Sıcaklık probları, Sıcaklık sensörü türleri & uygulamalar

Sıcaklık probu sıcaklığı ölçmek için kullanılan bir cihazdır, genellikle hassas bir eleman ve bir ölçüm devresinden oluşur. Hassas eleman bir termokupl olabilir (pt100, pt1000), bir termal direnç (ntc, ptc), bir yarı iletken (DS18B20 dijital), vesaire., sıcaklık değişimlerini elektrik sinyallerine dönüştürebilen. Daha sonra güçlendirilir, filtrelenmiş, dönüştürülmüş, ve ölçüm devresi tarafından işlenir, ve son olarak sıcaklığa orantılı bir elektrik sinyali verilir.

Temperature probes and temperature sensors are two different devices, and they have their own characteristics and application scenarios in measuring temperature.

1M 2M 2.5M 3M Cable DS18B20 Waterproof Digital Temperature Probe Temperature Sensor Stainless Steel Probe

1M 2M 2.5M 3M Cable DS18B20 Waterproof Digital Temperature Probe Temperature Sensor Stainless Steel Probe

3-wire PT100 temperature probe for industrial temperature control Class B, Class A high accuracy

3-wire PT100 temperature probe for industrial temperature control Class B, Class A high accuracy

NTC thermistor Temperature Sensor B3950 3380 3435 3470 10K Waterproof Probe 1 Meter

NTC thermistor Temperature Sensor B3950 3380 3435 3470 10K Waterproof Probe 1 Meter

Temperature Probe

A “temperature probeis a sensor used to measure temperature by converting the heat energy into a measurable electrical signal, and the most common types of temperature sensors within a probe include thermocouples, Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD'ler), and thermistors, each with distinct characteristics and applications based on the required accuracy, sıcaklık aralığı, and response time needed for a specific situation.

‌Definition‌: Sıcaklık probu sıcaklığı ölçmek için kullanılan bir cihazdır, genellikle hassas bir eleman ve bir ölçüm devresinden oluşur. Hassas eleman bir termokupl olabilir (pt100, pt1000), bir termal direnç (ntc, ptc), bir yarı iletken (DS18B20 dijital), vesaire., sıcaklık değişimlerini elektrik sinyallerine dönüştürebilen. Daha sonra güçlendirilir, filtrelenmiş, dönüştürülmüş, ve ölçüm devresi tarafından işlenir, ve son olarak sıcaklığa orantılı bir elektrik sinyali verilir.
‌Working Principle‌: The working principle of the temperature probe is to use the response of the sensitive element to temperature changes to convert temperature changes into electrical signals. Common sensitive elements include thermocouples, termal dirençler, yarı iletken, vesaire. The working principle of the thermocouple is to use the thermoelectric effect of two different metals or alloys. When they are connected together and at different temperatures, an electromotive force proportional to the temperature is generated. The working principle of the thermal resistor is to use the property that the resistance of metal or semiconductor materials changes with temperature. When the temperature changes, the resistance value will also change accordingly. The working principle of semiconductor is to use the property that the conductivity of semiconductor material changes with temperature. When the temperature changes, the conductivity will also change accordingly.
‌Type‌: The types of temperature probes mainly include thermocouple probes, thermal resistor probes, semiconductor probes, vesaire. Thermocouple probes use thermocouples as sensitive elements, and have the characteristics of wide measurement range, fast response speed, ve yüksek hassasiyet. Thermal resistor probes use thermal resistors as sensitive elements, and have the characteristics of high measurement accuracy, iyi stabilite, and strong anti-interference ability. Semiconductor probes use semiconductors as sensitive elements, and have the characteristics of small size, hafif, and low power consumption.
‌Application fields‌: Temperature probes are widely used in industry, scientific research, tıbbi bakım, environmental protection and other fields. Such as temperature measurement and control in chemical, petroleum, metallurgy, electricity, pharmaceutical, food and other industries.

DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Cable with Probe
Wiring: Kırmızı(VCC), Yellow(Data), Siyah(GND)
Wide temperature range of -55 ° ~ +125 °C
Power supply: 3.0V ~ 5.5V
Tips: Using a 4.7K resistor between the Data and VCC will make the testing of the probe easilier.

Sıcaklık Probu Performansı ve Sınıflandırması

Sıcaklık Probu Performansı ve Sınıflandırması

Comparison between thermistor temperature sensor probe and bimetallic temperature probe

Comparison between thermistor temperature sensor probe and bimetallic temperature probe

NTC 3950 100K Termistör Sensörleri 1 Sayaç Kablolaması ve Terminali

NTC 3950 100K Termistör Sensörleri 1 Sayaç Kablolaması ve Terminali

İşlev: Generates a voltage difference based on the temperature at the junction of two dissimilar metal wires.
Pros: Geniş sıcaklık aralığı (-200°C to 1750°C), relatively inexpensive, fast response time.
Cons: Lower accuracy compared to other sensors, requires calibration tables to convert voltage to temperature.
Uygulamalar: High-temperature applications like furnaces, engine monitoring, industrial processes.

Applications of Temperature Probes:
Industrial Processes: Monitoring temperature in manufacturing processes like ovens, reactors, and extruders.
HVAC Systems: Regulating room temperature in buildings by monitoring air temperature.
Food Safety: Monitoring food temperature during cooking and storage to ensure food safety.
Medical Devices: Measuring body temperature in patients through probes inserted into the body.
Automotive Industry: Monitoring engine coolant temperature and cabin temperature.
Scientific Research: Precise temperature measurements in experiments.

Sıcaklık sensörü
‌Definition‌: A temperature sensor is a device that can convert temperature changes into electrical signals. It usually consists of a sensitive element and a signal processing circuit. Hassas eleman bir termokupl olabilir, thermal resistor, semiconductor, vesaire. The signal processing circuit can be an analog circuit, a digital circuit, vesaire., which together complete the acquisition, Sıcaklık sinyallerinin işlenmesi ve çıkışı.
‌Working principle‌: The working principle of the temperature sensor is similar to that of the temperature probe. It also uses the response of the sensitive element to the temperature change to convert the temperature change into an electrical signal. Fakat, the temperature sensor usually has a more complex signal processing circuit, which can perform more advanced processing on the temperature signal, such as digital conversion, data storage, communication, vesaire.
‌Type‌: The types of temperature sensors mainly include analog temperature sensors, digital temperature sensors, and intelligent temperature sensors. Analog temperature sensors output analog signals, which need to be converted into digital signals through analog-to-digital converters. Digital temperature sensors directly output digital signals, and have the characteristics of strong anti-interference ability, yüksek hassasiyet, and easy integration. Intelligent temperature sensors have functions such as self-diagnosis, kendi kendine kalibrasyon, and communication, ve uzaktan izleme ve kontrolü gerçekleştirebilir.
‌Features‌: The temperature sensor has the characteristics of high measurement accuracy, iyi stabilite, güçlü anti-parazit yeteneği, and easy integration. Different types of temperature sensors have different characteristics, such as analog temperature sensors require analog-to-digital converters, digital temperature sensors directly output digital signals, and intelligent temperature sensors have functions such as self-diagnosis, kendi kendine kalibrasyon, and communication.
‌Application fields‌: Temperature sensors are widely used in smart home, smart wearable, medical equipment, endüstriyel otomasyon, environmental monitoring and other fields, such as air conditioners, buzdolapları, çamaşır makineleri, thermometers, sphygmomanometers, industrial control systems, vesaire.

How to choose?
When choosing a temperature probe or temperature sensor, the following factors need to be considered:

‌Application environment‌: Ölçülen ortamın aşınabilirlik gibi özel koşulları olup olmadığını düşünün, yüksek sıcaklık, yüksek baskı, vesaire., uygun malzemeleri ve koruma seviyelerini seçmek için.
‌Measurement range‌: Sensörün gerekli aralık içinde doğru bir şekilde ölçülebilmesini sağlamak için ölçülecek sıcaklık aralığına göre uygun bir sensör seçin.
‌Accuracy requirements‌: Select a sensor with corresponding accuracy according to the accuracy requirements of the application for temperature measurement.
‌Cost budget‌: Select a cost-effective sensor according to budget constraints.

How to use?
When using a temperature probe or temperature sensor, the following matters need to be noted:
kurulum: Install it correctly according to the installation instructions of the sensor to ensure that the sensor is in good contact with the object to be measured and avoid measurement errors caused by improper installation.
‌Wiring‌: Sinyal iletiminin stabilitesini ve doğruluğunu sağlamak için sensörün sinyal hattını ve güç hattını doğru bir şekilde bağlayın.
‌ Katilasyon‌: Ölçüm doğruluğunun uygulama gereksinimlerini karşıladığından emin olmak için sensörü düzenli olarak kalibre edin.
Bakım: Tozdan kaçınmak için sensörü düzenli olarak temizleyin ve bakımını yapın, kir, vesaire. affecting the measurement performance of the sensor.

Temperature probe sensor is one of the important products of our YXAUN company. We focus on the fields of intelligent manufacturing and industrial automation, and provide a series of high-precision and stable measurement and control equipment, including temperature probe sensors. Our temperature probe sensors are widely used in industrial manufacturing, environmental monitoring, energy management and other industries with their high precision, stability and adaptability to complex environments. If you have specific needs or questions about our temperature probe sensors, please feel free to consult us. We will wholeheartedly provide you with professional answers and services. What aspect of the temperature probe sensor do you want to know?

How to choose a suitable temperature probe sensor?
When choosing a temperature probe sensor, consider the temperature measurement range, doğruluk gereksinimleri, response speed and installation environment. Örneğin, thermocouples or platinum resistance can be selected for industrial environments, PT100 for high precision, and thermocouples for fast response.

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