NTC Thermistor Probe and Cable

Surface Temperature NTC Probe/Assembly; Air-Gas NTC Probe/Assembly; HVAC/Refrigeration System NTC Probe/Assembly; Liquid Level NTC Probe/Assembly; Patient Monitoring NTC Probe/Assembly.

Platinum series resistance temperature sensor

pt100, pt1000 platinum resistance element Main classification:
For a thin film platinum resistance pt100, pt1000 platinum resistance element such terms. The products are mainly divided into several categories, covering products in low temperature, medium temperature and high temperature.

Precision thermocouple supplier

The original factory-manufactured E, J, T thermocouple Sensor is used for the following temperature detection: thermometer, water heater, fireplace, furnace, circuit, rtd, cold junction, oven, multimeter, digital, industrial.

probe & cable of thermal resistance sensor

The probe & cableof platinum resistance sensor: stainless steel probe package, thread, magnetic body package, spring top tight, ABS shell, glass fiber and other waterproof protection temperature probes and High temperature wire silicone braided cable, mica wire, glass fiber wire, electronic wire, Teflon wire.

Production of platinum temperature sensor

STT-M series temperature sensors Probe are packaged with magnetic bodies. For paramagnetic metal surfaces, it can be easily sucked to the surface for temperature measurement and can be easily installed and removed. It is suitable for the detection of the key point temperature of large equipment before leaving the factory, and other occasions where the temperature detection point needs to be replaced frequently, so as to improve the efficiency of temperature detection

Датчик RTD PT100 Зонд & Кабели

Модули сбора данных о термосопротивлении PT100 можно подключить к локальной сети управления RS-485 через изолированный 485 интерфейс связи. RS-485 позволяет до 32 Модули регистрации теплового сопротивления PT100 подвешиваются на одной шине. Однако, if Link-Max’s RS-485 repeater is used, до 256 Модули измерения теплового сопротивления PT100 можно подключить к одной сети., и максимальное расстояние связи 1200 м.

Pt100 temperature sensor for military equipment

Aerospace: In the aerospace field, PT100 sensors are used to measure the temperature of liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen combustion chambers, turbine engines, fuel cells, и т. д.. of aircraft and spacecraft. High precision, high reliability and strong stability are required.

RTD PT100 Temperature Sensor Probe with Cable

What is a Platinum thermal resistance sensor?
An RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) is a Platinum thermal resistance whose resistance changes with changes in temperature. Its resistance increases as the sensor temperature increases. The relationship between resistance and temperature is well known and repeatable over time. RTD is a passive device. It does not produce output by itself. External electronics can be used to measure the sensor resistance by passing a small current through the sensor to produce a voltage. Typically 1 mA or less measurement current, maximum 5 mA, without risk of self-heating.

датчики и компоненты термисторных датчиков

термистор (отрицательный температурный коэффициент) сенсорные зонды (ОТЛИВНОЙ ЗОНД, трубка из нержавеющей стали с закрытым концом; Силиконовый катетер Фолея; эпоксидная герметизация, Никелированная латунная трубка) /компоненты (Кабель & разъем) подходит для различных применений и отраслей промышленности. Наши датчики и компоненты THERMISTOR подходят для измерения температуры, например, для определения температуры поверхности., воздух-газ, электроприборы, источники питания, Системы отопления, вентиляции и кондиционирования/холодильники, жидкости, медицинское лечение, и мониторинг.

Thermistor temperature sensor for electrical appliances

As everyone knows, the Small appliances , as a popular household kitchenware, not only has the function of heating, but also has many automatic functions. For example, automatic heat preservation, automatic boiling water, automatic rice cooking, automatic soup cooking and other functions. The realization of all these automatic functions requires the Small appliances to be able to accurately measure and control the temperature. The existing Small appliances mainly uses a temperature sensor for temperature measurement. Such as