Showing 121–132 de 286 rezultate

Funcții și aplicații ale sondei senzorului Ds18b20

What sensor is ds18b20? DS18B20 is a commonly used digital temperature sensor, which outputs a digital signal with the characteristics of small size, low hardware overhead, capacitate puternică anti-interferență și precizie ridicată. The DS18B20 digital temperature sensor is easy to wire and can be used in a variety of occasions after packaging, such as pipeline type, tip filetat, tip de adsorbție magnetică, stainless steel packaging type, and various models, inclusiv LTM8877, LTM8874, etc.

Ds18b20 temperature sensor wiring harness

DS18B20 sensor wiring harness is a commonly used digital temperature sensor. The output is a digital signal, which has the characteristics of small size, low hardware overhead, strong anti-interference ability, and high accuracy. DS18B20 digital temperature sensor is easy to connect, and it can be applied to many occasions after being packaged, such as pipe type, screw type, magnet type, and stainless steel package type. There are various models, inclusiv LTM8877, LTM8874 and so on.

Dual Standard Automotive Panel Mount ATC Blade Fuse Holder

We’re professional Dual Standard Blade Fuse Holder sl-703e regular pcb mount fuse holder manufacturers and suppliers in China, specialized in

E39 ATC/ATO Circuit Breaker Blade Fuse Manual Reset Low Profile

There are many electrical devices in the car circuit connected by wires of different colors. Among them, the most important

E39 E38 Întrerupătoare automate ATC/ATO cu resetare automată pentru vehicule și bărci

Întreruptoarele ATC sunt proiectate pentru a înlocui siguranțele ATC în majoritatea aplicațiilor. Baza întreruptorului are forma unei siguranțe ATC. Întreruptoarele resetabile în stil ATC sunt compatibile cu majoritatea blocurilor de siguranțe de tip ATC/ATO. Resetabil, Tipul III. Disponibil în 10, 15, 20, 25 sau 30 amperi.

Emerson G4 / Seria G5 microtemp 10A / 20O siguranță termică

Emerson Group produce siguranțe termice din seria MICROTEMP® G4 G5, Conform diferitelor specificații ale produsului, Curent nominal de sarcină, respectiv, până la 250 V AC 10 A, AC120V 15A și DC24V 5A. Pentru a oferi o protecție fiabilă împotriva supraîncălzirii, În aceeași industrie produse, Siguranța termică din seria MICROTEMP® G4 G5 și-a stabilit statutul emblematic nu poate fi zguduită.

Energy Storage CCS PT100 / PT1000 Sensor & Cable Assembly Solution

Pt100 and Pt1000 are the most widely used RTD sensors Cable. Although similar, their different nominal resistances determine which applications they will suit. Available in two versions: as a thin film sensor and as a wire sensor, which differ in the permissible measurement current and the operating temperature range.

Fast-response oven, BBQ meat sensor probe

pt100/pt1000 Thermistor NTC Temperature sensor parameters of BBQ barbecue thermometer: NTC thermistor, PT100. Φ4MM, Φ3.8MM bent 304 stainless steel probe. Silicone handle 3.5, 2.5 connection plug Measuring temperature range: 200°, 250°, 380° for lead selection

FS-101 FS-102 FS-103 Din Rail Mount Fuse Box for 6×30 fuses with LED

6X30mm Glass Fuse Holder FS-101 FS-102 FS-103 with LED. Din Rail Mount Single Pole 6 * 32 Fuse Casing 220V

Function and Selection of Capillary Temperature Control Switch

Compatible models: The capillary thermostat temperature control switch is made of High-quality material, Exceed OEM specifications, High temperature applicable limit switch, Use our replacement parts for safety reliability and performance. Compatible with capillary thermostat automatic sensored switch ROBERTSHAW, Replacement for Adcraft deep Fryer, fit for Vulcan hart, fit for Cecilware , fit for Hobart, compatible with Star Mfg.

Siguranțe și cabluri de conectare a siguranțelor termice pentru aparate

Siguranțe și siguranțe termice (Siguranțe și siguranțe termice Cablu de legătură), de asemenea cunoscut ca si: Controler termic. It is a disposable component

Gas Fryer / Electric Water Heater Liquid Expansion Capillary Thermostat

Liquid expansion thermostat is a temperature control device that can adjust the temperature according to the temperature change of the working environment of the fryer/electric water heater. It is also called an adjustable temperature control switch, temperature limiter or temperature controller. Its working principle is to sample and monitor the ambient temperature through a liquid bulb sensor probe.