Kaj je senzor termoelementa?

Videz različnih termočlenskih senzorskih sond se zaradi potreb pogosto zelo razlikuje. Vendar, njihove osnovne strukture so približno enake, običajno sestavljen iz glavnih delov, kot je termoda, izolacijsko zaščitno cev za tulec, in priključno omarico, in se običajno uporabljajo v povezavi s prikazovalnimi instrumenti, snemalni instrumenti in elektronski regulatorji.

Thermocouples are commonly used temperature measuring components in temperature measuring instruments, It directly measures the temperature and converts the temperature signal into a thermo electromotive force signal. It is converted into the temperature of the measured medium by electrical instruments (secondary instruments). Videz različnih termočlenskih senzorskih sond se zaradi potreb pogosto zelo razlikuje. Vendar, njihove osnovne strukture so približno enake, običajno sestavljen iz glavnih delov, kot je termoda, izolacijsko zaščitno cev za tulec, in priključno omarico, in se običajno uporabljajo v povezavi s prikazovalnimi instrumenti, snemalni instrumenti in elektronski regulatorji.

Večtočkovni termoelement, odporen proti eksploziji

Večtočkovni termoelement, odporen proti eksploziji

Introduction to thermocouples sensor
In the industrial production process, temperature is one of the important parameters that need to be measured and controlled. In temperature measurement, the application of thermocouples is extremely wide. It has many advantages such as simple structure, convenient manufacturing, wide measurement range, visoka natančnost, low inertia and easy remote transmission of output signals. Poleg tega, since the thermocouple is a passive sensor, no external power supply is needed for measurement, which is very convenient to use. Zato, it is often used to measure the temperature of gas or liquid in furnaces and pipes and the surface temperature of solids.

Main features of thermocouple sensor
1. Simple assembly and convenient replacement;
2. Compression spring type temperature sensing element, good seismic performance;
3. High measurement accuracy;
4. Large measuring range (-200℃~1300℃, 270℃~2800℃ under special circumstances);
5. Fast thermal response time;
6. High mechanical strength and good pressure resistance;
7. High temperature resistance can reach 2800 stopnje;
8. Long service life.

Structural requirements of thermocouples sensor
In order to ensure the reliable and stable operation of the thermocouple sensor, the structural requirements of the thermocouple sensor are as follows:
1. The welding of the two thermo electrodes forming the thermocouple sensor must be firm;
2. The two hot electrodes should be well insulated from each other to prevent short circuits;
3. The connection between the compensation wire and the free end of the thermocouple should be convenient and reliable;
4. The protective sleeve should be able to ensure that the hot electrode is fully isolated from the harmful medium.

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