Întrerupător de oprire termică

The function of automatic cut-off switch to prevent overheating
The automatic cut-off device against overheating is an electronic technology protection device. Poate întrerupe automat alimentarea cu energie atunci când echipamentul electric se supraîncălzi pentru a evita deteriorarea și pericolul cauzat de supraîncălzirea echipamentului electric. În echipamentele electrice moderne, dispozitivele de întrerupere automată pentru prevenirea supraîncălzirii au devenit o măsură de siguranță indispensabilă.

The function of automatic cut-off switch to prevent overheating
The automatic cut-off device against overheating is an electronic technology protection device. Poate întrerupe automat alimentarea cu energie atunci când echipamentul electric se supraîncălzi pentru a evita deteriorarea și pericolul cauzat de supraîncălzirea echipamentului electric. În echipamentele electrice moderne, dispozitivele de întrerupere automată pentru prevenirea supraîncălzirii au devenit o măsură de siguranță indispensabilă.

The principle of automatic cut-off device to prevent overheating
The principle of the overheating automatic cut-off device is to monitor the temperature of the equipment in real time through a temperature sensor. When the temperature of the equipment exceeds the safe range, the sensor will send a signal to the control circuit, causing the automatic cut-off switch to disconnect the power supply, thus protecting the equipment from overheating damage.

Components of the automatic cut-off device to prevent overheating
The automatic cut-off device to prevent overheating usually includes a temperature sensor, a control circuit and an automatic cut-off switch. Among them, the temperature sensor is the main part for monitoring the temperature of the equipment, and the control circuit is the core part for signal processing and controlling the switch to disconnect the power supply. The automatic cut-off switch is a key part of controlling power on and off.

Application of automatic cut-off device to prevent overheating
Anti-overheating automatic cut-off devices are widely used in various electrical equipment, such as computers, televisions, frigidere, microwave ovens, etc. These devices are more complex and have denser internal circuits, which can easily lead to malfunctions and dangers due to overheating. Prin urmare, the application of automatic overheating prevention device has become an indispensable technology for modern electrical equipment.
[End] The anti-overheat automatic cut-off device is an important electronic technology protection device that can automatically cut off the power supply when electrical equipment overheats, effectively protecting equipment and personal safety. In the future, with the continuous development of science and technology, the application of automatic overheating cut-off devices in electrical equipment will become more widespread.

The principle of automatic cut-off device to prevent overheating
The principle of the overheating automatic cut-off device is to monitor the temperature of the equipment in real time through a temperature sensor. When the temperature of the equipment exceeds the safe range, the sensor will send a signal to the control circuit, causing the automatic cut-off switch to disconnect the power supply, thus protecting the equipment from overheating damage.

Components of the automatic cut-off device to prevent overheating
The automatic cut-off device to prevent overheating usually includes a temperature sensor, a control circuit and an automatic cut-off switch. Among them, the temperature sensor is the main part for monitoring the temperature of the equipment, and the control circuit is the core part for signal processing and controlling the switch to disconnect the power supply. The automatic cut-off switch is a key part of controlling power on and off.

Application of automatic cut-off device to prevent overheating
Anti-overheating automatic cut-off devices are widely used in various electrical equipment, such as computers, televisions, frigidere, microwave ovens, etc. These devices are more complex and have denser internal circuits, which can easily lead to malfunctions and dangers due to overheating. Prin urmare, the application of automatic overheating prevention device has become an indispensable technology for modern electrical equipment.
[End] The anti-overheat automatic cut-off device is an important electronic technology protection device that can automatically cut off the power supply when electrical equipment overheats, effectively protecting equipment and personal safety. In the future, with the continuous development of science and technology, the application of automatic overheating cut-off devices in electrical equipment will become more widespread.

High power thermal cut off switch

High power thermal cut off switch

Motor overheating protection cut-off switch

Motor overheating protection cut-off switch

Întrerupător termic cu fir

Întrerupător termic cu fir

Protectie motor

Protectie motor

1. Dimensiune mică, suitable for the installation needs of micro motors
2. Asigurați cea mai fiabilă protecție de siguranță atunci când motorul este blocat.
3. The combination of bimetal sheet and electric heating wire has quick tripping properties
4. Very precise tripping time to prevent the motor temperature from being too high
5. It has the dual performance of sensing current and temperature.
6. Each part strictly complies with the European ROHS environmental standards.
7. Există multe tipuri de terminale pentru o selecție flexibilă.
8. Specific specifications or riveting line services can be produced according to customer requirements.


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