technologia kontroli temperatury

Przełączniki termostatyczne typu kapilarnego i typu bimetalicznego z odcięciem termicznym

Bimetalowe wyłączniki termiczne z termostatem

Thermal Cut out thermostat switch are used in temperature control systems to regulate air or liquids temp and can be used in both commercial and domestic electrical appliances, mechanical equipment applications . The two main types are capillary mechanical type and bimetallic thermostats.

YAXUN oferuje szeroką gamę przełączników termostatycznych z odcięciem termicznym, takich jak termostaty do obudów, Termostaty bimetaliczne, 3/4″ & 1/2″ termostat z dyskiem zatrzaskowym, mechaniczne termostaty HVAC, cyfrowe i programowalne termostaty HVAC, cyfrowe i inteligentne termostaty z Wi-Fi.

KSD301 Limit Thermal Thermostat Switches

KSD301 Limit Thermal Thermostat Switches

Bimetalowe wyłączniki termiczne z termostatem

Bimetalowe wyłączniki termiczne z termostatem

Motor thermal protector Limit Thermal Switches

Motor thermal protector Limit Thermal Switches

What Does a Thermostatic Cut out Switch Do?
Thermostats cut out switchs regulate the temperature of liquid in a tank, or in conjuction with air conditioning units to monitor the air in a room or system. The thermostat simply switches the system off or on whenever necessary so that a constant temperature can be maintained.

Capillary Thermostat Cut out Switches
These consist of a sensor, capillary tube, diaphragms, a probe and an expansion medium. When the liquid heats up and expands, the temperature sensor is heated allowing for it to be converted into displacement in the diaphragm. The contacts within the closed circuit system can be opened or closed by this displacement due to pressure.

Due to their accuracy and easy installation, they are widely used to control air and water temperatures and are suitable for use in storage heaters, hot tanks and boilers to control hot water.

KTS011 Mechanical Thermostat

KTS011 Mechanical Thermostat

Digital display fully automatic temperature controller thermostat switch

Digital display fully automatic temperature controller thermostat switch

UTH thermostat switch is used in steam rooms, yoga studios

UTH thermostat switch is used in steam rooms, yoga studios

Bimetallic Thermostat Cut out Switches
These consist of a strip of two different metals with different coefficients of linear expansion. The bimetallic strip acts as an electric contact breaker in an electric heating circuit. When the desired temperature is reached, the circuit is broken.

The bimetal strips of metal are bolted together. A bridge is then created in the electrical circuit and is connected to your heating system. The bimetal strip carries electricity through the circuit when the heating is on. When the bimetal strips get hot, both of the metals expand but one more so than the other. The hottest metal bends and opens the circuit. Once the circuit is open the electricity switches off and the heating cuts out.

Once the heating is off, the room cools down which in turn cools down the bimetal strip of metal and allows it to go back to its original shape. When it cools, the metal goes back into the circuit and switches the heating back on as the electricity flow has been re-established. The metal strip takes a while to expand and contract so the heating is not constantly switching on and off every few seconds.