Categorii de produse
- siguranță termica 32
- siguranțe de suprafață 12
- termistor 17
- Suport pentru siguranțe montat pe PCB 27
- Ham de cabluri 4
- Suporturi pentru siguranțe cu lame 17
- termostat 46
- Siguranta electrica 14
- Întrerupător termic 20
- Suport cutie siguranțe 36
- Senzor de temperatura 58
- Comutator termic 64
- Siguranță auto 19
- Siguranțe înșurubate 7
Etichete de produs
senzor termocuplu blindat
lama Suport siguranță
Siguranță pentru lama mașinii
Siguranță auto
Siguranță cu tub ceramic
Termostate cu disc
Senzor de temperatură Ds18b20
Siguranta electrica
Siguranță rapidă/lentă
Suport cutie siguranțe
Siguranță cu tub de sticlă
Suport pentru siguranțe în linie
Termostat cu disc Snap Limit
Mini întreruptoare
Protectie la suprasarcina motorului
Protectie termica a motorului
Senzor NTC
Senzor cu termistor NTC
Suport pentru siguranțe montat pe PCB
Siguranță resetabilă PPTC
Senzor de temperatură PT100
termistor PTC
cablaj conector al senzorului
Sonde cu senzori & Cabluri
termostat capilar cu o singură treaptă
Micro Siguranță cu suflare lentă
Termostat inteligent
Siguranțe pentru montare la suprafață
Legătura de întrerupere a temperaturii
Comutator de control al temperaturii
Siguranță de temperatură
Senzor de temperatura
Cablu senzor de temperatură
Sondă cu senzor de temperatură
comutator de temperatură
Oprire termică
Întrerupător de oprire termică
Siguranță termica
protector termic
Comutator termic
Sondă senzor termistor
Postări recente
HI-Temp Rugged Bulb & Adjustable Capillary Thermostats
Bulb and Capillary: Copper for units rated at 120°C (248°F) and lower; nickel-plated copper for units between 95°C (203°F) and 290°C (504°F); tin-plated steel for units between 150°C (302°F) and 370°C (698°F)
Bulb and capillary thermostats made in China can replace AR/EGO / Rainbow MACHSWON / LDEXIN Series adjustable thermostat switch. The capillary bulb thermostat is a device that uses the liquid flow characteristics of the capillary to control the temperature. Its basic principle is to use the change in the movement state of the liquid in the bulb capillary to control the connection and disconnection of the circuit.
The capillary thermostat consists of a capillary and a temperature-sensing bulb element. One end of the capillary is connected to the controlled temperature device, and the other end is connected to the power supply through an electrical contact. The temperature-sensing element sends different signals according to the high and low controlled temperatures to control the closing and disconnection of the electrical contacts.
When the controlled temperature reaches the predetermined temperature, the liquid in the capillary bulb begins to expand, and through the action of the capillary, the control contact is cut off, the circuit is interrupted, and the temperature rise is controlled. On the contrary, when the controlled temperature decreases, the liquid in the capillary shrinks, the circuit contacts are closed, and the circuit is connected, so that the device heats up. In this way, within a certain range, the controlled temperature will always remain within the predetermined range.
model. : EGO ts-120sr 32-248f ;
part no. : p-ts00663 ;
temperature range. : 0°c ~ 120°c (32°f ~ 268°f) ;
accuracy: ± 3°c (±14.8°f) ;
differential: 3±1.5°c (5.4°f±2.5°f) ;
max. ambient temp. for body: 120°c (266°f) ;
max. temperature for bulb: 140°c (324°f)
electric rating: 20a/250vac ;
switch circuit: single pole double throw (spdt) ;
mounting bracket: m4 fixed bracket (28mm from center to center) ;
direction of terminal: straight net ;
weight: 93g ;
bulb dimension: stainless, Ø5*106mm (± 5mm) ;
capillary length: stainless, 1000mm ± 50mm;
type of knob: r type
knob bending radius for cap. tube: min. 5mm .
◀caution & notice▶
please keep these instructions in mind before installing a thermostat to your equipment and contact the supplier if you have any questions or doubts. use it within the allowed electric rating for your safety. handle the bulb and capillary with care to prevent damage. do not bend the capillary less than a 5mm radius. do not bend the terminals by force. a damaged bulb can cause failure to achieve the desired temperature. the thermostat body should be installed away from heat sources. higher ambient temperatures can affect its normal function. the sensing bulb should be installed in or close to the heat source. otherwise, it may exceed the allowed tolerance. terminal deformation is not allowed for safety reasons. refund or replacement is not accepted for voluntary repairs or modifications. use the supplied parts with the thermostat. Bulb and Capillary Design; Long-Lasting, Snap-Action Mechanism; Double-Pole, Single-Throw Contacts; 3 Different Bulb Styles Available.
These thermostats use sensitive bulbs that can be used in confined locations. Styles 4 și 5 bulbs are designed for inserting in drilled holes in platens and dies or for direct immersion.
Sensors for air and pipeline heating applications (style 9) can be coiled to inside radii as small as 13 mm (½inch).
Temperature Range: -20 to 370°C (-4 to 698°F)
Operating Voltage:
Single-Phase: 120 to 480V
3-Phase: 120 to 277V
Enclosure: General purpose
Contacts: DPST, open on temperature rise; at positive off position, contacts cannot close
Differential: ±4% of scale
Bulb and Capillary: Copper for units rated at 120°C (248°F) and lower; nickel-plated copper for units between 95°C (203°F) and 290°C (504°F); tin-plated steel for units between 150°C (302°F) and 370°C (698°F)
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China Temp Control Disc 3/4″ Limit Snap Thermostat With High Current
These precision custom 3/4″ bimetal Limit Snap Disc Thermostats can be used in high current applications; carrying up to AC 110V/400V, 15A-60A amps-240 Volts, for over 100,000 cicluri. A 3/4″ bimetal thermodisc at the heart of our thermostat is set to a precise temperature range within -5°~393°F (-20°-200°C). Product certification: TUV, CE, UL, CUL, CQC.