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10K NTC Thermistor Temp Sensor 78.7 Inch Stainless Steel Sensitive Probe for Air Conditioner

10K NTC Thermistor Temp Sensor 78.7 Inch Stainless Steel Sensitive Probe for Air Conditioner, Cable and connector can be Customized.
NTC 10K high-accuracy temperature sensor, temperaturno območje merjenja: -30°C to +120°C (-22°F to +248°F);

5 metre NTC Temperature Sensor Probe for use with SMSCOM controllers

NTC Temperature Probe for use with SMSCOM controllers. NTC Thermistors are non-linear resistors, which alter their resistance characteristics with temperature. Our NTC Temperature Sensor probes use with Temperature control, available for surface, air-gas, HVACR, liquid and patient monitoring applications and are configured with a variety of housings and styles.

Air conditioning temperature measurement NTC temperature sensing probe

YAXUN Developing air conditioner gas NTC sensor probes assembly that comply with latest international standards. The air conditioner temperature sensor is a negative temperature coefficient thermistor, referred to as NTC, also known as a temperature probe.

Application of Temperature Probe Sensors?

Thermal resistor, termočlen, digital sensor chip NTC, PTC, PT100, DS18B20 Temperature probe sensors are widely used in many fields. Here are some of the main application areas: temperature probe sensors are widely used in many fields, and they provide important technical support for temperature monitoring and control in various industries. If you have specific application scenarios or needs, I can provide you with more detailed selection and usage suggestions.

Linija za pridobivanje temperaturnih senzorjev BMS Ntc

NTC senzor za zaznavanje temperature / pridobivanje napetosti BMS Acquisition Line, Jat konektor Mx23A26sf1, Kabel senzorja temperature NTC UL1332 20AWG Line.

Sonda in kabel senzorja NTC po meri Kitajske

Tako kot senzor, navadno se deli na: NTC termistorska sonda, PT100 sonda, PT1000 sonda, Sonda ds18b20, sonda za temperaturo vode, avtomobilska senzorska sonda, RTD sonda, sonda za nadzor temperature, sonda za nastavitev temperature, senzorska sonda gospodinjskih aparatov, itd.

Kitajska NTC termistor senzorske sonde po meri

NTC senzorska sonda pomeni “negativni temperaturni koeficient”, ki se v francoščini imenuje CTN “negativni temperaturni koeficient”. NTC termistorski senzorji so upori z negativnim temperaturnim koeficientom, kar pomeni, da upor pada z naraščanjem temperature.

China Custom Thermistor sensor Probe Assembly for temperature control

High-End Resistor sensor Probe Manufacturer — YAXUN specializes in thermistor featuring temperature sensitivity and AEC-Q200 qualified. TCTRNTC Thick Film Thermistor. 47-1.6MΩ. Tightest tolerance 1%. B Value 2410K – 4800K.
Thermistor Temp Sensor — Silicon-Based Linear Thermistors At The Same Cost And Size Of Traditional NTC Thermistors. Achieve High Accuracy System Reliability With The Industry’s Smallest Linear Thermistors.

Senzor temperature odmrzovanja za avtomobilsko klimatsko napravo in hladilnik

Senzor za odmrzovanje hladilnika spremlja temperaturo hladilnika in signalizira glavni nadzorni plošči, da začne cikel odmrzovanja. Temperaturni senzor za zaključek odmrzovanja 2M · Vrsta senzorja: NTC 10K, 10000Ω @ 25 °C območje: -40÷120°C · Natančnost: ±0,3°C pri 25°C · Ovoj: Ø 6 x30,Ø 5 x 200. Senzor za odtaljevanje hladilnika s toplotno varovalko & termostatsko stikalo Funkcija zaznavanja temperature.

Medical body cavity Temp Measurement probe 2.252k or 10k ohm Skin Temperature Sensor

Medical temperature sensor, complete product models, reliable quality. 1K to 680K resistance optional, service life up to 10 leta. Medical-grade temperature sensor, automotive sensor, home appliance sensor chip uses high-precision chip, the response time can reach 0.5 seconds.