YAXUN は、エンクロージャーサーモスタットなどのさまざまなサーマルカットアウトサーモスタットスイッチを提供しています, バイメタルサーモスタット, 3/4” & 1/2''スナップディスクサーモスタット, 機械式 HVAC サーモスタット, デジタルおよびプログラム可能な HVAC サーモスタット, Wi-Fi を備えたデジタルおよびスマート サーモスタット.
YAXUN は、エンクロージャーサーモスタットなどのさまざまなサーマルカットアウトサーモスタットスイッチを提供しています, バイメタルサーモスタット, 3/4” & 1/2''スナップディスクサーモスタット, 機械式 HVAC サーモスタット, デジタルおよびプログラム可能な HVAC サーモスタット, Wi-Fi を備えたデジタルおよびスマート サーモスタット.
With the development of social science and technology, food thermometers have been greatly improved. Now the main popular is the probe-type food thermometer, which is not only conducive to hygiene, but also more intuitive to see the measured temperature value. It generally displays the temperature to people in the form of electronic digital display. This unique new generation of probe-type food thermometer has more precise accuracy, reliability and readability. The specifications are designed under strict industry standards, and both commercial and professional requirements are met, especially in cooking, baking, and barbecue.
As a temperature sensor manufacturing industry with NTC chip design capabilities. 近年では, YAXUN has firmly grasped the key core technologies in its own hands, focusing on new energy, electrical fires, food thermometers, high-temperature ovens and other fields, and has achieved product innovation and market breakthroughs. Continuous breakthroughs in the field of high-temperature sensors, developing high-temperature high-precision food probes for barbecue. In compliance with international food safety standards, the temperature can still be measured normally in the extreme high temperature 270℃-310℃ test.
Hydrogen energy refers to the energy released by hydrogen during physical and chemical changes, which can be used for energy storage, power generation, fuel for various vehicles, household fuel, 等. Hydrogen energy is also a secondary energy, green and zero-emission, or energy form.
Temperature control Kit (NTC, PT100, PT1000, DS18B20 energy storage sensor) is an important guarantee for the safe and economic operation of energy storage. In battery energy storage applications, the temperature sensor is mainly responsible for sensing the temperature changes of the battery. When the battery temperature reaches a certain threshold, the BMS will automatically terminate the charging and discharging operations of the battery.
EV temperature sensor kit includes: In addition to electric vehicle battery pack temperature sensors, motor temperature sensors; inverter temperature sensors; charger handle, port and high-voltage connector temperature sensors; thermal management system temperature sensors; cabin temperature sensors; hood temperature sensors.
電気自動車EVバッテリーの最大の敵は何ですか? 極端な温度.
リチウムイオンバッテリーは、15〜45の温度範囲で最適に機能します。. この温度を上回る温度は、バッテリーに深刻な損傷を与える可能性があります, 低温はバッテリーセルの出力を減らすことができますが, これにより、範囲と利用可能な電力を削減します.
EV電気自動車市場が成長するにつれて, EV温度センサーケーブルハーネス市場も成長します. 理由は簡単です: 内燃機関のある車両のように, 電気自動車は、性能と安全性を確保するために、高性能で正確な温度検出とセンサー技術を必要とします.
“Charge for 5 minutes and travel 300km”, this sounds familiar, but this time the protagonist is Huawei, and Huawei’s recently launched super-fast charging pile is far ahead again. Huawei’s fully liquid-cooled super-fast charging pile adopts advanced liquid cooling technology, with the characteristics of efficient heat dissipation, fast charging, safety and reliability.
Thermocouples are a commonly used temperature sensor based on the thermoelectric effect between two different metals. Thermocouples have a wide measurement range and good stability, and are suitable for temperature measurement in high temperature environments. Pellet stoves usually need to measure higher temperatures, so thermocouples are a common choice. Common types of thermocouples include K-type, N-type, and S-type, which can provide accurate temperature measurement in different temperature ranges.