Termično izklopno stikalo za nizko temperaturo odmrzovanja

Funkcija termičnega stikala za odmrzovanje:1. Uporabite stikalo za nadzor temperature odmrzovanja + snop toplotne varovalke : Hladilniki so običajno opremljeni z regulatorjem hlajenja. Uporabnik lahko nastavi temperaturo v notranjosti hladilnika z vrtenjem gumba regulatorja hlajenja. Na splošno, območje nastavitve temperature je 1℃-7℃, in uporabniki ga lahko poljubno prilagajajo svojim potrebam.

Funkcija termičnega stikala za odmrzovanje:

1. Uporabite stikalo za nadzor temperature odmrzovanja: Hladilniki so običajno opremljeni z regulatorjem hlajenja. Uporabnik lahko nastavi temperaturo v notranjosti hladilnika z vrtenjem gumba regulatorja hlajenja. Na splošno, območje nastavitve temperature je 1℃-7℃, in uporabniki ga lahko poljubno prilagajajo svojim potrebam.

2. Use an electronic control panel: Some high-end models of refrigerators are equipped with electronic control panels through which users can adjust the temperature of the refrigerator. Na splošno, users can see the current temperature on the electronic control panel and adjust the temperature through buttons or knobs.

3. Adjust the built-in temperature controller of the refrigerator: Some refrigerators have a built-in temperature controller. Users can adjust the temperature by opening the refrigerator door and finding the built-in temperature controller. Na splošno, the temperature controller is usually located on the top or side of the refrigerator. Users can adjust the temperature of the refrigerator by turning the knob on the temperature controller.

No matter which method is used, users need to note that adjusting the temperature of the refrigerator is not an immediate thing and usually requires a certain amount of time to reflect. Poleg tega, in order to avoid improper temperature adjustment causing the refrigerator to not work properly, it is recommended that users carefully read the operating instructions of the refrigerator before use.

- Slim
- With plastic casing can be completely waterproof
- Dual contact the contact, the contact resistance excellent.
- Get SEMKO, UL, CAS certification

- Rated voltage and current 15A / 125V AC
7.5A / 250V AC
- Operating temperature range -20C- 150C
- The maximum service life 100,000 Cycle

product nameLG6615JB2003J refrigerator defrost thermostat on Klixon
useTemperature control / overheating protection
Vrsta ponastavitveautomatic
Basic materialsHeat-resistant resin matrix
Electrical Ratings15A/125VAC,7.5A/250VAC
maximum. Delovna temperatura150℃
lowest. Delovna temperatura-20℃
tolerance+/- 5 ℃, open the Action (optional +/- 3 C or lower)
Protection classIP00
Contact Materialsrebro
Dielectric strengthAC 1500V1 minutes or seconds AC1800V1
Izolacijska upornostDC 500V more than 100MW by Meg tester
Resistance between terminalsLess than 100mW
Bimetal DiameterΦ12.8mm(1/2“)
AuthenticateUL/ TUV/ VDE/ CQC/ KC
terminal typecustom made
Cover / Standcustom made

6. optimum temperature °c
Temperaturno območje-20°c to 100°c101°c to 120°c121°c to 150°c
7. bottom temperature tolerance code
Temperaturno območje-20°c to 100°c101°c to 120°c121°c to 150°c
8. optimum temperature°c
Temperaturno območje-20°c to 100°c101°c to 120°c121°c to 150°c
9. bottom temperature tolerance code
Temperaturno območje-20°c to 100°c101°c to 120°c121°c to 150°c
Defrost temperature control switch + snop toplotne varovalke

Defrost temperature control switch + snop toplotne varovalke

Termično stikalo za odtaljevanje hladilnika + kabel

Termično stikalo za odtaljevanje hladilnika + kabel

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