Temperature sensor refers to a sensor that can sense temperature and convert it into a usable output signal. Temperature sensor is the core part of temperature measuring instruments and there are many varieties. According to the measurement method, it can be divided into two categories: contact type and non-contact type. According to the sensor material and electronic component characteristics, it can be divided into two categories: thermal resistor and thermocouple.

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자동차는 자동차 엔진 냉각수의 온도를 어떻게 반영합니까?? 수온센서를 통해서요, 수온 센서 플러그라고도 함. 그렇다면 자동차 수온 센서의 구체적인 위치는 어디일까요?? 수온 센서를 통해 제어 장치는 엔진 과열 또는 비정상적인 온도 상승을 식별할 수 있습니다.. 자동차 수온 센서의 가격은 얼마입니까??

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DS18B20 Temperature Sensing Wire Stainless Steel Probe Kit

Design of DS18B20 Digital Temperature Sensor for STM32

DS18B20 is a digital temperature sensor that uses a single bus timing to communicate with the host. Only 1 Wire is needed to complete the temperature data reading;
DS18B20 has a built-in 64-bit product serial number for easy identification. Multiple DS18B20 sensors can be connected to 1 철사, and through 64-bit identity authentication, the temperature information collected from different sensors can be read separately.

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Build a simple circuit by connecting DS18B20 digital sensor to Arduino

DS18B20 Digital Temperature Sensor Connect Arduino

Today I will show you how to use the DS18B20 digital temperature sensor with an Arduino so you can measure the temperature of air, liquids such as water, and the ground.
To connect the DS18B20 digital temperature sensor to Arduino, you need to do the following steps:
‌Hardware connection‌:
Connect the VCC pin of DS18B20 to the 3.3V power pin of Arduino.
Connect the GND pin of DS18B20 to the ground pin of Arduino.
Connect the data pin of DS18B20 to the GPIO pin of Arduino (예를 들어, GPIO4).
Connect a 4.7kΩ pull-up resistor between the data pin and the 3.3V power pin.

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