Temperature sensor refers to a sensor that can sense temperature and convert it into a usable output signal. Temperature sensor is the core part of temperature measuring instruments and there are many varieties. According to the measurement method, it can be divided into two categories: contact type and non-contact type. According to the sensor material and electronic component characteristics, it can be divided into two categories: thermal resistor and thermocouple.

Differences Between Pt100 and Pt1000 Sensors

The main difference between a Pt100 and a Pt1000 sensor is their nominal resistance at 0°C, with a Pt100 having a resistance of 100 ohms and a Pt1000 having a resistance of 1000 ohms, meaning the Pt1000 has a significantly higher resistance, making it more suitable for applications where precise temperature measurement is needed with minimal influence from lead wire resistance, especially in 2-wire circuit configurations;

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Senzor temperature vbrizga TPE RTD PT100 za cevi

Kakšna je razlika med 2-, 3-, in 4-žilni senzorji RTD?

This article explores 2-, 3-, and 4-wire configurations for resistance temperature detectors (RTD), focusing on how environmental factors, accuracy requirements, cost, and wire configuration affect selection. The 4-wire configuration is complex but offers the highest accuracy, while the 2-wire configuration has advantages in lower-accuracy applications. Choosing a configuration requires a combination of application requirements and practical conditions.

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Sonda za merjenje temperature senzorja upora RTD proti PT100

RTD proti PT100: Odpornost senzorja v sondi za merjenje temperature

The main difference between an RTD and a Pt100 is the material used for the sensing element: PT100 is a specific type of RTD thermal resistor, and its name comes fromPlatinum” (platinum) in “100” (100 ohmov pri 0°C). It is the most commonly used RTD sensor and is widely used in industrial process control, laboratory measurement and other fields that require high-precision temperature monitoring. The advantages of PT100 include:

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Zajem temperature s 4-žilnim temperaturnim senzorjem PT100

Pridobivanje temperature 2, 3, in 4-žilni temperaturni senzorji PT100

Senzor PT100 pridobi temperaturo z merjenjem spremembe njegovega električnega upora, kar je neposredno povezano s temperaturo, ki ji je izpostavljen; ko se temperatura poveča, poveča se tudi odpornost platinskega elementa v senzorju, kar omogoča natančen izračun temperature na podlagi te spremembe upora; v bistvu, the “100” v PT100 pomeni, da ima senzor upor 100 ohmov pri 0°C, in ta vrednost se predvidljivo spreminja s temperaturnimi nihanji.

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Kabel temperaturnega tipala T100 za visoko temperaturo -50~260

Upori in tokokrogi senzorskih sond kovinskega termičnega upora PT100 in PT1000

Območje merjenja temperature običajno uporabljenih senzorskih sond iz platinske odpornosti Pt100 je -200~850 ℃, in temperaturna merilna območja Pt500, Senzorske sonde Pt1000, itd. se zaporedno zmanjšujejo. Pt1000, temperaturno merilno območje je -200 ~ 420 ℃. V skladu z mednarodnim standardom IEC751, temperaturne značilnosti platinastega upora Pt1000 izpolnjujejo naslednje zahteve:

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DS18B20 senzor temperature 1-žilni vodotesni kabel + set adapterskih plošč

Senzorska sonda DS18B20 po meri & 1-Sklop žičnih kablov

Senzor DS18B20 komunicira z uporabo “1-Žica” protokol, kar pomeni, da uporablja eno samo podatkovno linijo za vso komunikacijo z mikrokrmilnikom, omogoča povezavo več senzorjev na isto linijo in identifikacijo z njihovo edinstveno 64-bitno serijsko kodo; ta posamezna podatkovna linija je povlečena visoko z uporom in senzor prenaša podatke tako, da potegne črto nizko v določenih časovnih intervalih za pošiljanje bitov informacij.

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