Showing 37–48 od 64 rezultate

LEV, BARVILO, Panasonic, Termična varovalka SWC Limiter

Taljeni material, uporabljen v LEAO, BARVILO, Panasonic, Termične varovalke SWC igrajo ključno vlogo pri delovanju toplotnih varovalk in so ena osrednjih komponent celotne naprave.. Glede na značilnosti materiala taline, lahko jih razdelimo v dve kategoriji: nizko tališče in visoko tališče.

Naprave za toplotno ločitev mehanske odpornosti (Serija DF SF 10amp)

Naknadno, napetost med kontaktoma termičnega izklopa in enosmernim tokokrogom se poveča, da se zagotovi odklop enosmernega tokokroga. S pričujočim izumom, težava, da termični izklop v enosmernem tokokrogu ne more učinkovito prekiniti tokokroga, je rešen, in učinek izboljšanja varnosti tokokroga je dosežen.

Metal Thermal Fuse for Limit Temperature Protection

Metal thermal fuse link (thermal cut off ) consists of a sliding contact, a spring, and an electrically nonconductive thermal pellet. Before the limit thermal fuse is activated, current flows from the left lead to the sliding contact and through the metal housing to the right lead. Metal Shell Thermal Fuse Cutoff 250VAC 10A Temperature Fuse link TF 72-250℃ (192℃).

Modeli in aplikacije toplotne izklopne povezovalne varovalke

A thermal fuse is also known as a tmperature fuse, thermal link, thermal cut-out (TCO), or one shot. It is a temperature sensing circuit cut-off device (China custom metal, keramika, square shell thermal fuse). A limitor thermal fuse can sense the overheating generated by abnormal operation of electrical and electronic products, s čimer prekinete tokokrog, da preprečite požar.

Motor Aupo Axial Thermal Cutoff

rf 250v 10a, 250v / 20A 216 Celzija Temperatura izklopa tokokroga Termična varovalka Keramika AUPO, RY, RH, BARVILO, SEFUSE, NASTAVI, Emerson, NEC

motor thermal overload protector switch china manufacture

DC24V High-Amp Mini Motor Thermal Overload Protector cut off switch With Plastic Case. USD0.13 to USD0.26 MOQ:1000kos ; TB02B-B8D, 9700 KSD, ST-22, 17AM Lighting Thermostat Thermal Overload Protector AC / DC motor


PCB-Bimetal Disc Thermostat TO-220 Thermal Cutoff Switch

China Custom Inch Hi-Amp 2A~7.5Amp 1/2 TO-220 PCB Disc Thermostat Brand (JUC 31F, 6700, 67F070, KSD-01F) Choice and Price Advantage. Global high current ST01 B U6 TO-220 Thermal Cutoff Switch certifications include: UL, CUL, CQC, TUV, CB.

Nadomestni Hi-Limit izklopni termostat & Ponastavljivo termično stikalo

KSD301, KD302, KSD306, KD308 Hi-limit izklopni termostat & Ponastavljivo termično stikalo Ko vezje deluje pravilno, kontakti so v zaprtem stanju. Ko je dosežena nazivna delovna temperatura, bimetal se zaradi toplote deformira in hitro zlomi, prekinitev tokokroga. Po tem, naprava se začne ohlajati.

SET Square TCO Thermal Fuse use Flat iron

A piece of fusible alloy wire is connected between the two pins of the thermal fuse, which is covered by a special transparent resin square shell. Current can flow from one pin to another. When the temperature around the thermal fuse rises to its set operating temperature, its fusible alloy wire melts and shrinks into a spherical shape, and is attached to the ends of the two pins with the help of surface tension and special resin. Na ta način, tokokrog je trajno prekinjen.