Kategorije izdelkov
- Temperaturni senzor 58
- Termično stikalo 64
- Avtomobilska varovalka 19
- Pritrjene varovalke 7
- toplotna varovalka 32
- površinsko nameščene varovalke 12
- termistor 17
- Nosilec varovalk za PCB 27
- Kabelski snop 4
- Držala rezilnih varovalk 17
- termostat 46
- Električna varovalka 14
- Termični odklopnik 20
- Nosilec škatle z varovalkami 36
Oznake izdelkov
oklepni senzor termočlenov
Nosilec rezilne varovalke
Avtomobilska varovalka
Avtomobilska varovalka
Keramična cevna varovalka
Disk termostati
Ds18b20 temperaturni senzor
električna varovalka
Hitro/počasna varovalka
Nosilec škatle z varovalkami
Varovalka iz steklene cevi
Inline držalo za varovalke
Termostat Limit Snap Disc
Mini odklopniki
Zaščita pred preobremenitvijo motorja
Termična zaščita motorja
NTC senzor
NTC termistorski senzor
Nosilec varovalk za PCB
Ponastavljiva varovalka PPTC
PT100 Temperaturni senzor
PTC termistor
priključni snop senzorja
Senzorske sonde & Kabli
enostopenjski kapilarni termostat
Počasna mikro varovalka
Pametni termostat
Varovalke za površinsko montažo
Temp. izklopna povezava
Stikalo za nadzor temperature
Temperaturna varovalka
Temperaturni senzor
Kabel senzorja temperature
Sonda senzorja temperature
temperaturno stikalo
Toplotni izklop
Termično izklopno stikalo
Termična varovalka
toplotna zaščita
Termično stikalo
Senzor termistorja
Nedavne objave
Sušilnik za lase SEKI ST-12 snap action termo stikalo
Zaščita pred pregrevanjem SEKI ST-12 sušilnika za lase je regulator temperature, ki uporablja bimetal kot komponento za zaznavanje temperature. Preprečite pregrevanje in izgorevanje grelne žice, ko sušilnik za lase deluje dlje časa.
Kategorija: Termično stikalo
Oznake: Stikalo za nadzor temperature, Termično izklopno stikalo, Termično stikalo
Zaščita pred pregrevanjem SEKI ST-12 sušilnika za lase je regulator temperature, ki uporablja bimetal kot komponento za zaznavanje temperature. Preprečite pregrevanje in izgorevanje grelne žice, ko sušilnik za lase deluje dlje časa.
When the hair dryer works normally, the bimetal is in a free state and the contacts are in a closed / open state. When the temperature reaches the operating temperature, the bimetal will quickly act upon the internal stress caused by the heat, opening / closing the contact and cutting / connecting the circuit, thereby controlling the temperature. When the appliance cools down to the reset temperature, the contacts are automatically closed / opened to resume normal working conditions.
The following points should be noted when installing anti-overheating protection SEKI ST-12:
1. When using contact temperature-type installation, the metal cover should be close to the installation surface of the controlled appliance. In order to ensure the effect of temperature sensing, the surface of temperature sensing should be coated with thermal grease or other thermally conductive medium with similar properties.
2. Do not collapse, loosen or deform the top of the cover during installation, so as not to affect the performance.
3. Do not allow liquid to penetrate into the thermostat, do not make the shell crack, and do not change the shape of the external terminal at will.
4. The product is used in a circuit with a current not greater than 5A, and the copper core cross section should be selected as 0. 5-1㎜2 wire connection; For use in circuits with a current not greater than 10A, the copper core cross section should be 0.75-1.5㎜2 wire connection.
5. The product should be stored in a warehouse with a relative humidity of less than 90%, an ambient temperature below 40 ° C, ventilated, clean, dry and non-corrosive gas
product description
ST-12 series temperature switch Scope
⑴ hair dryer,
⑵ curlers,
⑶ oven,
⑷ electric heaters,
⑸ popcorn machine,Overheating protection SEKI ST-12
⑹ tableware dryer temperature protection, and other products.
● ST-12 Series Temperature Switch Description:
ST-12 Series Temperature Switch Technical Data
Rated temperature Off temperature Rated temperature Off temperature
55℃ 55±5℃ 105℃ 105±5℃
60℃ 60±5℃ 110℃ 110±5℃
65℃ 65±5℃ 115℃ 115±5℃
70℃ 70±5℃ 120℃ 120±5℃
75℃ 75±5℃ 125℃ 125±5℃
80℃ 80±5℃ 130℃ 130±5℃
85℃ 85±5℃ 135℃ 135±5℃
90℃ 90±5℃ 140℃ 140±5℃
95℃ 95±5℃ 145℃ 145±5℃
100℃ 100±5℃ 150℃ 150±5℃
Ponastavi temperaturo: When below 75 ℃, operating temperature, operating temperature reset temperature of minus 20 ℃ ± 15 ℃
When the operating temperature at 75 ℃ ~ 100 ℃, operating temperature reset temperature of minus 30 ℃ ± 15 ℃
When the operation temperature above 100 ℃, operating temperature reset temperature is minus 40 ℃ ± 15 ℃
Nazivna napetost (V) Nazivni tok (A)
By certified
⑴ the thermal protection adapted for relative humidity less than 90℅, non-flammable gas and conductive dust exist in general indoor environment.
⑵ thermal protector in the installation process, do not pull pressure shrapnel thermal sensor in order to avoid poor contact, inaccurate temperature.
⑶ prevent dangerous over-temperature components under fault conditions to avoid accidents.
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temperaturno stikalo vezja
SENSATA / Stikalo za nadzor temperature AIRPAX 67F075 je kontaktno temperaturno občutljivo zaskočno stikalo, bimetalni termostat v plastični kapsuli. Lupina je izolirana, s stabilno delovno zmogljivostjo in dolgo življenjsko dobo. Izdelek je občutljiv in zanesljiv, ne povzroča iskrenja, je enostaven za namestitev, in ima manj radijskih motenj. Široko se uporablja v tiskanih vezjih, stikalni napajalniki, polnilniki, balasti in druga polja.
Defrost Low Temperature Thermal Cutoff Switch
Defrost Thermal Cutoff Switch Feature:1. Use the defrost temperature control switch + thermal fuse harness : Refrigerators are generally equipped with a cooling regulator. Users can adjust the temperature inside the refrigerator by turning the knob of the cooling regulator. Generally speaking, the temperature adjustment range is 1℃-7℃, and users can adjust it freely according to their needs.
Termična zaščita motorja
Stikalo za nadzor temperature, ki uporablja bimetalno ploščo kot element za zaznavanje temperature:
Termična zaščita motorja KSD9700, 8zjutraj, 3MP, 6AP, 5AP, 2Izdelki serije MP so termostat, ki kot element za zaznavanje temperature uporablja bimetalno ploščo. Ko električna naprava deluje normalno, bimetalni kos je v prostem stanju in kontakti so v zaprtem/odprtem stanju.
Trifazno termično stikalo
Temperaturno stikalo za zaščito trifaznega motorja HCET/tok 20A/močna zanesljivost. Stikalo za nadzor temperature visokega toka serije HC25 ima čisto temperaturno zasnovo, ki zagotavlja notranji tokokrog z nizkim uporom. Primeren je za velike tokovne tokokroge, kot so visokozmogljivi motorji, vodne črpalke, in transformatorji.