Showing 169–180 od 286 rezultate

manufacturer of armored thermocouples sensor

Armored thermocouples sensor are the same as industrial assembled thermocouples. As a temperature sensor, it is usually used in conjunction with display instruments, snemalni instrumenti in elektronski regulatorji. Hkrati, it can also be used as a temperature sensing element for assembled thermocouples.

Morski hi-amp vezje za čoln / Trolling z ročno ponastavitev

Po meri 16-3f, 187-Serija 25A-300A, 2000A/32VDC , 2000A/14VDC, 1500A/48VDC Tip Type Marine Circuit odklopnik za čoln / Trolling z ročno ponastavitev. 16-3F, 187-Series/ Red Wolf Circuit odklopnik za čoln Trolling Motor Marine ATV Trailer vozila Stereo Audio Electronic Actery Solar System Inline varovalka z ročnim ponastavitvijo stikala Vodoodporen DC 12V-48V.

MCCQ-211SN Automotive In-Line Sealed Fuseholder Wire Leaded for Mini Blade

China MULTICOMP PRO MCCQ-211SN is a MINI-series 30A Mini Blade/APM/ATM Blade Fuse cartridge In-line Fuse Holder with PVC construction, brass/tin-plated contacts and UL wire leaded holder terminals. Suitable for automotive blade type fuses.

Mehanska ponovna varovalka vodoodporna vezja odklopnik DC Power za avto RV čoln

Mehanski odklopnik Snap-in Snap-in Vrtiv, ki se običajno uporablja v DC napajalnih sistemih v morskih aplikacijah ( Serija 17 Tip 3,175-S0-110-2, 174-S3-150-2, 16-T , 3/8" odklopnik veje), sistemi za tovornjake in avtobusi, RV sistemi, Dodatek zaščite IP64 Vodoodporen zagon. Na voljo v 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50~ 300 velikosti Amp; Največja napetost: 28V DC; Vrsta odklopnika: Termično potovanje, ročna ponastavitev. Odklopniki morskih vezja - Yaxun je najbolj zaupanja vredna spletna tovarna za dele in dodatki za avtomobilski avtomobil po meri avtomobila., Čolni za prodajo.

Naprave za toplotno ločitev mehanske odpornosti (Serija DF SF 10amp)

Naknadno, napetost med kontaktoma termičnega izklopa in enosmernim tokokrogom se poveča, da se zagotovi odklop enosmernega tokokroga. S pričujočim izumom, težava, da termični izklop v enosmernem tokokrogu ne more učinkovito prekiniti tokokroga, je rešen, in učinek izboljšanja varnosti tokokroga je dosežen.

Medical body cavity Temp Measurement probe 2.252k or 10k ohm Skin Temperature Sensor

Medical temperature sensor, complete product models, reliable quality. 1K to 680K resistance optional, service life up to 10 leta. Medical-grade temperature sensor, automotive sensor, home appliance sensor chip uses high-precision chip, the response time can reach 0.5 seconds.

Medical Disposable Temperature Probe, NTC Sensor Od 2.3mm probe

NTC temperaturna senzor Sonda Uporaba v zgornjem pokrovu kuharja riža, Komercialni pokrov riža Cooker Top, Merilni dodatki za temperaturo 23.62 x 0.39 x 0.39 palcev; 0.48 unče. EPCOS / AVX / SEMITEC /SUBARA / MITSUBISHI / OHIZUMI NTC termistorski senzor, Senzor temperature površine. Rice cooker top lids temperature sensor-- hiter odzivni čas za takojšnje prilagoditve ogrevalne moči: s hitrim odzivnim časom, Ta sonda omogoča takojšnje prilagoditve ogrevalne moči, da se ohrani želena temperatura.

Medical surface temperature sensor for infants with tolerance of ±0.1℃

Medical surface temperature sensor is used to measure human surface temperature. The product nominal resistance is 2.252kΩ or 10kΩ. The probe is a stainless steel φ5.6 probe, which can be equipped with a 2-pin aviation plug (or other plugs according to customer requirements). The measurement temperature tolerance is (25℃~45℃) ±0.1℃.

MEGA Series 298 Slo-Blo PEC Automotive Bolt-Down Fuse 60A To 500A

The MEGA car Fuse is designed for high current circuit protection up to 12V and 24V 250~500 amperes with Diffusion

Metal Thermal Fuse for Limit Temperature Protection

Metal thermal fuse link (thermal cut off ) consists of a sliding contact, a spring, and an electrically nonconductive thermal pellet. Before the limit thermal fuse is activated, current flows from the left lead to the sliding contact and through the metal housing to the right lead. Metal Shell Thermal Fuse Cutoff 250VAC 10A Temperature Fuse link TF 72-250℃ (192℃).

Micro medical radiofrequency ablation electrode temperature sensor

φ0.30mm PI tube packaged medical temperature sensor. This product is a miniature medical radiofrequency ablation electrode temperature sensor. The product uses a polyimide tube with an outer diameter of Maxφ0.30mm to encapsulate epoxy resin, and the lead wire uses an enameled wire with an outer diameter of 0.05mm. The resistance value of the miniature thermistor sensor is calibrated one by one.

Micro2 Blade Fuses 0327005.YX2S Assorted Kit Car Truck

Micro Fuses Assortment KitMicro2 32V ATR Blade Fuses Automotive for Car, Čoln, RV, Truck, SUV Replacement (5A, 7.5A,