Alman McCormick Thermik S06 120.05 150.05 125.05 motor termostat anahtarı
Ürün serisi: ST06 motor termostat anahtarı Alman McCormick Thermik S06 S06'nın yerine geçer 120.05 150.05 125.05
Elektriksel parametreler: 6,3 bir ~ 25 A
Normal closed;
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Normalde kapalı;
Otomatik sıfırlama;
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Polyester film - Nomex kağıt yalıtımı;
250V için H3-44B Sigorta Sahipleri 4.8mm Terminal 15 AMP 5.2×20 Sigorta
H3-44B 5.2x20 Panel Montaj Sigorta Sahipleri 250V 15 AMP 4.8mm Faston Terminal Sigorta Bloğu ; Bu panel montaj sigortası tutucu yuvarlak sigorta tutucusu ile uyumludur. They're used with Class CC fuses to provide overcurrent protection of branch circuits. Öğe: H3-10A, H3-10B, H3-24, H3-44B, H3-45A, H3-45B, H3-50A, H3-50B, H3-56A, H3-56B, H3-60A, H3-60B, H3-67, H3-68, H3-77A, H3-78, H3-79, MF550, H80-A1.
Yüksek Doğruluk NTC Sıcaklık Sensörü Nasıl Seçilir?
NTC thermistor has a high resistance at low temperature, and as the temperature increases the resistance decreases rapidly. Therefore NTCs offer the benefit of highly accurate and quick response times to very small changes in temperature. NTC thermistors are available with high accuracy, but typically over much narrower temperature ranges, such as 0 ° C ila +70 °C.