JUC-31F/KSD-01F/67F040 Temperaturno stikalo na 220 Bimetalni termični termostat

JUC-31F/KSD-01F/67F040 Temperaturno stikalo (Običajno odprto) TE220 Pluc-in Bimetalni termostat Termostat za preizkuševalce hladilno klimatsko napravo. Juc 31F Series TO-220 PCB-bimetalni disk termostat ustreza standardom ROHS. Kot SNAP ACTION SPST Bimetalni termostat, Daje natančno regulacijo za eno napravo.

JUC-31F/KSD-01F/67F040 Temperaturno stikalo (Običajno odprto) TE220 Pluc-in Bimetalni termostat Termostat za preizkuševalce hladilno klimatsko napravo. Juc 31F Series TO-220 PCB-bimetalni disk termostat ustreza standardom ROHS. Kot SNAP ACTION SPST Bimetalni termostat, Daje natančno regulacijo za eno napravo.

WE ARE THE ONLY MANUFACTURER OFFERING LOW TEMPERATURE AS LOW AS 0C (32F)~150C. The JUC-31F/KSD-01F/67F040 series is a RoHs compliant, snap action SPST bimetallic thermostat which provides accurate sensing capabilities in a single device.

The JUC-31F Series confirms to IEP standards Y220/TO220. Therefore they may be automatically placed and soldered in a pick/place applications, ideal for printed circuit boards Factory calibrated 0C-150C in 5C increments.

Juc 31F Series TO-220 PCB-bimetalni termostat

Juc 31F Series TO-220 PCB-bimetalni termostat

običajno odprt ali običajno zaprt JUC-31F KSD-01F Stikalo za nadzor temperature

običajno odprt ali običajno zaprt JUC-31F KSD-01F Stikalo za nadzor temperature

KSD-01F JUC-31F 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 DegC 2A Thermal Switch

KSD-01F JUC-31F 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 DegC 2A Thermal Switch

This bimetal disc thermostat is designed for surface or air sensing for printed circuits and heat sinks and is available in normally open or normally closed configuration. Other features include:

Temperaturno območje: 0C – 150C
Rohs compliant per EU directive 2002/95/EC
TO-220 international electronic package standard
100K cycles rating

Power supplies
Medical devices
Test equipment

Features and advantages of JUC-31F/KSD-01F/67F040:
The shell is insulated and can resist water, salt water, alcohol, ammonia, trichloroethylene and most organic solvents.
The product is sensitive and does not arc, and has little radio interference.
The small size can better suit the installation and welding of printed circuit boards under high-speed automation equipment conditions, and can be easily installed.
Every product is calibrated and tested before leaving the factory to achieve the purpose of continuous and reliable working performance.

Električne specifikacije:
2A/30V DC, 2A/120V AC, 1A/240V AC

Delovna temperatura Ponastavi temperaturo Atemperaturo delovanja Ponastavi temperaturo
30±4 20To je vse 105±5 70±15
35±4 25To je vse 110±5 75±15
40±5 25±10 115±5 75±15
45±5 30±10 120±5 80±15
50±5 35±10 125±5 85±15
55±5 35±10 130±5 90±15
60±5 40±10 135±5 90±15
65±5 45±12 140±5 100±15
70±5 45±15 145±5 105±15
75±5 50±15 150±5 105±15
80±5 55±15 155±5 110±15
85±5 55±15

Posebna specifikacija se lahko izdela tudi po naročilu

90±5 60±15
95±5 65±15
100±5 70±15
JUC-31F KSD-01F TO220 Temperature Control Switch Dimensions

JUC-31F KSD-01F TO220 Temperature Control Switch Dimensions

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