Categorii de produse
- termistor 18
- Suport pentru siguranțe montat pe PCB 27
- Ham de cabluri 4
- Suporturi pentru siguranțe cu lame 17
- termostat 46
- Siguranta electrica 14
- Întrerupător termic 20
- Suport cutie siguranțe 36
- Senzor de temperatura 59
- Comutator termic 64
- Siguranță auto 19
- Siguranțe înșurubate 7
- siguranță termica 32
- siguranțe de suprafață 12
Etichete de produs
Încălzitor PTC cu carcasă din aluminiu
senzor termocuplu blindat
lama Suport siguranță
Siguranță pentru lama mașinii
Siguranță auto
Încălzitor PTC ceramic
Siguranță cu tub ceramic
Termostate cu disc
Senzor de temperatură Ds18b20
Siguranta electrica
Siguranță rapidă/lentă
Suport cutie siguranțe
Siguranță cu tub de sticlă
Suport pentru siguranțe în linie
Termostat cu disc Snap Limit
Mini întreruptoare
Protectie la suprasarcina motorului
Protectie termica a motorului
Senzor NTC
Senzor cu termistor NTC
Suport pentru siguranțe montat pe PCB
Siguranță resetabilă PPTC
Senzor de temperatură PT100
Încălzitor PTC
termistor PTC
cablaj conector al senzorului
Sonde cu senzori & Cabluri
termostat capilar cu o singură treaptă
Micro Siguranță cu suflare lentă
Termostat inteligent
Siguranțe pentru montare la suprafață
Legătura de întrerupere a temperaturii
Comutator de control al temperaturii
Siguranță de temperatură
Senzor de temperatura
Cablu senzor de temperatură
Sondă cu senzor de temperatură
comutator de temperatură
Oprire termică
Întrerupător de oprire termică
Siguranță termica
protector termic
Comutator termic
Sondă senzor termistor
Funcții și aplicații ale sondei senzorului Ds18b20
What sensor is ds18b20?
DS18B20 is a commonly used digital temperature sensor, which outputs a digital signal with the characteristics of small size, low hardware overhead, capacitate puternică anti-interferență și precizie ridicată. The DS18B20 digital temperature sensor is easy to wire and can be used in a variety of occasions after packaging, such as pipeline type, tip filetat, tip de adsorbție magnetică, stainless steel packaging type, and various models, inclusiv LTM8877, LTM8874, etc.
A DS18B20 sensor probe is a small, digital temperature sensor that measures temperature using a 1-Wire communication protocol, allowing it to be connected to a microcontroller using only one data wire, making it ideal for applications where multiple temperature readings are needed from various locations with minimal wiring complexity; it is commonly used in applications like environmental monitoring, HVAC systems, controlul proceselor industriale, and even basic DIY projects due to its affordability and ease of use.
The core functionality of the DS18B20 Sensor Probe is its direct-to- digital temperature sensor. The resolution of the tempera- ture sensor is user-configurable to 9, 10, 11, sau 12 bits, corresponding to increments of 0.5°C, 0.25°C, 0.125°C, and 0.0625°C, respectiv. The default resolution at power-up is 12-bit.
The working principle of DS18B20 is that the oscillation frequency of the low temperature coefficient crystal is little affected by temperature, and is used to generate a fixed frequency pulse signal to be sent to counter 1. The oscillation frequency of the high temperature coefficient crystal changes significantly with temperature, and the generated signal is used as the pulse input of counter 2. The number of bits of the obtained temperature value varies with the resolution, and the delay time during temperature conversion is reduced from 2s to 750ms.
Key features of a DS18B20 sensor probe:
Digital Temperature Measurement:
Provides a precise digital temperature reading in Celsius, with customizable resolution between 9-bit and 12-bit.
One-Wire Interface:
Communicates with a microcontroller using only one data line, allowing for multiple sensors to be connected on a single pin.
Unique Identifier:
Each sensor has a unique 64-bit serial code, enabling identification of individual sensors on a bus.
Parasite Power Mode:
Can be powered directly from the data line in certain situations, eliminating the need for separate power supply.
Wide Temperature Range:
Operates over a broad temperature range, typically from -55°C to 125°C.
Applications of the DS18B20 sensor probe:
Its appearance is mainly changed according to different application occasions. The packaged DS18B20 can be used for temperature measurement in cable trenches, blast furnace water circulation, boilers, machine rooms, agricultural greenhouses, clean rooms, ammunition depots, and other non-extreme temperature occasions. Wear-resistant and collision-resistant, small in size, easy to use, and with various packaging forms, it is suitable for digital temperature measurement and control of various narrow space equipment;
Home Automation: Monitoring room temperatures for smart thermostats;
Environmental Monitoring: Tracking temperature changes in outdoor environments;
Industrial Process Control: Monitoring temperatures within industrial machinery and processes;
Data Logging: Recording temperature data over time with a microcontroller;
Scientific Research: Measuring temperatures in experiments;
This product is suitable for temperature measurement and control in freezers, granaries, storage tanks, telecommunications rooms, power rooms, cable ducts, etc.
Bearings, cylinders, textile machines, aer conditionat, and other narrow space industrial equipment temperature measurement and control.
Automotive air conditioners, frigidere, freezers, and medium and low temperature drying ovens, etc.
Heat metering of heating/cooling pipelines, household heat metering of central air conditioners, and temperature measurement and control in the industrial field.
Food Safety: Monitoring food storage temperatures
How it works:
1. Connection:
The sensor is connected to a microcontroller’s digital pin with a pull-up resistor on the data line.
2. Communication:
The microcontroller sends commands to the sensor through the 1-Wire protocol to initiate temperature measurement.
3. Temperature Conversion:
The sensor internally converts the temperature into a digital value.
4. Data Readout:
The microcontroller reads the digital value from the sensor, which is then converted into a temperature reading in Celsius.
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Senzor cu termistor NTC Măsurarea temperaturii apei folosind termistorul EPCOS NTC
1k, 2k, 2.7k, 3k, 5k, 10k, 15k, 20k, 30k, 40k, 47k, 50k, 100k, 200k ohm; B25/50: 3950 3435 3977K sondă termistor ntc temperatură Senzor de măsurare folosind termistorul EPCOS NTC. Senzorul cu termistori NTC asigură suprimarea tensiunii și a zgomotului, precum și măsurarea și compensarea temperaturii în aplicațiile auto. Aceste sonde cu senzori cu termistori au NTC multistrat cu electrozi interiori, terminație de barieră de nichel, și temperatură de rezistență superioară Stabilitate de măsurare în timpul lipirii.
Thermistor temperature sensor for electrical appliances
As everyone knows, the Small appliances , as a popular household kitchenware, not only has the function of heating, but also has many automatic functions. For example, automatic heat preservation, automatic boiling water, automatic rice cooking, automatic soup cooking and other functions. The realization of all these automatic functions requires the Small appliances to be able to accurately measure and control the temperature. The existing Small appliances mainly uses a temperature sensor for temperature measurement. Such as: