Prikazuje 13–19 od 19 rezultate

KSD9700 thermostat thermal protector switch

KSD9700 series temperature control switch (Hi-Amp cut-off & battery thermal protection thermostat) is composed of high-sensitivity bimetal disc, moving contact, static contact, fixed base, shell, temperature-resistant wire, itd. When working, the bimetallic disc is in a free state, the moving contact and the static contact are closed, and the circuit is turned on.

Metal Thermal Fuse for Limit Temperature Protection

Metal thermal fuse link (thermal cut off ) consists of a sliding contact, a spring, and an electrically nonconductive thermal pellet. Before the limit thermal fuse is activated, current flows from the left lead to the sliding contact and through the metal housing to the right lead. Metal Shell Thermal Fuse Cutoff 250VAC 10A Temperature Fuse link TF 72-250℃ (192℃).

Modeli in aplikacije toplotne izklopne povezovalne varovalke

A thermal fuse is also known as a tmperature fuse, thermal link, thermal cut-out (TCO), or one shot. It is a temperature sensing circuit cut-off device (China custom metal, keramika, square shell thermal fuse). A limitor thermal fuse can sense the overheating generated by abnormal operation of electrical and electronic products, s čimer prekinete tokokrog, da preprečite požar.

Razlika med termično varovalko in termičnim izklopnim stikalom

A “termični talilni člen (Žica iz taljive zlitine in organska toplotna varovalka )” je v bistvu enkraten taljivi odrez, toplotno občutljiva komponenta, ki trajno prekine tokokrog, ko ta doseže določeno temperaturo. medtem ko a “toplotno izklopno stikalo” je naprava z bimetalnim trakom, ki se lahko potencialno prekine, ko doseže visoko temperaturo, omogoča ponovno povezavo tokokroga, ko temperatura pade pod nastavljeno točko.

Thermodisc 3/4″ termostat s preklopnim stikalom, Visoke meje DPST

3/4″ termostat Snap Disc Limit, izdelan na Kitajskem, je UL, TUV, CQC, in ROHS certificiran. Serija 3/4″ (19mm) Regulacija temperature z bimetalnim diskom ponuja dokazano zanesljivost v vsestranski uporabi, stroškovno učinkovito oblikovanje. Zdrži obremenitve do 20~60 amperov pri 240VAC. Lahko nadomesti White-Rodgers, Emerson, Starec, in Supco Snap Disc Limit termostat.