Posts by 管理者
Energy storage temperature sensor temperature measurement cable
In the field of energy storage and temperature management, energy storage temperature sensor cables are key components for temperature detection. Their performance and reliability directly affect the safety and efficiency of the entire energy storage system. したがって, when purchasing energy storage temperature sensing harnesses, consumers need to consider multiple factors to ensure that the selected products can meet actual needs and have good cost performance.In the field of energy storage and temperature management, energy storage temperature sensor cables are key components for temperature detection. Their performance and reliability directly affect the safety and efficiency of the entire energy storage system. したがって, when purchasing energy storage temperature sensing harnesses, consumers need to consider multiple factors to ensure that the selected products can meet actual needs and have good cost performance.
How to select the correct thermistor for a temperature sensor?
When faced with thousands of NTC thermistor types, choosing the right one can be quite overwhelming. In this technical article, I will walk you through some of the important parameters to keep in mind when selecting a thermistor. This is especially true when deciding between the two common types of thermistors used for temperature sensing: negative temperature coefficient NTC thermistors or silicon-based linear thermistors.
Commonly used NTC thermistors for air conditioner
There are three types: indoor ambient temperature NTC, indoor coil NTC, and outdoor coil NTC. Higher-end air conditioners also use external ambient temperature NTC, compressor suction and exhaust NTC, 等.
How does the car reflect the temperature of the car engine coolant? It is through the water temperature sensor, which is also called the water temperature sensor plug. So where is the specific location of the car water temperature sensor? The water temperature sensor enables the control unit to identify engine overheating or an unusual rise in temperature. How much does a car water temperature sensor cost?
DS18B20 温度センサーを MCU に接続
DS18B20 は一般的に使用されるデジタル温度センサーです. デジタル信号を出力します, サイズが小さいという特徴があります, ハードウェアのオーバーヘッドが低い, 強力な抗干渉能力, 高精度, そして広く使われています.
STM32 用 DS18B20 デジタル温度センサーの設計
DS18B20 は、単一バス タイミングを使用してホストと通信するデジタル温度センサーです。. のみ 1 温度データの読み取りを完了するにはワイヤーが必要です;
DS18B20 には、簡単に識別できるように 64 ビットの製品シリアル番号が組み込まれています。. 複数の DS18B20 センサーを接続可能 1 ワイヤー, 64 ビット ID 認証を通じて, さまざまなセンサーから収集された温度情報を個別に読み取ることができます.