カスタム KSD302 ハイアンプ 3/4″ スナップアクションバイメタルディスクサーモスタット

The KSD302 / KSD308 Snap action bimetal 3/4” Disc thermostat from YAXUN Electric is a versatile, cost effective design. The snap action of the temperature sensing bimetal disc provides high speed contact separation resulting in resulting in high life characteristics at loads of 25A ~ 60 Amp @ 250 VAC.

120°F Close On-Rise (通常開) 3/4” KSD302 Disc Thermostat
The circuit will CLOSE when the temperature reaches 120 °F (± 5 °F), typically turning something on, and the circuit will OPEN when the temperature falls to 100°F (± 5 °F), typically turning something off.

These direct sensing thermostats are larger than standard thermostats, giving them an even more powerful bimetallic disc and a higher electrical rating (25あ〜 60 アンプ). They are ideal for use with heating and air conditioning systems as well as with industrial equipment.

KSD302 Designed for maximum airflow around the thermostat to give quick and accurate response.

KSD302 Featuring a bimetallic, temperature-sensitive disc for snap-action in opening and closing the switch contacts. The bimetallic 3/4” disc is thermally and electrically insulated from the electrical circuit, eliminating self-heating effects. Only the temperature of the controlled equipment causes the switch to actuate.

Switch operation is rapid and positive due to the characteristics of the bimetallic 3/4” disc and the wiping action of the current-carrying contacts. Contact chattering is virtually eliminated, as is false cycling and sparking.

90°F クローズオンライズ 3/4 インチディスクサーモスタット (手動リセット / 通常開)

90°F クローズオンライズ 3/4 インチディスクサーモスタット (手動リセット / 通常開)



bimetal snap disc thermostat online manufacture

bimetal snap disc thermostat online manufacture

Electric Ratings:
25AMP @ 250Vac
Applications For Thermostat:
Water Heater bimetal Thermostat
Dishwasher bimetal Thermostat
Boilers bimetal Thermostat
Clothes Dryer bimetal Thermostat
Industrial Heater bimetal Thermostat
Washing Machine bimetal Thermostat
Air-conditioning bimetal Thermostat
HVAC bimetal Thermostat
Welding Machine bimetal Thermostat

250VAC KSD302 3/4Snap Action Bimetal Disc Thermostat For Electric Welding Machine


Voltage Current: 250v 2a To 60a 温度範囲: 50 To 180C
Life Times: 50000 Times Use For: Electric Welding Machine
製品名: KSD302 Bimetal Thermostat 現在: 10A/15A/16A
リセットタイプ: Auto-reset And Manual-reset 定格電圧: 250VAC
定格電流: 10A/16A
ハイライト: Electric Welding Machine KSD302 Thermostat, KSD302 3/4″ スナップアクションバイメタルディスクサーモスタット

50 to 180C KSD302 3/4Snap Action Bimetal Disc Thermostat Electric Welding Machine

KSD302 Hi-Amp temperature protector’s Principle and structure
KSD302 series 3/4″ スナップアクションバイメタルディスクサーモスタット, is to bring the double shell fully enclosed metal contact temperature type temperature relay, according to heat bilges cold shrink principle make sheet metal bending, to set off the temperature, temperature drop can be manually reset after, on electric up security role.

KSD302 large current 3/4Snap Action Bimetal Disc Thermostat specification
(1) 関数: temperature protection and overheating protection, prevent dry heating
(2) The electrical characteristics: AC250V ~ 400 V / 15 あ〜 60 あ
(3) the highest environment temperature: 180 ℃
(4) working temperature range: 0 °C ~ 250 ℃ (オプション). 温度許容差: ± 5
(5) Normal headscarf insulation resistance: > 100 M Ω
(6) normal contact resistance: より多い 100 m Ω
(7) service life: > 50000 回

Application of KSD302 3/4″ スナップアクションバイメタルディスクサーモスタット
(1) Electric welding machine, electric
(2) Electric equipment,
(3) Electric products,
(4) Steam heater
(5) High power machinery equipment
(6) Demand Water Heaters

Attention of KSD302 3/4″ スナップアクションバイメタルディスクサーモスタット
(1) By using the contact temperature type when installed, should make metal cap surface adhere is accused of mounting surface of the appliance.
(2) When installation shall not cover surface pressure deformation, lest affect performance.
(3) To prevent leakage, when using, can’t let the fluid infiltration within the thermostat, lest affect electric reliability.
(4) This product for bipolar type wiring way, when using, according to mark symbol, correct connection.
The product should be a headscarf in relative humidity is less than 90%, the environment temperature below 40 ℃ ventilation, clean, dry, no corrosive gas storage in the warehouse.

Drawing of KSD302 3/4” Snap Action Bimetal Disc Thermostat

Drawing of KSD302 3/4” Snap Action Bimetal Disc Thermostat

コード オープン温度 温度をリセット コード オープン温度 温度をリセット
45 45±5℃ 33℃以上 140 140±5℃ 100±15℃
50 50±5℃ 35℃以上 145 145±5℃ 100±15℃
55 55±5℃ 42±6℃ 150 150±5℃ 105±15℃
60 60±5℃ 45±8℃ 155 155±5℃ 110±15℃
65 65±5℃ 48±10℃ 160 160±5℃ 115±15℃
70 70±5℃ 50±12℃ 165 165±5℃ 120±15℃
75 75±5℃ 53±14℃ 170 170±3°C 155±5℃
80 80±5℃ 55±15℃ 175 175±5℃ 130±15℃
85 85±5℃ 60±15℃ 180 180±5℃ 135±15℃
90 90±5℃ 65±15℃ 185 185±5℃ 140±15℃
95 95±5℃ 70±15℃ 190 190±5℃ 145±15℃
100 100±5℃ 70±15℃ 195 195±5℃ 150±15℃
105 105±5℃ 75±15℃ 200 200±5℃ 155±15℃
110 110±5℃ 75±15℃   205 205±5℃ 160±15℃
115 115±5℃ 80±15℃   210 210±5℃ 165±15℃
120 120±5℃ 85±15℃   215 215±5℃ 170±15℃
125 125±5℃ 85±15℃   220 220±5℃ 175±15℃
130 130±5℃ 90±15℃   225 225±5℃ 180±15℃
135 135±5℃ 95±15℃   230 230±5℃ 185±15℃


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