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probe & cable of thermal resistance sensor
The probe & cableof platinum resistance sensor: stainless steel probe package, thread, magnetic body package, spring top tight, ABS shell, glass fiber and other waterproof protection temperature probes and High temperature wire silicone braided cable, mica wire, glass fiber wire, electronic wire, Teflon wire.
Kategori: Sıcaklık sensörü
Etiketler: PT100 Sıcaklık sensörü, Sıcaklık sensörü, Sıcaklık sensörü kablosu, Sıcaklık Sensörü Probu
The probe & cableof platinum resistance sensor: stainless steel probe package, thread, magnetic body package, spring top tight, ABS shell, glass fiber and other waterproof protection temperature probes and High temperature wire silicone braided cable, mica wire, glass fiber wire, electronic wire, Teflon wire.
The principle of platinum resistance temperature measurement is the principle that the resistance value of the platinum resistance increases as the temperature increases.
Thermal resistance (PT100) is designed and manufactured using the basic principle that the resistance value of platinum wire changes with temperature. According to the resistance value R (°C) at 0℃, it is divided into 10 ohms (graduation number Pt10) Ve 100 ohms (graduation number Pt100), vesaire. The temperature measurement range is large, suitable for -200~850℃. The temperature sensing element of the 10 ohm platinum thermal resistance is made of thicker platinum wire, and its temperature resistance is obviously better than that of the 100 ohm platinum thermal resistance. Mainly used in the temperature zone above 650℃: 100 ohm platinum thermal resistance (PT100) is mainly used in the temperature zone below 650℃. Although it can also be used in the temperature zone above 650℃, the A-level error is not allowed in the temperature zone above 650℃.
What is a platinum thermal resistance?
The resolution of a 100 ohm platinum thermal resistance is 10 times greater than that of a 10 ohm platinum thermal resistance. The requirements for the secondary instrument are correspondingly more than an order of magnitude, so 100 ohm platinum thermal resistance (PT100) should be used as much as possible to measure the temperature in the temperature zone below 650 °C.
The material of the frame of the temperature sensing element (PT100) is also the main factor that determines the temperature zone of the platinum thermal resistance. Common temperature sensing components include ceramic components, glass components, and mica components. They are made of platinum wire wound on the ceramic framework, glass framework and mica framework respectively, and then processed by complicated processes. Due to the different properties of the framework material itself, ceramic components are suitable for temperature zones below 850°C, and glass components are suitable for temperature zones below 550°C. There are a large number of thick film and thin film platinum thermal resistance temperature sensing elements on the market. The thick film platinum thermal resistance element is printed with platinum paste on the glass or ceramic base plate, and the thin film platinum thermal resistance element is sputtered with platinum paste on the glass or ceramic base plate, and then processed by photolithography. This kind of temperature sensing element is only suitable for the temperature range of -70~500℃, but this kind of temperature sensing element uses less materials, can be mechanized and mass-produced, has high efficiency and low price.
In terms of structure, platinum thermal resistance can also be divided into industrial platinum thermal resistance and armored platinum thermal resistance. Industrial platinum thermal resistance is also called assembling platinum thermal resistance, that is, the platinum thermal resistance temperature sensing element is welded on the lead wire and assembled in a metal tube or ceramic tube with one end closed, and then a junction box is installed; The armored platinum thermal resistance is a whole assembled by the platinum thermal resistance element, the transition lead, and the insulating powder in the stainless steel tube and then the die is pulled. It has the advantages of being solid, anti-vibration, winding, small wire diameter, easy to use and install, vesaire.
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DALLAS Ds18b20 Sıcaklık Sensörü Probu
Ultra küçük boyut, ultra düşük donanım yükü, güçlü anti-parazit yeteneği, yüksek hassasiyet, ve güçlü ek işlevler DS18B20'yi daha popüler hale getiriyor. DS18B20'nin avantajları mikrodenetleyici teknolojisini öğrenmek ve sıcaklıkla ilgili küçük ürünler geliştirmek için en iyi seçimimizdir. Çalışma prensiplerini ve uygulamalarını anlamak, mikrodenetleyici geliştirme konusundaki fikirlerinizi genişletebilir.
Energy Storage CCS PT100 / PT1000 Sensor & Cable Assembly Solution
Pt100 and Pt1000 are the most widely used RTD sensors Cable. Although similar, their different nominal resistances determine which applications they will suit. Available in two versions: as a thin film sensor and as a wire sensor, which differ in the permissible measurement current and the operating temperature range.
NTC Temperature Sensor
What Is The NTC Temperature Sensor? NTC temperature sensor is an thermistor after the wire welding, encapsulate into a different probe and then use an epoxy seal. The temperature sensor retains all the features of the thermistor. After the optimization of the injection and cooling stages, will be made into a complete product, mass production is a continuous cycle of this processing step produced.