Medical Disposable Temperature Probe, NTC Sensor Od 2.3mm probe

NTC Temperature Sensor Probe use in Rice Cooker top Cover, Commercial Cover Rice Cooker Top, Cover Temp Measuring Accessories 23.62 엑스 0.39 엑스 0.39 신장; 0.48 ounces. 에포코스 / AVX / 세미텍/SUBARA / 미쓰비시 / OHIZUMI NTC 서미스터 센서, Surface Mount Temperature Sensor. Rice cooker top lids temperature sensorfast response time for immediate adjustments to heating power: with a quick response time, this probe allows for immediate adjustments to the heating power in order to maintain the desired temperature.

Medical thermistor temperature sensors (NTC, PT100) are also very important physiological signal measurements in OR, ICU, and CCU. YAXUN can provide a complete set of reusable and disposable temperature probes to measure the patient’s body temperature. There are medical sensor probes for rectum, esophagus, and body surface. The wire is soft and comfortable, non-toxic, and all medical grade materials are used.

Disposable Medical Skin Temperature Sensor Probe

Disposable Medical Skin Temperature Sensor Probe

Medical rectal and esophageal temperature sensor probe

Medical rectal and esophageal temperature sensor probe

Disposable medical temperature sensor for children

Disposable medical temperature sensor for children

Introduction to disposable body medical temperature sensor probes
1. Today’s patient care requires body temperature monitoring, and temperature monitoring is also a very important physiological signal measurement in OR, ICU, and CCU. YAXUN can provide a complete set of reusable and disposable temperature probes to measure the patient’s body temperature.
2. There are probes for rectum, esophagus, and body surface.
3. The wire is soft and comfortable, non-toxic, and all medical grade materials are used in accordance with ANSI/AAMIEC53-1995 and GB706.1-995.
4. Latex-free.

Indications of disposable medical temperature sensor probes
Disposable temperature sensor probes are matched with multi-parameter monitors with temperature monitoring functions, and are suitable for one-time use when collecting and transmitting patient temperature signals.

Principle of disposable temperature sensor probes
Medical temperature probes can provide continuous temperature management for patients more accurately, safely and comfortably, and such temperature probes play an increasingly important role in the prognosis period during anesthesia and after perioperative period.

Features of disposable medical temperature sensor probes
1. Accurate and anti-interference skin temperature probe: The temperature probe is an embedded design, and the measured part is in direct contact with human skin. The probe chip has high sensitivity and can continuously and accurately provide patient temperature data; the top reflective layer can block external temperature interference.
2. Safe and comfortable foam, medical surgical grade film: low-viscosity foam, fixed temperature measurement position, and a layer of medical surgical film on the bottom is comfortable and non-irritating to the skin, especially for infants and children.
3. Safe, 믿을 수 있는, and no cross-infection: Insulation protection does not pose a risk of electric shock to patients; disposable, in line with hospital infection requirements, and no cross-infection to patients. Safe and reliable connection design prevents liquid inflow and ensures data accuracy.

Advantages of disposable medical temperature sensor probe
1. Adopting high-precision thermistor, it can continuously and accurately provide clinical temperature data to meet clinical temperature measurement needs.
2. Disposable use to prevent cross infection between patients.
3. Complete specifications to meet the temperature detection needs of adults, children, infants and newborns.
4. The adhesive surface treated with optimized technology makes the skin feel almost no stimulation or pressure.
5. The back of the surface temperature sensor probe is equipped with reflective silver paper foam to prevent interference from external heat sources, and the foam adhesive film does not damage the skin.
6. The ear canal temperature sensor probe adopts a double soft memory foam design, which can reduce the risk of damaging the tympanic membrane and block the influence of external heat sources.
7. Widely compatible with medical monitors currently on the market.


유형: Body Cavity Temperature Probe B25/50: 3950케이, 3977케이, 3435케이
센서 헤드: O 링, 포크 메탈, 주입된 튜브, NPT, M16, 스테인레스 스틸 튜브 철사: CL2 PT4,#24 2466,#28 1332
용법: Body Cavity Temperature Probe, 순간온수기, 온수기, 에어컨, 냉장고, 분수, 유도 밥솥, 커피 메이커 Pn (정격 출력): 50MW
하이 라이트: 에포코스 / AVX / 세미텍/SUBARA / 미쓰비시 / OHIZUMI NTC 서미스터 센서, Surface Mount Temperature Sensor

Body Cavity Temperature Probe Wire 0.5M~10M Theory Signal Output Origin.

사양명 범위 검출 조건
R25(공칭 저항 값) 1케이, 2케이, 2.7케이, 3케이, 5케이, 10케이, 15케이, 20케이, 30케이, 40케이, 47케이, 50케이, 100케이, 200케이 (에포코스 / AVX / 세미텍/SUBARA / 미쓰비시 / OHIZUMI NTC 서미스터) 일정한 온도 25℃±0.05℃
R25 허용 편차(%) ±1,±2, ±3, ±5, ±10 일정한 온도 25℃±0.05℃
B25/50 또는 B25/85(재료 계수)(열 민감도 지수) 2500~5000K 일정한 온도 25℃±0.05℃

일정한 온도 85℃±0.05℃

B25/50 값 허용 편차(%) ±1,±2 일정한 온도 25℃±0.05℃

항온 50℃±0.05℃

∫(소산계수) ≥0.8mw/℃ 공기 중에 정전기가 발생함
티(열시상수) 25S 이하 공기 중에 정전기가 발생함
깃 달기(작동 온도) -30℃~+120℃
Pn (정격 출력) 50MW 작동 온도 이내
케이스와 헤드 포크 헤드, O 링 헤드,물방울 머리, 금속 케이스, 스레드 구리 케이스, 주입 헤드, 스테인레스 스틸 튜브, 또는 클라이언트의 그림에 따라
리드선 #24 30# 2651, UL4411 28#, 이중 유선 도체 등, 또는 고객의 요청에 따라.
단말기 다양한 터미널의 요구 사항에 따라 리벳 고정 가능

1. 귀하의 문의사항은 이내에 답변될 것입니다. 24 시간;
2. 잘 훈련되고 경험이 풍부한 직원이 항상 귀하의 서비스를 제공합니다..
3. 독특한 디자인의 제품과 다양한 전용금형제품이 여러분의 선택을 기다리고 있습니다..
4. 귀하의 개인 정보와 디자인 아이디어를 엄격하게 보호하십시오..

자주하는 질문

1분기. NTC 샘플 주문을 받을 수 있나요?, PT100,PT1000, RTD, 및 Ds18b20 센서?
ㅏ: 예, 우리는 품질을 테스트하고 확인하기 위해 샘플 주문을 환영합니다.. 혼합 샘플이 허용됩니다.


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