Vrhunske keramične varovalke Cooper Bussmann BS1362 za električni omrežni vtič Združenega kraljestva

TDC180-1A TDC180-2A TDC180-3A TDC180-5A TDC180-7A TDC180-10A TDC180-13A BS 1362 BS1362 BS 1362 Ceramic Fuses.

Cooper Bussmann Electric Socket Plug Top Fuses BS1362 give continually reliable performance and cost-effective circuit protection. With more than 90 years experience of innovation, Cooper Bussmann has set the standard for circuit protection in the global market.

Quick Acting HBC Mains Plug Fuses with high rapture capacity, suitable for a broad range of application requirements.

Ceramic Bodied fuse, dimensions are 6.3mm x 25.4mm can be used for the following appliances;
1amp for some electric shavers and toothbrushes.
3amp for lamps and radios.
5amp for TVs and HiFi units.
7amp for clothes irons and toasters.
13amp for kettles and microwaves.

Cooper Bussmann BS1362 Electric Mains UK 3 Pin Plug Top Varovalke

Cooper Bussmann BS1362 Electric Mains UK 3 Pin Plug Top Varovalke

Bussmann Fuses BS1362 SS167 RED-GREY in pouch

Bussmann Fuses BS1362 SS167 RED-GREY in pouch

Cooper Bussmann BS1362 Electric Mains UK 3 Pin Plug Top Varovalke

Cooper Bussmann BS1362 Electric Mains UK 3 Pin Plug Top Varovalke

Opis izdelka

TUV ASTA 240V 264V Plug Fuse 6×25 BS1362 SS 167 British Plug Top Fuse BS 1362 13A 10A 7A 5A 3A 2A 1A


Postavka Plug Fuse
Standardno SS 167:1977
Blow Type fast/medium
Material telesa keramika
Fusing Material alloy
Cap Material nickel plated brass, baker
Nazivna napetost 240V 264 AC
Trenutna ocena 13A 10A 7A 5A 3A 2A 1A
Vrsta namestitve cartridge
Breaking Capacity 6KA
Velikost 6.3×25.4mm
Certifications TUV ASTA
Aplikacije British Plugs


Part No. Rated




Max Power


Typical Cold.
Voltage Drop
SUM8001 1100 264Vac


1A 6KA@264V ac

50Hz P.f.0.3-0.4

1W 255 1000
SUM8001 1200 2A 86 500
SUM8001 1300 3A 36.8 333.3
SUM8001 1500 5A 17 200
SUM8001 1700 7A 12 142.8
SUM8001 2100 10A 6.59 100
SUM8001 2130 13A 4.55 76.9


Dimenzija & Structure

Cooper Bussmann BS1362 Electric fuse Dimension & Structure

Cooper Bussmann BS1362 Electric fuse Dimension & Structure

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