Categorii de produse
- Senzor de temperatura 58
- Comutator termic 64
- Siguranță auto 19
- Siguranțe înșurubate 7
- siguranță termica 32
- siguranțe de suprafață 12
- termistor 17
- Suport pentru siguranțe montat pe PCB 27
- Ham de cabluri 4
- Suporturi pentru siguranțe cu lame 17
- termostat 46
- Siguranta electrica 14
- Întrerupător termic 20
- Suport cutie siguranțe 36
Etichete de produs
senzor termocuplu blindat
lama Suport siguranță
Siguranță pentru lama mașinii
Siguranță auto
Siguranță cu tub ceramic
Termostate cu disc
Senzor de temperatură Ds18b20
Siguranta electrica
Siguranță rapidă/lentă
Suport cutie siguranțe
Siguranță cu tub de sticlă
Suport pentru siguranțe în linie
Termostat cu disc Snap Limit
Mini întreruptoare
Protectie la suprasarcina motorului
Protectie termica a motorului
Senzor NTC
Senzor cu termistor NTC
Suport pentru siguranțe montat pe PCB
Siguranță resetabilă PPTC
Senzor de temperatură PT100
termistor PTC
cablaj conector al senzorului
Sonde cu senzori & Cabluri
termostat capilar cu o singură treaptă
Micro Siguranță cu suflare lentă
Termostat inteligent
Siguranțe pentru montare la suprafață
Legătura de întrerupere a temperaturii
Comutator de control al temperaturii
Siguranță de temperatură
Senzor de temperatura
Cablu senzor de temperatură
Sondă cu senzor de temperatură
comutator de temperatură
Oprire termică
Întrerupător de oprire termică
Siguranță termica
protector termic
Comutator termic
Sondă senzor termistor
Postări recente
Întrerupător de oprire termică
The function of automatic cut-off switch to prevent overheating
The automatic cut-off device against overheating is an electronic technology protection device. It can automatically cut off the power supply when electrical equipment overheats to avoid damage and danger caused by overheating of electrical equipment. In modern electrical equipment, automatic cut-off devices to prevent overheating have become an indispensable safety measure.
The function of automatic cut-off switch to prevent overheating
The automatic cut-off device against overheating is an electronic technology protection device. It can automatically cut off the power supply when electrical equipment overheats to avoid damage and danger caused by overheating of electrical equipment. In modern electrical equipment, automatic cut-off devices to prevent overheating have become an indispensable safety measure.
The principle of automatic cut-off device to prevent overheating
The principle of the overheating automatic cut-off device is to monitor the temperature of the equipment in real time through a temperature sensor. When the temperature of the equipment exceeds the safe range, the sensor will send a signal to the control circuit, causing the automatic cut-off switch to disconnect the power supply, thus protecting the equipment from overheating damage.
Components of the automatic cut-off device to prevent overheating
The automatic cut-off device to prevent overheating usually includes a temperature sensor, a control circuit and an automatic cut-off switch. Among them, the temperature sensor is the main part for monitoring the temperature of the equipment, and the control circuit is the core part for signal processing and controlling the switch to disconnect the power supply. The automatic cut-off switch is a key part of controlling power on and off.
Application of automatic cut-off device to prevent overheating
Anti-overheating automatic cut-off devices are widely used in various electrical equipment, such as computers, televisions, frigidere, microwave ovens, etc. These devices are more complex and have denser internal circuits, which can easily lead to malfunctions and dangers due to overheating. Therefore, the application of automatic overheating prevention device has become an indispensable technology for modern electrical equipment.
[End] The anti-overheat automatic cut-off device is an important electronic technology protection device that can automatically cut off the power supply when electrical equipment overheats, effectively protecting equipment and personal safety. In the future, with the continuous development of science and technology, the application of automatic overheating cut-off devices in electrical equipment will become more widespread.
The principle of automatic cut-off device to prevent overheating
The principle of the overheating automatic cut-off device is to monitor the temperature of the equipment in real time through a temperature sensor. When the temperature of the equipment exceeds the safe range, the sensor will send a signal to the control circuit, causing the automatic cut-off switch to disconnect the power supply, thus protecting the equipment from overheating damage.
Components of the automatic cut-off device to prevent overheating
The automatic cut-off device to prevent overheating usually includes a temperature sensor, a control circuit and an automatic cut-off switch. Among them, the temperature sensor is the main part for monitoring the temperature of the equipment, and the control circuit is the core part for signal processing and controlling the switch to disconnect the power supply. The automatic cut-off switch is a key part of controlling power on and off.
Application of automatic cut-off device to prevent overheating
Anti-overheating automatic cut-off devices are widely used in various electrical equipment, such as computers, televisions, frigidere, microwave ovens, etc. These devices are more complex and have denser internal circuits, which can easily lead to malfunctions and dangers due to overheating. Therefore, the application of automatic overheating prevention device has become an indispensable technology for modern electrical equipment.
[End] The anti-overheat automatic cut-off device is an important electronic technology protection device that can automatically cut off the power supply when electrical equipment overheats, effectively protecting equipment and personal safety. In the future, with the continuous development of science and technology, the application of automatic overheating cut-off devices in electrical equipment will become more widespread.
1. Small size, suitable for the installation needs of micro motors
2. Provide the most reliable safety protection when the motor is blocked.
3. The combination of bimetal sheet and electric heating wire has quick tripping properties
4. Very precise tripping time to prevent the motor temperature from being too high
5. It has the dual performance of sensing current and temperature.
6. Each part strictly complies with the European ROHS environmental standards.
7. There are many types of terminals for flexible selection.
8. Specific specifications or riveting line services can be produced according to customer requirements.
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88Un protector cu resetare manuală KUOYUH MINI întrerupător de protecție la supracurent
88Un echipament de serie întrerupătoare cu resetare manuală (cunoscute în mod obișnuit sub denumirea de protectori de supracurent al motorului) sunt potrivite pentru AC 50/60Hz, tensiune nominală de lucru la 250Vca, DC 32Vdc, curent nominal la 3A-20A pentru protecție suplimentară la suprasarcină în circuitul de ramificație intern al echipamentelor electrice, o parte cheie a produsului Protectorul de detectare a temperaturii.
97 Seria Întreruptoare de protecție termică cu resetare automată PCB unipolar 10A
97 Întrerupătorul de circuit cu resetare automată din seria Single Pole PCB este un dispozitiv de protecție unipolar și cu ciclu liber, Este un dispozitiv fiabil de protecție a circuitelor. Personalizat 97 Producători și furnizori de protecție termică de serie cu resetare automată din China, specializată în furnizarea de întreruptoare personalizate de înaltă calitate.
Protector termic bimetal
În domeniul echipamentelor și aparatelor electronice, controlul temperaturii este esențial pentru a asigura funcționarea corectă a echipamentului și pentru a evita eventualele deteriorări. Protectoarele termice bimetalice și siguranțele termice sunt două dispozitive comune de protecție a temperaturii care joacă un rol important în protejarea echipamentelor electronice. Deși obiectivele lor sunt similare, există câteva diferențe cheie în ceea ce privește modul în care funcționează și unde pot fi utilizate.
Ksd301 S.P.S.T Temp Switch
KSD301 Thermostat PRODUCTS < > KSD301 Series
Usage: Used for temperature control of air conditioners, water dispensers, electric water bottles, electric saw cookers, bathers, disinfection cabinets, oale de cafea, electric steam cookers and other electrical appliances. It is also suitable for overheat protection of other household appliances, electronic instruments, electronic control cabinets, etc.