軍事機器用 Pt100 温度センサー

航空宇宙: 航空宇宙分野では, PT100 センサーは、液体酸素および液体水素の燃焼室の温度を測定するために使用されます。, タービンエンジン, 燃料電池, 等. 航空機や宇宙船の. 高精度, 高い信頼性と強力な安定性が要求される.

Pt100 / PT1000 sensor probes and wiring harnesses are widely used in military equipment, aviation, and aerospace equipment. The pt100 temperature sensor is an instrument that converts temperature variables into a standardized output signal that can be transmitted. It is mainly used for the measurement and control of industrial process temperature parameters. Transducers with sensors usually consist of two parts:

M6*1, M8*1.25, M10*1.5, M12*1, M14*1.5, M16*1.5, M20*1.5, M27*2 threaded pt100 temperature sensor

M6*1, M8*1.25, M10*1.5, M12*1, M14*1.5, M16*1.5, M20*1.5, M27*2 threaded pt100 temperature sensor

The PT100 sensor is a thermal resistor temperature sensor. Its working principle is to measure temperature by using the characteristic that the resistance of the conductor changes with temperature. In the PT100 sensor, the resistance value of pure platinum changes with temperature. 気温が上がると, the resistance value increases, and vice versa. したがって, by measuring the resistance value of the PT100 sensor, the temperature of the measured object can be known.

PT100 sensors have the advantages of high precision, 良い安定性, 高信頼性, and strong interchangeability, so they have been widely used in various fields. The following are some common application scenarios:

Industrial field: PT100 sensors are widely used in temperature measurement and control in industrial production processes, such as metallurgy, chemical industry, electricity, medicine and other fields. In high temperature, high pressure, and highly corrosive environments such as thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, and petrochemicals, PT100 sensors can stably and reliably measure temperature to ensure the smooth progress of the production process.

Automotive field: The temperature of components such as automobile engines, transmissions, and radiators needs to be accurately measured and controlled. PT100 sensors are widely used in temperature detection and control systems for automotive parts.

航空宇宙: 航空宇宙分野では, PT100 センサーは、液体酸素および液体水素の燃焼室の温度を測定するために使用されます。, タービンエンジン, 燃料電池, 等. 航空機や宇宙船の. 高精度, 高い信頼性と強力な安定性が要求される.

Agriculture: In greenhouse environments, PT100 sensors can be used to measure parameters such as soil temperature and air temperature. Provide precise temperature control and environmental monitoring for agricultural production.

Food: In food processing and storage, temperature is one of the key health and safety indicators. PT100 sensors can be used for temperature monitoring and control in food processing, refrigeration, warehousing and other links to ensure food quality and safety.

Medical: In medical equipment, such as medical thermostats, incubators, 等. PT100 sensors are also used in equipment that requires accurate measurement and control of system temperature.

要するに, PT100 sensors, as a high-precision and high-stability temperature sensor, have been widely used in various fields. It has the advantages of wide temperature measurement range, high precision and good stability, and can provide reliable guarantee for temperature measurement and control of various equipment and systems.

高温耐性銀メッキシールドポリエチレンワイヤーを備えた PT100 センサー

高温耐性銀メッキシールドポリエチレンワイヤーを備えた PT100 センサー

Indexing table
-50℃ 80.31 おお
-40℃ 84.27 おお
-30℃ 88.22 おお
-20℃ 92.16 おお
-10℃ 96.09 おお
0℃ 100.00 おお
10℃ 103.90 おお
20℃ 107.79 おお
30℃ 111.67 おお
40℃ 115.54 おお
50℃ 119.40 おお
60℃ 123.24 おお
70℃ 127.08 おお
80℃ 130.90 おお
90℃ 134.71 おお
100℃ 138.51 おお
110℃ 142.29 おお
120℃ 146.07 おお
130℃ 149.83 おお
140℃ 153.58 おお
150℃ 157.33 おお
160℃ 161.05 おお
170℃ 164.77 おお
180℃ 168.48 おお
190℃ 172.17 おお
200℃ 175.86 おお
composition part


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