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Isı anahtarı
Termistör Sensör Probu
Ksd9700 Thermostat N.C 5A / 10A Bimetal Temperature Control Switch
KSD-9700 series 5A, 10A, 16A, 20A, 25A, 40A, AC 250V 50~60Hz thermostat thermal protector action switch consists of dish shape high sensitive bimetal elemeng, movable contact-head, static contact-piece, soleplate, outer case, ghermal resistant lead and so on.
Kategoriler: Isı anahtarı, termostat
Etiketler: sıcaklık anahtarı, Sıcaklık kontrol anahtarı, Termal Kesme Anahtarı, Termal kesme, termal koruyucu, Isı anahtarı
KSD-9700 series 5A, 10A, 16A, 20A, 25A, 40A, AC 250V 50~60Hz thermostat thermal protector action switch consists of dish shape high sensitive bimetal elemeng, movable contact-head, static contact-piece, soleplate, outer case, ghermal resistant lead and so on. The bimetal disc is in free state and the contacts are closed when the electrical appliance is working in normal condition. When the ambient temperature raises to the preset operating temperature, the contacts open as the bimetal disc deforms to jump when being heated, then the circuit is cut off to control the temperature .Then the contacts will close automatically to cut on the circuit when the electrical appliance is cooled down to the reset temperature. The bimetallic element restores to its primary state and contact point is closed . The electric appliance restores its work. The product has many advantages such as small in resistor, puick in temperature feeling, fast in action. Safe and reliable. compact and so on. This product is widely used in home appliance’s motor and electrical equipment, such as air conditioner motor, trafo, thermal appliances, vesaire.
Nominal Gerilim: AC 250V 50~60Hz
Nominal Akım: 5A, 10A, 16A, 20A, 25A, 40A of Resistive Load
Switch Type and Number of poles: 1 pole opener
IP-Protection Degree: IP00
Action Type: 1A
Operation Cycles: 10000 cycle
Insulation material PTI value : 175V
Resistance of Contact: ≤ 50mΩ (original state)
Resistance of Insulated : >100MΩ(DC500V normality)
Test Voltage : ≥ 1250V/1min(nomality)
1 veya 2 Temperature Control Switch
Model : KSD9700
Material : Metal case
Temas etmek : NC(Normal Closed)/NO(Normal Open)
Temperature : 15°C~155°C
Rated Power : 250V 5A
Lead Wire Length : 7.3cm / 2.9″
Head Dimension : 20 x 7.5 x 3.5mm/0.78″ x 0.3″ x 0.14″(L*W*T)
Precautions for use:
1. Do not deform or collapse the casing during installation!
2, this product is not suitable for use in the air temperature, only for contact temperature!
(Can be fixed by tie wire, iron wire, fixing seat or 704 silicone rubber)
3, the metal case is charged, not suitable for working in water.
The plastic case should not be immersed in the insulating seal when it is placed in the water.
4. When the product is installed, the temperature control switch should be close to the mounting surface of the controlled appliance.
Bize Ulaşın
E-postanızı bekliyorum, size içinde cevap vereceğiz 12 ihtiyaç duyduğunuz değerli bilgilerle saatler.
Bimetal Termal Koruyucu YOK Sıcaklık Kontrol Anahtarı KSD9700 / Seki
Özel Küçük Boyutlu Bimetal Termal Koruyucu İşlemi YOK / NC (KSD9700 / Seki Sıcaklık Kontrol Anahtarı Plastik, Bimetalik; Nominal Gerilim : 250V; Akım : 5A~25 Amper ; ).
①: Gereksinimleri müşterilerle tartışın (termal kesme sıcaklığı noktasını kontrol edin, eylem modu (manuel ve otomatik sıfırlama), sıcaklığı sıfırla, kurulum yöntemi ve boyutu);
Çin Özel Limit Diskli Termostat Kontrol Anahtarları Therm o-Disc
Snap Disk, veya 3/4" Limit anahtarlı termostatlar (KSD301/KSD302/KSD304/KSD308) ayarlanan sıcaklıkta dışbükeyden içbükey şekle "geçen" bir bimetal diskin termal genleşmesi ve büzülmesi yoluyla çalışan bimetal mekanik termostatlardır.. AC 110V/400V'a kadar taşıma, 10A-60A amper-240 Volt, Eylem modu: otomatik sıfırlama, manuel sıfırlama (normalde açık/normalde kapalı).
Motor termal koruyucusu
Sıcaklık algılama elemanı olarak bimetalik levha kullanan sıcaklık kontrol anahtarı:
Motor termal koruyucusu KSD9700, 8sabah, 3Milletvekili, 6Erişim noktası, 5Erişim noktası, 2MP serisi ürünler, sıcaklık algılama elemanı olarak bimetalik levha kullanan bir termostattır. Elektrikli cihaz normal şekilde çalışırken, bimetalik parça serbest durumdadır ve kontaklar kapalı/açık durumdadır.