Categorii de produse
- Senzor de temperatura 58
- Comutator termic 64
- Siguranță auto 19
- Siguranțe înșurubate 7
- siguranță termica 32
- siguranțe de suprafață 12
- termistor 17
- Suport pentru siguranțe montat pe PCB 27
- Ham de cabluri 4
- Suporturi pentru siguranțe cu lame 17
- termostat 46
- Siguranta electrica 14
- Întrerupător termic 20
- Suport cutie siguranțe 36
Etichete de produs
senzor termocuplu blindat
lama Suport siguranță
Siguranță pentru lama mașinii
Siguranță auto
Siguranță cu tub ceramic
Termostate cu disc
Senzor de temperatură Ds18b20
Siguranta electrica
Siguranță rapidă/lentă
Suport cutie siguranțe
Siguranță cu tub de sticlă
Suport pentru siguranțe în linie
Termostat cu disc Snap Limit
Mini întreruptoare
Protectie la suprasarcina motorului
Protectie termica a motorului
Senzor NTC
Senzor cu termistor NTC
Suport pentru siguranțe montat pe PCB
Siguranță resetabilă PPTC
Senzor de temperatură PT100
termistor PTC
cablaj conector al senzorului
Sonde cu senzori & Cabluri
termostat capilar cu o singură treaptă
Micro Siguranță cu suflare lentă
Termostat inteligent
Siguranțe pentru montare la suprafață
Legătura de întrerupere a temperaturii
Comutator de control al temperaturii
Siguranță de temperatură
Senzor de temperatura
Cablu senzor de temperatură
Sondă cu senzor de temperatură
comutator de temperatură
Oprire termică
Întrerupător de oprire termică
Siguranță termica
protector termic
Comutator termic
Sondă senzor termistor
Postări recente
Thin Film Element Pt100 Sensor
Serie 111 direct immersion process threaded RTD probe sensors feature stainless steel sheaths and solder joints available in 1/8” NPT, 1/4” NPT, 3/8” NPT, 1/2” NPT or 3/4” NPT. A micro-embedded RTD probe is a miniature temperature sensor designed to be embedded in areas with limited space.
RTD Thin Film Element PT100 Temperature Sensor: PT100 10R 5%, 1-2176429-3; PT100A10RJ, 1-2176429-0; PT100 4R7 5%, PT100A4R7J: 1-2176429-1; 2-2176429-1; PT100 22R 5%, PT100C22RJ: 1-2176429-5; PT100 2K2 5%, PT10 0C2K2J: 2-2176429-7; PT100 330R 1%.
RTD thin film elements Pt100 are the most common type of RTD sensor and have a basic resistance value of 100 ohms at 0°C. Complies with DIN EN 60751.
Product Features:
RTD element type: platinum film temperature element;
Component packaging: ceramică;
Component material: platinum;
Wire count: 2;
The 623M Series Bolt-On RTD Probe Sensor is a small, multi-dimensional sensor for use in applications requiring legacy accessories or where space is limited.
The 300 Series Stator RTD Sensor is a flat, rectangular, laminated sensor commonly referred to as a “stator bar” because they are inserted between the coils of the motor stator.
Serie 111 direct immersion process threaded RTD probe sensors feature stainless steel sheaths and solder joints available in 1/8” NPT, 1/4” NPT, 3/8” NPT, 1/2” NPT or 3/4” NPT.
A micro-embedded RTD probe is a miniature temperature sensor designed to be embedded in areas with limited space.
The 510M Series HVAC Averaging RTD Probe Sensor is designed for use in and around HVAC system intake manifolds and heating/cooling coils.
The 157M/158M Series Sanitary Meat RTD Probe Sensors are designed with a 316 stainless steel housing that is polished to a specific surface finish to reduce the area that can harbor bacteria.
The 130 Series Spring Rebound Thermowell RTD Sensor is designed for applications where spring-rebound sensors require easy removal without shutting down the system.
Series 516M wall-mounted air sensing RTD probe sensors are commonly used to monitor indoor and outdoor air temperatures.
The 310 Series Tip Sensitive Bearing RTD Probe Sensor is a tubular temperature sensor with a sensing element encapsulated in a copper alloy tip.
The 302F Series Toggle Stator RTD sensor, also known as an air or gas RTD, is used to measure the temperature of air entering and exiting motors and generators.
Constructed with a stainless steel sheath, the 120 Series spring-rebound stainless steel RTD probe utilizes a spring to provide positive contact between the tip and process, reducing the sensor's time response and providing more consistent temperature readings.
500 Series Point Sensing RTD Probe Sensors feature a rigid stainless steel sheath with an element embedded in an aluminum tip.
Pt100, 2.0x2.3, Class B, PTFC101BC1G0; Pt100, 1.2x4.0, Class A, PTFM101A1G0; Pt100, 2.0x5.0, Class T, PTFD101T1A0; Pt100, 2.0x5.0, Class T, PTFD101T1G0.
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China Custom Thermistor sensor Probe Assembly for temperature control
High-End Resistor sensor Probe Manufacturer — YAXUN specializes in thermistor featuring temperature sensitivity and AEC-Q200 qualified. TCTR - NTC Thick Film Thermistor. 47-1.6MΩ. Tightest tolerance 1%. B Value 2410K - 4800K.
Thermistor Temp Sensor — Silicon-Based Linear Thermistors At The Same Cost And Size Of Traditional NTC Thermistors. Achieve High Accuracy System Reliability With The Industry's Smallest Linear Thermistors.
What is thermocouple sensor?
The appearance of various thermocouple sensor probes is often very different due to needs. However, their basic structures are roughly the same, usually composed of main parts such as a thermode, an insulating sleeve protection tube, and a junction box, and are usually used in conjunction with display instruments, recording instruments and electronic regulators.