01530007Z Littelfuse Mini® 153-PC Series 32V PCB držalo varovalk za komercialno vozilo

Serija Littelfuse Mini 153-PC (01530007Z) 32V PCB varovalke vam omogoča, da enostavno pritrdite varovalko v slogu mini rezila na tiskano vezje. Zasnovan je z zaklepnim sidrom za vezje, da se zagotovi varno pritrditev na PCB, In ima stand off, ki sprejme pranje vezja.

Serija Littelfuse Mini 153-PC (01530007Z) 32V PCB varovalke vam omogoča, da enostavno pritrdite varovalko v slogu mini rezila na tiskano vezje. Zasnovan je z zaklepnim sidrom za vezje, da se zagotovi varno pritrditev na PCB, In ima stand off, ki sprejme pranje vezja. The heat-resistant thermoplastic body carries a UL 94 V-0 flammability rating, making the fuse holder ideal for automotive PCB applications. such as protecting circuits for vehicle control systems, navigation and entertainment systems, and automotive sensors. This MINI® 153-PC Series PCB fuse holder (01530007Z) features a horizontal PCB mounting style.

Izdelki za komercialno vozilo Littelfuse-komercialna vozila 01530007Z držalo varovalk 15A 32V 1 Varovalka rezila vezja

Izdelki za komercialno vozilo Littelfuse-komercialna vozila 01530007Z držalo varovalk 15A 32V 1 Varovalka rezila vezja

Mini 153-PC Series 32V PCB držalo varovalk

Mini 153-PC Series 32V PCB držalo varovalk

High quality SL-1537 Fuse Holder for MINI-MIN-297-ATM-BFMN PCB car Automotive

High quality SL-1537 Fuse Holder for MINI-MIN-297-ATM-BFMN PCB car Automotive

Ime predmeta: 01530007 Mini Blade Fuse Holder Mount Type: PCB
Nazivna napetost: 32V Dc Trenutna ocena: 15A
Applied To: APM, ATM Mini Blade Fuses Skladno z RoHS: ja
Material telesa: Thermoplastic UL 94-V0, Terminal Material: Brass, Tin Plated
Terminal Thickness: 0.3mm
Visoka svetloba: 01530007 15A 7.6mm APM, ATM Mini Blade Fuse Block

Opis izdelka
01530007Z PCB Mount Fuse Holder for Mini Blade Fuse with Horizontal Terminal 01530007 UL 32V 15A 297 Fuse Block
Opis izdelka
This type of MINI Fuse Holders brings the reliability and availability of the plug-in 32V MINI Fuse to the circuit board. Vertical and horizontal mounting of units is offered. They have“standoffs” to accommodate board washing and incorporates a unique “board lock” anchor to maintain a firm mechanical bond to the PCB.

Postavka 01530007 Fuse Holder
Vrsta namestitve PCB
Materials Thermoplastic UL 94-V0, brass tin plated
Končni kot Vodoravno
Certificiranje UL CSA
Color črna
Dolžina 17.3mm
Width 12.9mm
Thickness 7.6mm
Drawing of Littelfuse 01530007Z Blade Fuse Holder

Drawing of Littelfuse 01530007Z Blade Fuse Holder

Select Littelfuse MINI® 153-PC Series 32V PCB Fuse Holder Appearance

Select Littelfuse MINI® 153-PC Series 32V PCB Fuse Holder Appearance

Blade Fuses Specification

Velikost št Dimension L*W*H Amperes
Micro2 APT, ATR 9.1 × 3.8 × 15.3 mm 5, 7.5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30
Micro3 ATL 14.4 × 4.2 × 18.1 mm 5, 7.5, 10, 15
low profile APS, ATT 10.9 × 3.81 × 8.73 mm 2, 3, 4, 5, 7.5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30
Mini APM, ATM 10.9 × 3.6 × 16.3 mm 2, 3, 4, 5, 7.5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35A
Regular APR, ATC, Ato, ATS 19.1 × 5.1 × 18.5 mm 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7.5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40
Maxi APX 29.2 × 8.5 × 34.3 mm 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100,

Colors & Ratings

Color Current rating
Črna 1 A
Grey 2 A
Violet 3 A
Pink 4 A
Tan 5 A
Brown 7.5 A
Rdeča 10 A
Blue 15 A
Rumena 20 A
Transparent 25 A
Green 30 A
Blue-green 35 A
Orange 40 A
Rdeča 50 A
Blue 60 A
Amber/tan 70 A
Transparent 80 A
Violet 100 A

Car, Čoln, Truck, SUV, Motorcycle, itd.

Standardni paket:
depends on the cable spec

Rok pošiljanja:

Načini pošiljanja:
International Express, Z letalom, Po morju
Selection of the Fuse and Holder Solution
The first step is to answer the following questions:
Will the fuse need to accessible for replacement?
How often will the fuse need to be replaced?
Should the end customer of the appliance have access to change the fuse?
Should the fuse only be accessible from outside the appliance?
How much is available to spend on safety and reliability?


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