors, air conditioner fan motors, trasformatori, ballasts, electric heating appliances, ecc.
Wiring diagram and circuit diagram of KSD9700 temperature control switch
Wiring diagram of temperature control switch ksd9700
Features and advantages
Low internal resistance (<50mΩ);
Fast temperature sensing, fast action, safe and reliable;
Piccola dimensione, easy to install;
Leads of different lengths or specifications can be customized according to customer requirements; two types of normally closed and normally open are available.
KSD9700 series temperature control switch product advantages
⑴ Small size, easy to install
⑵ Quick-acting bimetallic strip, velocità di risposta rapida
⑶ Lifespan up to 10,000 times or more
⑷ Anti-vacuum varnishing process
⑸ Can replace SENSATA 17AM 7AM, Korean SEK ST-22 and other foreign products
KSD9700 series temperature control switch precautions
⑴ When using contact temperature sensing installation, the product should be close to the installation surface of the controlled device.
⑵ Do not collapse or deform the plastic or metal shell during installation to avoid affecting the performance.
⑶ The metal shell KSD9700 has an insulating jacket. Do not remove or crush the additional insulating jacket during installation to avoid leakage and ensure safe use.
⑷ KSD9700 is used in circuits with a current of no more than 5A~45A, and a copper core wire with a cross-section of 0.4-0.75㎜2 should be selected to connect it.
⑸ The product should be stored in a ventilated, pulito, dry place with no corrosive gas and a relative humidity of less than 90% and an ambient temperature below 40°C.
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Termostato di riscaldamento bimetallico KST per interruttore di controllo della temperatura del riscaldatore elettrico
Termostato Bi-Meta KST Interruttore di controllo della temperatura con impostazione della temperatura 60°C~250°C capacità di carico 16A/250VAC. Il termostato di tensione di linea bimetallico è progettato per regolare la temperatura precisa in ambienti commerciali, industriale, e ambienti agricoli. Ampiamente usato nel riscaldatore elettrico, Ferro da stiro elettrico, Friggitrice, Cuociriso, Tostapane, Friggitrice, Luce elettrica calda, Forno e così via.
Fornitore di interruttori termici a scatto limite bimetallico SPST in Cina
Interruttore termico bimetallico SPST-NO/NC Le applicazioni includono motori elettrici, stufa, trasformatori, bobine termiche, elettronica, HVAC, ed elettrodomestici. Interruttore termico bimetallico China Custom Limit Snap (250v10a / 125nel 16a) è un dispositivo di rilevamento della temperatura realizzato con un disco bimetallico formato da 1/2′′ o 3/4′′ che "scatta" ad una temperatura preimpostata.
KSD301 10A 250V NC / NO Termostato Interruttore di temperatura Interruttore di controllo termico
KSD301NC / NO (Normalmente aperto/normalmente chiuso) Valori nominali elettrici dell'interruttore di controllo termico : 16A 125 V CA (Carico resistivo). 10Un termostato da 250 V CA. 16A 250 V CA. Temp. operativa : 50 ~230℃ (UL.CUL 205℃). reazione bimetallica,termostato a riarmo automatico, guscio del termostato in plastica, supporto protettore fisso.
Motor thermal protector
A temperature control switch using a bimetallic sheet as a temperature sensing element:
Motor thermal protector KSD9700, 8SONO, 3deputato, 6AP, 5AP, 2MP series products are a thermostat that uses a bimetallic sheet as a temperature sensing element. When the electrical appliance is working normally, the bimetallic piece is in a free state and the contacts are in a closed/open state.
TO-220 PCB-Bimetal Disc Small Thermal Protection Thermostat
JUC 31F / ST01 B U8 Series TO-220 PCB-Bimetal Disc Thermostat: A snap action SPST bimetallic thermostat that meets RoHs standards.
JUC 31F / ST01 B U8, 6700 Series TO-220 Subminiature Thermostat: A subminiature bimetal disc thermostat with a contact resistance of 50 milliohms max. It has a switch capability of up to 2 amp for 48 VDC or 120 VAC for 30,000 cicli.