炊飯器温度センサープローブ & 接続ケーブルアセンブリ


Both NTC temperature sensors (a type of thermistor) and thermal switches are commonly used in rice cookers to precisely monitor and control the cooking temperature of the rice by detecting the heat generated within the inner pot, allowing for consistent cooking results. NTC thermistor can get closer to the inside of rice cooker, reducing the hysteresis quality of temperature measurement.


防水, 耐腐食 RTD PT100 温度センサー

温度センサー ( NTC / 測温抵抗体 ) コンセプト, 開発と分類

Development of temperature sensors:
100 Ohm Class A Platinum Element (PT100)
温度係数, a = 0.00385.
304 Stainless Steel Sheath
Rugged Transition Junction with Strain Relief
Probe Length – 6 Inches (152 んん) または 12 Inches (305んん)
Probe Diameter 1/8 インチ (3 んん)
Three Wire 72 Inch (1.8メートル) Lead Wire Terminating in Spade Lugs
温度定格 : 660°F (350℃)


Choosing the Right Probe for Temperature Sensing

How to select the correct thermistor for a temperature sensor?

When faced with thousands of NTC thermistor types, choosing the right one can be quite overwhelming. In this technical article, I will walk you through some of the important parameters to keep in mind when selecting a thermistor. This is especially true when deciding between the two common types of thermistors used for temperature sensing: negative temperature coefficient NTC thermistors or silicon-based linear thermistors.
