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PT100 temperature sensor BBQ probe for Oven / Grill / Barbecue / Fritös / Smoker

PT100 BBQ probe Meat thermometer provides an instant readout of inner food temperature during a cooking cycle without opening the Oven / Grill / Fritös / Smoker; Temperaturområde: 14 till 450 grader Fahrenheit; -10 till 232 grader Celsius; Probe cord heat resistant up to 700 grader Fahrenheit

Pt100 temperatursensor för militär utrustning

Aerospace: In the aerospace field, PT100 sensors are used to measure the temperature of liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen combustion chambers, turbine engines, fuel cells, etc. of aircraft and spacecraft. Hög precision, high reliability and strong stability are required.

PT1000 temperature sensor used in disinfection cabinets

As a common household appliance, disinfection cabinets are widely used for food disinfection and health care in homes and commercial places. In disinfection cabinets, PT1000 temperature sensors are a very important device for accurately measuring and controlling the temperature inside the disinfection cabinet.

RTD PT100 Temperature Sensor Probe with Cable

What is a Platinum thermal resistance sensor?
En RTD (Motståndstemperaturdetektor) is a Platinum thermal resistance whose resistance changes with changes in temperature. Its resistance increases as the sensor temperature increases. The relationship between resistance and temperature is well known and repeatable over time. RTD is a passive device. It does not produce output by itself. External electronics can be used to measure the sensor resistance by passing a small current through the sensor to produce a voltage. Typically 1 mA or less measurement current, maximum 5 mA, without risk of self-heating.

Temperatursonder, Typer av temperaturgivare & applikationer

En temperatursond är en anordning som används för att mäta temperatur, vanligtvis bestående av ett känsligt element och en mätkrets. Det känsliga elementet kan vara ett termoelement (pt100, pt1000), ett termiskt motstånd (ntc, ptc), en halvledare (DS18B20 digital), etc., som kan omvandla temperaturförändringar till elektriska signaler. Sedan förstärks det, filtreras, konverterade, och bearbetas av mätkretsen, och slutligen matas en elektrisk signal som är proportionell mot temperaturen ut.

Temperatursensor för elektriska apparater

yaxun has a variety of sensor products already used in home appliances in different scenarios, providing systematic sensor solutions for smart home appliances. These sensors translate temperature into data, enabling precise control and monitoring for applications ranging from industrial processes to smart home devices.

termistorsensorsonder och komponenter

termistor (negativ temperaturkoefficient) sensorsonder (ÖVERFORMAD SOND, SST-rör med sluten ände; Foley-kateter i silikon; epoxiförseglad, Nickelpläterat mässingsrör) /komponenter (Kabel & kontakt) lämplig för olika applikationer och industrier. Våra THERMISTOR-sonder och komponenter är lämpliga för temperaturavkänningstillämpningar såsom yttemperaturdetektering, luft-gas, elektriska apparater, strömförsörjning, VVS/kylsystem, vätskor, läkarvård, och övervakning.

Termistorsensortrådssele & Kabelmontering

It is surface mounting type sensor fixed to devices with mounting screw of different required size . Products can be custom according to different temp. This is a single (1) thermistor or fan wire harness. Harness measures 36″ (914.4mm), 22 AWG.You can choose which circuit board (RAMBo, Mini-Rambo,

Thermistor temperature sensor for electrical appliances

As everyone knows, the Small appliances , as a popular household kitchenware, not only has the function of heating, but also has many automatic functions. Till exempel, automatic heat preservation, automatic boiling water, automatic rice cooking, automatic soup cooking and other functions. The realization of all these automatic functions requires the Small appliances to be able to accurately measure and control the temperature. The existing Small appliances mainly uses a temperature sensor for temperature measurement. Such as

Vattentät tråd DS18B20 Temp Sensor Module Probe Kit

1-wire digital temperature sensors are fairly precise (±0.5°C over much of the range) and can give up to 12 bits of precision from the onboard digital-to-analog converter. The field temperature is directly transmitted by theone-wire busdigital method, which is suitable for field temperature measurement in harsh environments.

Vad är en digital temperatursensor? Design av DS18B20 sensorsond

DS18B20 is a commonly used digital temperature sensor probe chip, which outputs a digital signal. It has the characteristics of small sensor probe, low hardware design requirements, strong anti-interference ability and high precision. The DS18B20 digital temperature sensor is easy to wire, and can be used in many occasions after the probe is packaged. Such as pipeline type, threaded type, magnet adsorption type, stainless steel package type, various models, inklusive LTM8877, LTM8874, etc.