Aluminum shell PTC heater
bepansrade termoelement sensor
blad Säkringshållare
Säkring för bilblad
Ceramic PTC heater
Keramisk rörsäkring
Ds18b20 temperatursensor
elektrisk säkring
Snabb/långsam säkring
Inline säkringshållare
Limit Snap Disc-termostat
Mini effektbrytare
Motor överbelastningsskydd
Termiskt motorskydd
NTC termistorsensor
PCB-monterad säkringshållare
PPTC återställbar säkring
PT100 Temperaturgivare
PTC heater
PTC termistor
Sensorsonder & Kablar
enstegs kapillärtermostat
Slow Blow Micro Fuse
Smart termostat
Ytmonterade säkringar
Temp Cutoff Link
Temperaturgivare kabel
temp switch
Termisk avstängning
Termisk brytare
Termisk säkring
termiskt skydd
Vad är en digital temperatursensor? Design av DS18B20 sensorsond
DS18B20 is a commonly used digital temperature sensor probe chip, which outputs a digital signal. It has the characteristics of small sensor probe, low hardware design requirements, strong anti-interference ability and high precision. The DS18B20 digital temperature sensor is easy to wire, and can be used in many occasions after the probe is packaged. Such as pipeline type, threaded type, magnet adsorption type, stainless steel package type, various models, including LTM8877, LTM8874, etc.
A digital temperature sensor is a device that measures temperature and converts it into a digital reading that can be input into a microcontroller or other logic device. DS18B20 Digital temperature sensors use integrated circuits to provide accurate temperature readings. They are often used in consumer electronics, such as digital thermometers. DS18B20 is a commonly used digital temperature sensor probe chip, which outputs a digital signal. It has the characteristics of small sensor probe, low hardware design requirements, strong anti-interference ability and high precision. The DS18B20 digital temperature sensor is easy to wire, and can be used in many occasions after the probe is packaged. Such as pipeline type, threaded type, magnet adsorption type, stainless steel package type, various models, including LTM8877, LTM8874, etc.
The appearance of the probe is mainly changed according to different application occasions. The packaged DS18B20 can be used for cable trench temperature measurement, blast furnace water circulation temperature measurement, boiler temperature measurement, machine room temperature measurement, agricultural greenhouse temperature measurement, clean room temperature measurement, ammunition depot temperature measurement and other non-extreme temperature occasions. Wear-resistant and collision-resistant, liten storlek, easy to use, various packaging forms, suitable for various small space equipment digital temperature measurement and control fields.
These 1-wire digital temperature sensors are fairly precise (±0.5°C over much of the range) and can give up to 12 bits of precision from the onboard digital-to-analog converter. Its main features include:
High-precision measurement: DS18B20 provides 9-bit to 12-bit Celsius temperature measurement accuracy and supports multi-point temperature measurement networks.
Single-wire communication protocol: Data communication and power supply are carried out through a single data line, which simplifies hardware design.
Wide operating voltage range: Supports operating voltages from 3.0V to 5.5V, suitable for battery-powered applications.
Wide application fields: It has wide applications in consumer electronics, industrial control, environmental monitoring and other fields, such as temperature display of household appliances, precise industrial measurement, etc..
Application scenarios
DS18B20 digital temperature sensors have a wide range of applications in many fields, inklusive:
Household appliances: Used for temperature display and control, providing accurate temperature measurement.
Industrial control: Provides reliable solutions in precise industrial measurement.
Environmental monitoring: Suitable for various environmental monitoring occasions, such as temperature measurement in machine rooms, agricultural greenhouses, ammunition depots, etc.12.
Hardware connection method
When connecting DS18B20 to a microcontroller, you need to follow the following basic steps:
Determine the pin function: DS18B20 has three pins, namely VDD (power), DQ (data line), GND (ground line).
Power connection: The VDD pin is connected to a 3.3V or 5V power supply, depending on the operating voltage of the microcontroller.
Data line connection: The DQ pin is connected to VCC through a pull-up resistor (typical value is 4.7kΩ).
Ground connection: The GND pin is directly connected to the ground line of the microcontroller.
The temperature sensor supports the “one-wire bus” interface (1-Wrie), the measurement temperature range is -55 °C ~ +125 °C, in the range of -10 °C ~ +85 °C, the accuracy is plus or minus 0.5 °C
Adjustable resolution: 9 – 12 bit; Temperature range: -55 ℃ till +125 ℃; Output : red (VCC), yellow (DATA), svart (GND)
DS18B20 temperature sensor: the size of stainless steel housing is approx. 6 x 50 mm/ 0.2 x 2 tum, and the digital temperature thermal cable has a total length of approx 1 m/ 39.4 tum, which is long enough to meet your needs.
YAXUN DS18B20 temperature sensor is compatible with Raspberry Pi, and is widely applied in temperature monitoring of cable trench, boiler, zer, agricultural greenhouse, clean room, etc.
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DALLAS Ds18b20 temperatursensorsond
Ultra liten storlek, ultralåg hårdvaruoverhead, stark anti-interferensförmåga, hög precision, och starka tilläggsfunktioner gör DS18B20 mer populär. Fördelarna med DS18B20 är vårt bästa val för att lära sig mikrokontrollerteknik och utveckla temperaturrelaterade små produkter. Att förstå arbetsprinciperna och tillämpningarna kan bredda dina idéer för utveckling av mikrokontroller.
Ds18b20 Sensor Probe funktioner och applikationer
What sensor is ds18b20?
DS18B20 is a commonly used digital temperature sensor, which outputs a digital signal with the characteristics of small size, low hardware overhead, strong anti-interference ability and high precision. The DS18B20 digital temperature sensor is easy to wire and can be used in a variety of occasions after packaging, such as pipeline type, threaded type, magnet adsorption type, stainless steel packaging type, and various models, including LTM8877, LTM8874, etc.
NTC Thermistor Sensor Water Temperature Measurement using EPCOS NTC thermistor
1k, 2k, 2.7k, 3k, 5k, 10k, 15k, 20k, 30k, 40k, 47k, 50k, 100k, 200k ohm; B25/50: 3950 3435 3977K thermistor probe ntc temperature Measurement sensor using EPCOS NTC thermistor. NTC Thermistors sensor provide voltage and noise suppression as well as temperature measurement and compensation in automotive applications. These thermistors sensor probe feature multilayer NTC with inner electrodes, nickel barrier termination, and superior resistance temperature Measurement stability during soldering.
NTC, PTC, PT100, DS18B20 för temperatursondsgivare
Termoelementsond: Den använder den termoelektriska effekten för att mäta temperatur, och har egenskaperna hos ett brett mätområde och snabb svarshastighet.
Termisk resistanssond: använder egenskapen att motståndet hos metall eller halvledarmaterial ändras med temperaturen för att mäta temperatur, och har egenskaperna hög mätnoggrannhet och god stabilitet.
Halvledarsond: använder egenskapen att ledningsförmågan hos halvledarmaterial ändras med temperaturen för att mäta temperatur, och har egenskaperna av liten storlek, låg vikt och låg strömförbrukning.
Temperatursonder, Typer av temperaturgivare & applikationer
En temperatursond är en anordning som används för att mäta temperatur, vanligtvis bestående av ett känsligt element och en mätkrets. Det känsliga elementet kan vara ett termoelement (pt100, pt1000), ett termiskt motstånd (ntc, ptc), en halvledare (DS18B20 digital), etc., som kan omvandla temperaturförändringar till elektriska signaler. Sedan förstärks det, filtreras, konverterade, och bearbetas av mätkretsen, och slutligen matas en elektrisk signal som är proportionell mot temperaturen ut.