Kategorije izdelkov
- Nosilec škatle z varovalkami 36
- Temperaturni senzor 67
- Termično stikalo 64
- Avtomobilska varovalka 19
- Pritrjene varovalke 7
- toplotna varovalka 32
- površinsko nameščene varovalke 12
- termistor 22
- Nosilec varovalk za PCB 27
- Kabelski snop 6
- Držala rezilnih varovalk 17
- termostat 46
- Električna varovalka 14
- Termični odklopnik 20
Oznake izdelkov
Kaj je digitalni temperaturni senzor? Zasnova senzorske sonde DS18B20
DS18B20 je pogosto uporabljen čip za digitalno temperaturno senzor, ki oddaja digitalni signal. Ima značilnosti majhne senzorske sonde, Nizke zahteve za oblikovanje strojne opreme, močna sposobnost proti motnjam in visoka natančnost. Digitalni temperaturni senzor DS18B20 je enostavno živeti, in se lahko uporablja večkrat po pakiranju sonde. Kot je vrsta plinovoda, navojni tip, magnetna adsorpcijska vrsta, Vrsta paketa iz nerjavečega jekla, različni modeli, vključno z LTM8877, LTM8874, itd.
A digital temperature sensor is a device that measures temperature and converts it into a digital reading that can be input into a microcontroller or other logic device. DS18B20 Digital temperature sensors use integrated circuits to provide accurate temperature readings. They are often used in consumer electronics, such as digital thermometers. DS18B20 je pogosto uporabljen čip za digitalno temperaturno senzor, ki oddaja digitalni signal. Ima značilnosti majhne senzorske sonde, Nizke zahteve za oblikovanje strojne opreme, močna sposobnost proti motnjam in visoka natančnost. Digitalni temperaturni senzor DS18B20 je enostavno živeti, in se lahko uporablja večkrat po pakiranju sonde. Kot je vrsta plinovoda, navojni tip, magnetna adsorpcijska vrsta, Vrsta paketa iz nerjavečega jekla, različni modeli, vključno z LTM8877, LTM8874, itd.
The appearance of the probe is mainly changed according to different application occasions. The packaged DS18B20 can be used for cable trench temperature measurement, blast furnace water circulation temperature measurement, boiler temperature measurement, machine room temperature measurement, agricultural greenhouse temperature measurement, clean room temperature measurement, ammunition depot temperature measurement and other non-extreme temperature occasions. Wear-resistant and collision-resistant, small size, easy to use, various packaging forms, suitable for various small space equipment digital temperature measurement and control fields.
These 1-wire digital temperature sensors are fairly precise (±0.5°C over much of the range) and can give up to 12 bits of precision from the onboard digital-to-analog converter. Its main features include:
High-precision measurement: DS18B20 provides 9-bit to 12-bit Celsius temperature measurement accuracy and supports multi-point temperature measurement networks.
Single-wire communication protocol: Data communication and power supply are carried out through a single data line, which simplifies hardware design.
Wide operating voltage range: Supports operating voltages from 3.0V to 5.5V, suitable for battery-powered applications.
Wide application fields: It has wide applications in consumer electronics, industrial control, spremljanje okolja in druga polja, such as temperature display of household appliances, precise industrial measurement, etc..
Application scenarios
DS18B20 digital temperature sensors have a wide range of applications in many fields, vključno z:
Household appliances: Used for temperature display and control, providing accurate temperature measurement.
Industrial control: Provides reliable solutions in precise industrial measurement.
Environmental monitoring: Suitable for various environmental monitoring occasions, such as temperature measurement in machine rooms, agricultural greenhouses, ammunition depots, etc.12.
Hardware connection method
When connecting DS18B20 to a microcontroller, you need to follow the following basic steps:
Determine the pin function: DS18B20 has three pins, namely VDD (power), DQ (data line), GND (ground line).
Power connection: The VDD pin is connected to a 3.3V or 5V power supply, depending on the operating voltage of the microcontroller.
Data line connection: The DQ pin is connected to VCC through a pull-up resistor (typical value is 4.7kΩ).
Ground connection: The GND pin is directly connected to the ground line of the microcontroller.
The temperature sensor supports the “one-wire bus” interface (1-Wrie), the measurement temperature range is -55 °C ~ +125 °C, in the range of -10 °C ~ +85 °C, the accuracy is plus or minus 0.5 °C
Nastavljiva ločljivost: 9 – 12 bit; Temperaturno območje: -55 ℃ do +125 ℃; Izhod : rdeča (VCC), rumena (PODATKI), črna (GND)
Temperaturni senzor DS18B20: velikost ohišja iz nerjavečega jekla je pribl. 6 x 50 mm/ 0.2 x 2 palec, in digitalni temperaturni toplotni kabel ima skupno dolžino pribl 1 m/ 39.4 palec, ki je dovolj dolg, da zadosti vašim potrebam.
YAXUN DS18B20 temperature sensor is compatible with Raspberry Pi, in se pogosto uporablja pri spremljanju temperature kabelskega jarka, kotel, kaj, kmetijski rastlinjak, čista soba, itd.
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