Kitajska temperatura po meri kapilarno nastavljiv termostat

Zasnova enostopenjskega kapilarnega termostata temelji na dejstvu, da ko se temperatura nadzorovanega predmeta spremeni, tekočina v delu zaznavanja temperature (kot je prikazano na sliki 5) se bo spremenil v količini glede na načelo toplotne ekspanzije in krčenja. Ko se temperatura dvigne, Tekočina se širi in priključena škatla z diafragmi se širi tudi; obratno, Ko temperatura pade, Škatla z membrano se skrči. Ta sprememba nadzira dejanje stikala skozi ročico, s tem doseganje konstantnega nadzora temperature. Kapilarni termostat Yaxun je eno jedelno stikalo, ki se odpira na dvig temperature med 50 ° F do 90 ° F. Lahko nadomesti nemški enostopenjski kapilarni termostat.

Zasnova enostopenjskega kapilarnega termostata temelji na dejstvu, da ko se temperatura nadzorovanega predmeta spremeni, tekočina v delu zaznavanja temperature (kot je prikazano na sliki 5) se bo spremenil v količini glede na načelo toplotne ekspanzije in krčenja. Ko se temperatura dvigne, Tekočina se širi in priključena škatla z diafragmi se širi tudi; obratno, Ko temperatura pade, Škatla z membrano se skrči. Ta sprememba nadzira dejanje stikala skozi ročico, s tem doseganje konstantnega nadzora temperature. Kapilarni termostat Yaxun je eno jedelno stikalo, ki se odpira na dvig temperature med 50 ° F do 90 ° F. Lahko nadomesti nemški enostopenjski kapilarni termostat.

Kapilarni nastavljiv termostat za električni grelnik vode

Kapilarni nastavljiv termostat za električni grelnik vode

710 Mini-sit 0.710.652 Kapilarni termostat 100-340 ° C temperatura pečice za plinski ventil

710 Mini-sit 0.710.652 Kapilarni termostat 100-340 ° C temperatura pečice za plinski ventil

Dual control Thermostat for Steam Table, Buffet Table Temperature Control, 30A RES 125-277VAC

Dual control Thermostat for Steam Table, Buffet Table Temperature Control, 30A RES 125-277VAC

One of the advantages of the single-stage capillary thermostat is its high temperature control accuracy, which can stably and reliably maintain the set temperature and has a small on-off temperature difference. Poleg tega, it has a wide adjustment range to adapt to different temperature control needs. The large overload current also makes it perform well when handling high-power electrical appliances and electric heating equipment.

This type of thermostat is widely used in the home appliance industry, electric heating equipment and refrigeration industry, and is a key component to ensure the normal operation and temperature control of the equipment. Whether it is household appliances or industrial equipment, single-stage capillary thermostats play an important role in maintaining temperature stability.

Electric Oven Thermostat, Adjustable Temperature Control Switch, 30-110C

Electric Oven Thermostat, Adjustable Temperature Control Switch, 30-110C

Manual Reset Thermostat Replacement WQS95-12 Temperature Limiter for Electric Water Heater Part

Manual Reset Thermostat Replacement WQS95-12 Temperature Limiter for Electric Water Heater Part

WQS95-12 Temperature Limiter Overtemperature Protector for Electric Water Heater

WQS95-12 Temperature Limiter Overtemperature Protector for Electric Water Heater

Single Stage (SPDT)
15 Amps @ 120/240VAC
Bulb Dimensions: 5 19/32″ Length, 1/4″ Outer Diameter
32″ Capillary Length
Adjustable from 50°F to 90°F
Set at 90°F at the factory
250°F Ambient Compensation
Maximum Bulb Temperature of 155°F
UL & cUL Approved
Made in China

The YAXUN 358 Capillary Thermostats are our most compact line of remote sensing thermostats available in Bulb and Capillary Tube or Probe styles. The 358W capillary thermostat is a bulb and capillary style. Many variations are available in each style to include fixed or adjustable temperatures, auto or manual resets, Copper/Plated Copper or Stainless steel construction and all variations have multiple mounting options.

YAXUN takes pride in quality control and reliable operation of our products. Every switch is individually 100% tested before it leaves the plant. Our capillary thermostats are UL & cUL approved. YAXUN capillary thermostats are ambient compensated, which allows for automatic switch adjustment with ambient operating temperature changes.

Capillary thermostat switches built by YAXUN can also be built to customer specifications. This ensures you get the exact control you want without paying for features you don’t need.

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