Metal Thermal Fuse for Limit Temperature Protection

Metal thermal fuse link (thermal cut off ) consists of a sliding contact, a spring, and an electrically nonconductive thermal pellet. Before the limit thermal fuse is activated, current flows from the left lead to the sliding contact and through the metal housing to the right lead. Metal Shell Thermal Fuse Cutoff 250VAC 10A Temperature Fuse link TF 72-250℃ (192℃).

Metal thermal fuse link (thermal cut off ) consists of a sliding contact, a spring, and an electrically nonconductive thermal pellet. Before the limit thermal fuse is activated, current flows from the left lead to the sliding contact and through the metal housing to the right lead. When the external temperature reaches a predetermined temperature, the organic matter meltsand the compression spring becomes loose. To je, the spring expands and the sliding contact is separated from the left lead. The circuit is opened and the current between the sliding contact and the left lead is cut off.

Metal thermal fuse link

Metal thermal fuse link

thermal cut off size

thermal cut off size

thermal cut-out (TCO)

thermal cut-out (TCO)

The metal shell temperature fuse link includes a metal pin, a sealing resin, a shell, a thermal fuse, and two fusible alloys. The metal pin and the two ends of the two fusible alloys are welded and connected. The fusible alloy and part of the metal pin are encapsulated in the insulating space of the shell by the sealing resin, and the thermal fuse is filled in the internal confined space encapsulated by the shell and the sealing resin. The two fusible alloys are welded and connected with the metal pin in anXshape, and there is a triangle protruding inward at the bottom of the shell. During the operation of the utility model, the intersection of the two fusible alloys is weak, and the disconnection point starts from the intersection. The metal pin has a relatively large adsorption on the fusible alloy, which is conducive to the contraction of the fusible alloy to the pin, avoiding the situation where the fusible alloy is reconnected. The structure of the shell can reduce the generation of arcs. Avoid sparks and burning safety hazards, improve safety of use, and after disconnection, the shell can also effectively prevent the melted fusible alloy from connecting again, permanently disconnecting the circuit.

1. A novel thermal fuse, comprising a metal pin (1), a sealing resin
(2), a shell
(3), a flux
(4), and two fusible alloys
(5), wherein the metal pin and the two fusible alloys are welded at both ends, the fusible alloys and part of the metal pin are encapsulated in the insulating space of the shell by the sealing resin, and the flux is filled in the internal sealed space encapsulated by the shell and the sealing resin. The invention is characterized in that the two fusible alloys are welded and connected to the metal pin in anXshape, and the bottom of the shell has a triangle shape protruding inward.

Metal Shell Thermal Fuse Cutoff 250VAC 10A Temperature Fuse TF 72-250℃(192℃)

Metal Shell Thermal Fuse Cutoff 250VAC 10A Temperature Fuse TF 72-250℃(192℃)

250V 10A 240 Celsius Circuit Cut-off Temperature Thermal Fuse

250V 10A 240 Celsius Circuit Cut-off Temperature Thermal Fuse

Thermal Fuse 10A 250V AEC142E Temperature Fuses Cutoffs 10Amp 250Volt 142℃ Fusible

Thermal Fuse 10A 250V AEC142E Temperature Fuses Cutoffs 10Amp 250Volt 142℃ Fusible

Our Metal thermal fuses are perfect for when you need an accurate and reliable solution for upper-limit temperature protection.
With our reliable protective thermal fuses, the active trigger mechanism is an exclusively formulated, electrically nonconductive pellet. When a predetermined temperature is reached that pellet melts, allowing the compression spring to relax. The trip spring then slides the contact away from the lead and the circuit is opened.

Widely used in:Transformatorji, Electric motors, Electric fans, Hair dryers, Electric irons, Rice cookers, Copiers, Electric stoves, Chargers, power taps, Water dispensers, Coffee makers etc.

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