PCB バイメタル ディスク サーモスタット TO-220 温度遮断スイッチ

中国カスタムインチハイアンプ 2A~7.5Amp 1/2 TO-220 PCB ディスクサーモスタットのブランド (JUC 31F, 6700, 67F070, KSD-01F) 選択肢と価格の利点. グローバル高電流 ST01 B U6 TO-220 サーマル カットオフ スイッチの認定には以下が含まれます。: UL, CUL, CQC, TUV, CB.

China Custom Hi-Amp 2A~7.5Amp 1/2 Inch TO-220 PCB Disc Thermostat Brand (JUC 31F, 6700, 67F070, KSD-01F) 選択肢と価格の利点. TO-220 PCB Thermal Cutoff Switch are subminiature bimetal thermostats that can be mounted on a PCB. They can be used for a variety of applications, 含む: Heat-sink sensing, Power component monitoring, 電源, and Air-sensing on PCBs.
Here are some examples of TO-220 PCB Thermal Cutoff Switch thermostats:
JUC 31F/ 6700 シリーズ: A lead-free, SPST Thermal Cutoff Switch thermostat with an operating range of 104º F to 266º F;
KSD-01F: A normally closed thermal switch that opens at 203º F;
JUC 31F Series: A RoHs compliant, snap action SPST bimetallic Temperature Control Switch;
67L090: A subminiature PCB mount Thermal Control Switc thermostat that closes on rise 90C.

KSD-01F 温度スイッチ TO220 ノーマルオープン H およびノー​​マルクローズ D

KSD-01F 温度スイッチ TO220 ノーマルオープン H およびノー​​マルクローズ D

PCB バイメタル ディスク サーモスタット TO-220 温度遮断スイッチ

PCB バイメタル ディスク サーモスタット TO-220 温度遮断スイッチ

ハイアンプ 2A~7.5Amp TO-220 PCB ディスクサーモスタット

ハイアンプ 2A~7.5Amp TO-220 PCB ディスクサーモスタット

China Custom Low TEMPERATURE TO-220 Disc Thermostat AS LOW AS 0C (32F). The JUC-31F series is a RoHs compliant, 単一デバイスで正確なセンシング機能を提供するスナップアクション SPST バイメタルサーモスタット.

The 67F070, KSD-01F Series confirms to IEP standards Y220/TO220. したがって、ピック/プレースアプリケーションで自動的に配置およびはんだ付けできます。, ideal for printed circuit boards Factory calibrated 0C-130C in 5C increments.

This bimetal discThermal Cutoff Switch is designed for surface or air sensing for printed circuits and heat sinks and is available in normally open or normally closed configuration. その他の機能としては、:

Temperature range 0C – 155 C
EU 指令 2002/95/EC に従って Rohs に準拠, UL, TUV, UL
TO-220 国際電子パッケージ規格

TO-220 PCB Disc Thermostat Applications

TO-220 PCB Disc Thermostat Main parts
1) Ceramic cover plate 2) stationary silver contact 3) spring disc 4) movable contact 5) Conductive housing 6) bimetal disc

TO-220 PCB Disc Thermostat Construction
Stationary silver contact are riveted with ceramic cover plate. The movable contact are welded to the spring disc, which is in the shape of a cross, and the four feet are connected to the bottom of the housing. The inner hole of the bimetal disc is placed on the spring disc through the movable contact. The current pass through the stationary silver contact to the movable contact, and then connects the conductive housing through spring discs to form a loop.

TO-220 PCB Disc Thermostat Function
When the circuit is normal, the movable contact is in close contact with the stationary silver contact under the pre-pressure of the spring disc. 定格使用温度に達したとき, the bimetal disc is deformed by heat, snaps into its inverted position and pushes the spring disc downwards. The contact is abruptly opened and the temperature rise of the device to be protected is disrupted.
After the circuit is disconnected, the ambient temperature begins to fall. When it reaches the defined reset temperature, the bimetal disc and the spring disc snaps back into its start position, the movable contact and the stationary silver contact will close again, and the circuit returns to the conduction state.

TO-220 PCB Disc Thermostat PARAMETER

Nominal switching temperature (NST) in 5°C : 60 ℃ – 180 ℃
許容範囲 (standard): ±5K
Reverse switch temperature (RST) tolerance: ≥ 35 ℃ (≤ 80°C NST)
-30K±15K (≥ 85°C ≤ 180° C NST) :Thickness 5.6mm /Diameter 9.8mm
Length of the insulation cap: 18.3んん
Resistance to impregnation:suitable
Suitable for installation in protection class: I+ll
Pressure resistance to the switch housing:300N
標準接続 :0.33 mm² / AWG22
Insulation voltage:1.5 kV
Operating voltage range AC/DC:up until 500 交流電圧 / 14 直流電圧
Rated voltage AC:250 V(VDE) ,277 V(UL)
Rated current AC cos ϕ = 1.0 /サイクル: 2.5あ / 10,000
マックス. switching current AC cos ϕ = 1.0 /サイクル: 6.3 あ / 3,000, 7.5 あ / 300
Rated current AC cos ϕ = 0.6 /サイクル:1.6 あ / 10,000
Rated voltage DC: 12.0 V
マックス. switching current DC /cycles: 40.0 あ / 5,000
Total bounce time:< 1 MS
接触抵抗: 50 mΩ
Vibration resistance at 10 … 60 Hz:100 m/s²
Available approvals: UL/TUV/CQC/CB

TO-220 PCB Disc Thermostat Brand JUC 31F KSD-01F Installation Dimensions

TO-220 PCB Disc Thermostat Brand JUC 31F KSD-01F Installation Dimensions


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