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Emerson G4 / Seria G5 microtemp 10A / 20O siguranță termică

Emerson Group produce siguranțe termice din seria MICROTEMP® G4 G5, Conform diferitelor specificații ale produsului, Curent nominal de sarcină, respectiv, până la 250 V AC 10 A, AC120V 15A și DC24V 5A. Pentru a oferi o protecție fiabilă împotriva supraîncălzirii, În aceeași industrie produse, Siguranța termică din seria MICROTEMP® G4 G5 și-a stabilit statutul emblematic nu poate fi zguduită.

LEU, COLORANT, Panasonic, Siguranță termică SWC Limiter

Materialul topit folosit în LEAO, COLORANT, Panasonic, Siguranțele termice SWC joacă un rol vital în performanța siguranțelor termice și sunt una dintre componentele de bază ale întregului dispozitiv.. După caracteristicile materialului topit, le putem împărți în două categorii: punct de topire scăzut și punct de topire ridicat.

Mechanical resistance thermal cutoffs Devices (DF SF Series 10amp)

Subsequently, the voltage between the contacts of the thermal cutoff and the DC circuit rises to ensure that the DC circuit is disconnected. Through the present invention, the problem that the thermal cutoff in the DC circuit cannot effectively cut off the circuit is solved, and the effect of improving the circuit safety is achieved.

Metal Thermal Fuse for Limit Temperature Protection

Metal thermal fuse link (thermal cut off ) consists of a sliding contact, a spring, and an electrically nonconductive thermal pellet. Before the limit thermal fuse is activated, current flows from the left lead to the sliding contact and through the metal housing to the right lead. Metal Shell Thermal Fuse Cutoff 250VAC 10A Temperature Fuse link TF 72-250℃ (192℃).

Models and Applications of Thermal Cut-Out link Fuse

A thermal fuse is also known as a tmperature fuse, thermal link, thermal cut-out (TCO), or one shot. It is a temperature sensing circuit cut-off device (China custom metal, ceramică, square shell thermal fuse). A limitor thermal fuse can sense the overheating generated by abnormal operation of electrical and electronic products, thereby cutting off the circuit to avoid fire.

Motor of Aupo Axial Thermal Cutoff

rf 250v 10a, 250v / 20A 216 Celsius Circuit Cut-off Temperature Thermal Fuse Ceramics AUPO, RY, RH, COLORANT, SEFUSE, SET, Emerson, NEC

SET Square TCO Thermal Fuse use Flat iron

A piece of fusible alloy wire is connected between the two pins of the thermal fuse, which is covered by a special transparent resin square shell. Current can flow from one pin to another. When the temperature around the thermal fuse rises to its set operating temperature, its fusible alloy wire melts and shrinks into a spherical shape, and is attached to the ends of the two pins with the help of surface tension and special resin. In this way, the circuit is permanently cut off.

Set square Thermal Limit Cutoffs Fuse use for Coffee maker

SET / AUPO / RY / Uchibashi The thermal fuse is a thermal protection device designed for electronic equipment to provide overheating protection. It adopts a tubular structure, and the spiral melt material is an alloy, which has the characteristics of fast melting. The model of this fuse is BF216, which is small in size and suitable for a variety of electronic equipment.