Temperature sensor refers to a sensor that can sense temperature and convert it into a usable output signal. Temperature sensor is the core part of temperature measuring instruments and there are many varieties. According to the measurement method, it can be divided into two categories: contact type and non-contact type. According to the sensor material and electronic component characteristics, it can be divided into two categories: thermal resistor and thermocouple.

Różnice między czujnikami Pt100 i Pt1000

The main difference between a Pt100 and a Pt1000 sensor is their nominal resistance at 0°C, with a Pt100 having a resistance of 100 ohms and a Pt1000 having a resistance of 1000 ohms, meaning the Pt1000 has a significantly higher resistance, making it more suitable for applications where precise temperature measurement is needed with minimal influence from lead wire resistance, especially in 2-wire circuit configurations;

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Czujnik temperatury wtrysku TPE RTD PT100 do rur

Jaka jest różnica między 2-, 3-, i 4-przewodowe czujniki RTD?

This article explores 2-, 3-, and 4-wire configurations for resistance temperature detectors (BRT), focusing on how environmental factors, accuracy requirements, cost, and wire configuration affect selection. The 4-wire configuration is complex but offers the highest accuracy, while the 2-wire configuration has advantages in lower-accuracy applications. Choosing a configuration requires a combination of application requirements and practical conditions.

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Sonda do pomiaru temperatury z czujnikiem rezystancji RTD vs PT100

Czujnik RTD vs PT100: Rezystancja czujnika w sondzie pomiaru temperatury

The main difference between an RTD and a Pt100 is the material used for the sensing element: PT100 is a specific type of RTD thermal resistor, and its name comes fromPlatinum” (platinum) I “100” (100 ohms at 0°C). It is the most commonly used RTD sensor and is widely used in industrial process control, laboratory measurement and other fields that require high-precision temperature monitoring. The advantages of PT100 include:

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Pomiar temperatury 4-przewodowego czujnika temperatury PT100

Pomiar temperatury 2, 3, i 4-przewodowe czujniki temperatury PT100

A PT100 sensor acquires temperature by measuring the change in its electrical resistance, which directly correlates to the temperature it is exposed to; as the temperature increases, the resistance of the platinum element within the sensor also increases, allowing for a precise calculation of the temperature based on this resistance change; essentially, the “100” in PT100 signifies that the sensor has a resistance of 100 ohms at 0°C, and this value changes predictably with temperature fluctuations.

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Sonda czujnika temperatury T100, kabel wysokotemperaturowy -50 ~ 260°

Rezystory i obwody sond czujnikowych z metalowym rezystorem termicznym PT100 i PT1000

The temperature measurement range of the commonly used platinum resistance Pt100 sensor probes is -200~850℃, and the temperature measurement ranges of Pt500, Pt1000 sensor probes, itp. are successively reduced. Pt1000, temperature measurement range is -200~420℃. According to the IEC751 international standard, the temperature characteristics of the platinum resistor Pt1000 meet the following requirements:

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DS18B20 temperature sensor 1-wire waterproof cable + adapter board set

Custom DS18B20 Sensor Probe & 1-Wire Cable Assembly

The DS18B20 sensor communicates using the “1-Drut” protocol, which means it uses a single data line for all communication with a microcontroller, allowing multiple sensors to be connected on the same line and identified by their unique 64-bit serial code; this single data line is pulled high with a resistor and the sensor transmits data by pulling the line low during specific time slots to send bits of information.

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