Senzorske sonde & Kabli
NTC Thermistor Probe and Cable
Surface Temperature NTC Probe/Assembly; Air-Gas NTC Probe/Assembly; HVAC/Refrigeration System NTC Probe/Assembly; Liquid Level NTC Probe/Assembly; Patient Monitoring NTC Probe/Assembly.
NTC Thermistor Sensor Water Temperature Measurement using EPCOS NTC thermistor
1k, 2k, 2.7k, 3k, 5k, 10k, 15k, 20k, 30k, 40k, 47k, 50k, 100k, 200k ohm; B25/50: 3950 3435 3977K thermistor probe ntc temperature Measurement sensor using EPCOS NTC thermistor. NTC Thermistors sensor provide voltage and noise suppression as well as temperature measurement and compensation in automotive applications. These thermistors sensor probe feature multilayer NTC with inner electrodes, nickel barrier termination, and superior resistance temperature Measurement stability during soldering.
NTC, PTC, PT100, DS18B20 za senzorje temperaturne sonde
Termočlenska sonda: Za merjenje temperature uporablja termoelektrični učinek, in ima značilnosti širokega merilnega območja in hitre odzivne hitrosti.
Sonda toplotne odpornosti: za merjenje temperature uporablja lastnost, da se odpornost kovinskih ali polprevodniških materialov spreminja s temperaturo, in ima značilnosti visoke merilne natančnosti in dobre stabilnosti.
Polprevodniška sonda: za merjenje temperature uporablja lastnost, da se prevodnost polprevodniških materialov spreminja s temperaturo, in ima značilnosti majhne velikosti, majhna teža in nizka poraba energije.
Platinum series resistance temperature sensor
pt100, pt1000 platinum resistance element Main classification:
For a thin film platinum resistance pt100, pt1000 platinum resistance element such terms. The products are mainly divided into several categories, covering products in low temperature, medium temperature and high temperature.
Production of platinum temperature sensor
STT-M series temperature sensors Probe are packaged with magnetic bodies. For paramagnetic metal surfaces, it can be easily sucked to the surface for temperature measurement and can be easily installed and removed. It is suitable for the detection of the key point temperature of large equipment before leaving the factory, and other occasions where the temperature detection point needs to be replaced frequently, so as to improve the efficiency of temperature detection
PT100 / PT1000 RTD Temperature sensor probes with Process Connection
China-made PT100/PT1000 platinum thermal resistor temperature sensor. The localization process of PT100/PT1000 platinum thermal resistor temperature sensor is accelerating as the international situation is pressing. It came into being to cooperate with many companies to fully localize platinum thermal resistors.
PT100 temperature sensor BBQ probe for Oven / Grill / Barbecue / Cvrtnik / Smoker
PT100 BBQ probe Meat thermometer provides an instant readout of inner food temperature during a cooking cycle without opening the Oven / Grill / Cvrtnik / Smoker; Temperature Range: 14 do 450 degrees Fahrenheit; -10 do 232 stopinj Celzija; Probe cord heat resistant up to 700 degrees Fahrenheit
Pt100 temperature sensor for military equipment
Aerospace: In the aerospace field, PT100 sensors are used to measure the temperature of liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen combustion chambers, turbine engines, fuel cells, itd. of aircraft and spacecraft. Visoka natančnost, high reliability and strong stability are required.
Temperaturni senzor PT1000, ki se uporablja v dezinfekcijskih omarah
As a common household appliance, disinfection cabinets are widely used for food disinfection and health care in homes and commercial places. In disinfection cabinets, PT1000 temperature sensors are a very important device for accurately measuring and controlling the temperature inside the disinfection cabinet.
RTD PT100 Temperature Sensor Probe with Cable
What is a Platinum thermal resistance sensor?
An RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) is a Platinum thermal resistance whose resistance changes with changes in temperature. Its resistance increases as the sensor temperature increases. The relationship between resistance and temperature is well known and repeatable over time. RTD is a passive device. It does not produce output by itself. External electronics can be used to measure the sensor resistance by passing a small current through the sensor to produce a voltage. Typically 1 mA or less measurement current, maximum 5 mA, without risk of self-heating.
Temperaturne sonde, Vrste temperaturnih senzorjev & aplikacije
Temperaturna sonda je naprava, ki se uporablja za merjenje temperature, običajno sestavljen iz občutljivega elementa in merilnega vezja. Občutljivi element je lahko termočlen (pt100, pt1000), toplotni upor (ntc, ptc), polprevodnik (DS18B20 digitalni), itd., ki lahko pretvori temperaturne spremembe v električne signale. Potem se ojača, filtriran, pretvorjen, in jih obdeluje merilno vezje, in končno se odda električni signal, sorazmeren s temperaturo.